Bill Svarda Music2019-06-17T21:31:05+00:00

SEPTEMBER – Day to Day

Just take a moment to stop and think about our day to day living in this great country of ours. I realize that there is no “free lunch,” but things are quite a bit different now than they were four or five years ago.  My day to day needs are the same. My schedule is very similar. My routine hasn’t changed noticeably. My health is stable even though slightly older now. So what is it that has made a difference now in my day to day living?

We still eat three meals a day and snack sparingly. We still drive our cars as necessary. We still fill our cars occasionally with gasoline. We still drive to appointments for doctors, dentists; pharmacy, grocery, church, errands, etc. We still visit other people in other towns or cities. So what is it that has changed drastically in our daily lives?

Gasoline has almost tripled in price depending on where you are located. Groceries, which used to cost under $100.00 per week for three people have more than doubled. Medications have risen in price as have office supplies, books, computer necessities, etc.Insurance of all kinds have risen in price as has anything in the legal profession.

Retirement has stayed virtually the same for those on a fixed income. Our needs have stayed virtually the same. Middle class is static in many ways. The questions hanging before us have become: Why has this happened, and How do we fix it? Inquiring minds want to know.  Everyone needs to know.  Our daily lives are at risk.

First of all, we have a government that is out of control in many ways. Its bloated bureaucracy is monumentally out of control. The Constitutional Republic that we follow is being ignored by all three branches in favor of far left Liberalism as a new model, most of which is illegal (unconstitutional). Therefore our checks and balances which guide us legally are missing, e.g. – all three branches are legislating, passing laws and mandates that are unchecked and so bloated as to be un-readable due to the enormous length, and to the illegal and unnecessary riders that they contain.

This control is from the Democrat party, who wants to maintain control by the political weaponization of everything possible, including the DOJ, FBI, HHS, IRS and every other acronym you can think of. Censorship and mandates, masks and vaccines, a recession caused by an out of control Fed which prints money as needed by the government with no backup or control. The dollar is now downgraded internationally. Total control of almost all of our media is dystopian and fascist, but works for a socialized government. We are nearing a one-party system of government which is unconstitutional. (they don’t care). Education has to be socialized to carry out the indoctrination necessary for total control. An open southern border is necessary to control the upcoming elections, also to unbalance our economy. Love of our country is trashed in favor of a “One World Government.”  All of the above reeks of corruption. The Democrat party is desperate to do anything involving cheating to win the next elections. They must be able to continue their evil agenda.

All of the above has affected our day to day lives.  If we let it continue it will get worse until we are doomed to follow blindly the Rich and Powerful who are behind this government take-over. What do they gain?  More rich and more powerful control over everything with a “One World” government.  Our present administration has a God complex. They feel that they can do no wrong. They are “above it all,” and untouchable

We the people must show these miscreants that they are wrong.  They are not untouchable.They cannot hijack our great country for their own purposes.  Those following the Democrat party blindly must wake up to the evils of their party and elect new patriots to office who are honest. This Democrat party has been racist for a long time.  They use this now to create divisiveness and confusion among our young and all who are impressionable. Sub-themes like abortion and hijacking the legal system are also evil. They hire attorneys and judges to do their dirty work, then sit back like the puppeteers they imitate and find more strings to pull, thinking that there is no one to stop them.  Let’s prove them wrong!

We the people must speak with a strong and unified voice to end these evils.  We must insure that all of our upcoming elections are fair and legal.  The impediments used in the previous election must not be allowed again.  Do not confuse Democrat with Democratic.  There is an enormous difference in the two.

The individual states that we live in have untapped power.  They need to access this power to save our country and our daily lives and our families and generations to come.  The states can and should make a difference in the coming elections, insisting on truth and honesty without censorship.  All opinions must be heard, not just the loudest or most frequent.

Let us pray that those supporting the evils that we are living with will wake up and pay attention to what is really happening, not just what they are told is happening. God Bless America!  And, let us also remember our “Pledge of Allegiance” to our flag and land!

By |September 8th, 2023|

AUGUST – Armageddon Looms

For the first time since I have voted, I am ashamed of our government.  The present administration, (Biden), the justice department, FBI, Merrick Garland, Wray, Smith, etc, are all part of the most corrupt governing bodies we have ever had in America.  And this is saying a lot. Look at the deeds and misdeeds of FDR.

The Democrat Party has always been corrupt.  They were in league with the KKK (Why are blacks still members of this party?)  They were against civil rights legislation (Johnson, Biden, Bird, etc.).  They have had virtual crime bosses in charge of voting precincts since I was young,and these were known for threats and head-banging and worse if you didn’t vote Democrat.  Why does anyone still belong to this party of evil?

And now the Democrat Party, after blatantly stealing the last presidential election, (mail-in ballots, Dominion voting machines, harvesting, etc.) is doing it again.  Even worse, and in plain sight of the world. Biden, Garland with DOJ, FBI, etc. are planning and implementing every illegal and corrupt trick they can find to derail a past president even from running again with enormous public support.  The entire justice department, including attorneys, (Jack Smith), judges, grand juries, is part of this farce which started with a January 6th speech by Trump which was railroaded into evilness by the DOJ and the FBI with Pelosi refusing any support for calm and then turning everything into an improvised “insurrection” by reversing positions in the middle of the peaceful protest goaded on by plants from the justice system (FBI), who turned this legal protest into a way to derail Trump.  One white lady was shot and killed by a DC policeman and, no riots or burning or looting were reported…amazing!  Then a kangaroo court farce led by Liz Cheney and other Democrats also turned ugly and reversed reality into another way to gain power and hurt innocent people illegally. All of this is bad precedent for our already strained justice system.

All of the above became part of a propaganda campaign for Democrats to point fingers and to obscure details from the public by our left leaning media.  The press and the media of all kinds have been one-sided and instruments of propaganda during the present administration, but also from the time of Obama and even before, during the Clinton administration. Actually, through every Democrat administration.  The days of honest, truthful and balanced reporting from journalists and newsrooms are long gone.  This kind of sanitized reporting in print, on TV and in social media, unfortunately makes the evils of this administration and the Democrat party easy to transmit to the general public, who now has developed a taste for indoctrination and propaganda. CNN and MSNBC are leaders of the pack!

Democrats have used racism as a tool whenever it is to their advantage.  They are now using climate change, green whatever, electric batteries and cars, gender misinformation, atheism to derail church influence, schools to indoctrinate with false medicine, history, and censorship, in other words anything and everything that they can use, to gain total power and control over America and make a change to socialism/communism/dictatorship/even monarchy as soon as this becomes possible.  Causing inflation and printing unsupported money will damage our economy so that when everyone is destitute, total control becomes possible.  This makes the despots from the past look like beginners.

Biden is a puppet, a tool who is faltering, but he is still able to fulfill his function of leading by default.  He is malleable as is his vice president who is not capable enough to be either a puppet or a tool.  All the Democrats have to do now is discredit and neutralize Trump in any way possible so that they win in 2024.  Then their plan B can take effect.  Real control by the real entities in charge, the billionaires and trillionaires who are in fact in charge now.  When that happens, the world turns into global slavery.  No one will be exempt, including all of the minions who worked faithfully to make this happen.  The only law will be the “new law” of the New World Order.  One military, one way of policing throughout the world, and the only recourse is whether you or anyone else would prefer to live as a slave or die.  You will have a choice:  kill yourself in any way you choose, or reach a deadline where “we will do it for you!”

What I have just laid out is the blueprint we are all following.  There are people working to reverse the evil trends we are faced with. But, unless you are listening to any of the few conservative outlets that are for the moment broadcasting, you are but a sheep waiting for whatever the inevitability is that is coming.  As a sheep, you just don’t realize this or are foolish enough not to believe it.  At this point there is still a choice for everyone, but that window of time is gradually closing.  The door will either close permanently or remain open with fresh air to believe in the Constitution of the United States of America depending on our choices.  May common sense prevail. God help us in 2024…!

By |August 8th, 2023|

JULY – Freedom to Grow!

When I was very young I was taken to parades every July 4th.  This was in the 40s just after World War II.  There were bands of all kinds and military people and equipment of all kinds.  I loved the exciting music, especially the drums providing the foundation for the rest of the instruments.  And when the parade ended we always went to the cemetery for a few patriotic speeches and some prayers for those who served, lost their lives, and all who helped in the war effort.  This was in a small steel town in Ohio, Middletown USA.  Oh for those days.

After the cemetery we went home and changed to our swimsuits for the rest of the days’ water games and picnics with BBQ’d whatever, usually dogs and burgers.  This was always enjoyable, a bit like living in Mayberry on TV.  As I grew older I was able to participate in the parades first of all by marching with my troop in the Boy Scouts, and later in McKinley Junior High and then Middletown High School by marching with their respective bands as a trombone player. Just try playing a wind instrument while pounding the pavement for a couple of mile parade. (the trombone section always ruled). But we still ended up at the cemetery to celebrate God and country and to remember. This all sounds simple, and it was, but as in all reminiscing we just hit the high points., the good parts.  Without our present technological advantages life was much more difficult.

When I was young I experienced some of the difficulties vicariously. I was like a sponge for other people’s emotions. Probably an empath.  This is also probably the reason that I began to read books voraciously.  They provided an escape. And I took advantage of this in a big way through the library (I would leave with armfuls of books), my mother’s books (from a book club), and newspapers, magazines and periodicals.  This has become a way of life for me now into my 80s, though now not so much an escape, but for enjoyment and information of all kinds. I am a certifiable “bibliophile!”  And proud of it…

To return to my premise, all of us must find ways to journey through our lives.  This is what makes us individuals.  Our lives are made up of the good times and the bad times.  It is how we navigate the bumps in the roads of our lives that is most important.  Most of us stay under the radar for our entire lives, and some of us become privileged and even excel. No matter how we proceed, we are faced with the occasional “fork in the road.”  These choices are another factor that determines our individuality.  Sometimes we are blessed and sometimes we make mistakes.  None of us is perfect; no one is 100%.  This is what makes us human.  When we fall down we must “pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and start all over again.” (as the song goes)…  This is called growth.  It is also a human trait.

Through all of the above, we must also develop a sense of right and wrong, a conscience.  This might seem to be necessary and ubiquitous and human, but, as I have noticed in my extensive reading and lifelong habit of people watching, this is not so.  There are sociopaths among us who have no sense of right or wrong, sensitivity to others, or conscience.  A large part of these people are in politics, government bureaucracy and unions of all kinds.  Most are far-left leaning liberals who are also self-serving socialists who are unpatriotic and un-American. They would like to change our way of life and our freedoms to the sheeplike control of our lives and our minds.

July 4th is when we celebrate our freedoms and our independence; our freedom to think, to oppose radical views, to insist upon our Constitution as the foundation for our government and our governing bodies. When this becomes diseased, we must cure it.  When there is rot in the tree of life, it must be excised.  We must insist on free, unfettered and legal elections and a free press that is free to express both sides of all issues.  We must insist on our freedoms and celebrate them every day. Not just on July 4th.  This is our legacy for our children and our grandchildren. Freedom to celebrate our God and our country: the United States of America. God Bless America…!

By |July 3rd, 2023|

JUNE – Armistice or Armageddon

History flows forward!

You cannot go backwards and change it. You can only look back at the stupid things that you are doing now and regret the wasted time and energy that has passed, but you cannot go back and change anything. You must now live with your past mistakes. This is life as it has always been since there have been humans living on this earth.

Our society is now in a state of flux, but I don’t think this will lead to permanent changes.  Things are too unsettled in bizarre directions for permanence.  The tail is still wagging the dog. There is a comparatively small group of radicals who, like a viral infection, have infiltrated our government, big businesses, our media, news and social media of all kinds, our law enforcement, military and education system.  This is not just leaning toward socialism, it is becoming full blown Marxism.  If you dispute this, please read the book by Karl Marx.

As has been said countless times, neither Socialism nor Communism has ever worked in the history of our planet.  They are self-defeating.  The sad fact is that this must be re-learned by each successive generation.  And, each successive generation is then fair game for the proponents of these evils to capture their malleable minds.

The left, liberals, progressives and the Democrat party salivate at the mere thought of each new generation waiting to be corrupted by the seductiveness of being taken care of with everything free, everyone being equal, everyone doing whatever they want, no pesky laws or enforcement, no military or guns, or hearing the word “No.”  For the purveyors of this fiction, this is heaven (since there is no God under secular humanism; each person is their own god). Makes everything simpler.  No Bible, no churches, no  ministers or priests, no right or wrong, except what each person determines for “themselves.”  This is also moral relativism.  Each person determines their own morals and ethics.  For the socially lobotomized, this is truly heaven on earth.  No apple tree, no authority figure, no snake.  Only freedom.

Now what?  Well, at some point this bubble will burst and reality will set in.  What has been DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) will then become clear.  In a repressive society, all of these are ultimately about total control.  There is no Utopia except in the minds of the idealists, those who base everything on wishful thinking.  For those, “waking up is hard to do,” if even possible.They must come to terms with Socialism being for the masses (you and me), but there is always the control part of this equation. (The man, or woman, or them) who will be in charge.  They get the arrowhead, and everyone else gets the shaft.  Waking up yet?  There is no free lunch!

In a dystopian society there is only pain and misery.  The pronouns are “Us” and “Them.”  This is the ultimate equity.  Mendacity, the underground, your usefulness as a cog in the machine is all that is important.  No thinking or opposition or even discussion is permitted.  Censorship rules!

If any of the above is familiar to you, you may be guilty of thinking!  The question at this point in time is:  Can you be guilty of doing something about this depressing scenario before it becomes full-blown?   How much of the above can you apply to what is happening today, now…?  Is it enough to scare you into becoming active in pushing back?  Our media and our government are near complete in a take-over by the left.  For the moment, all we have left in conservative communication is reading books by competent authors.  It is just a matter of time before publishers become “awokened!”  At that point in time we have societal Armageddon!  A total breakdown of everything we have known with only one thing left to do.  We do NOT want to reach this point, So now is the time for all to come to the aid of our country!  Please start by reading:

“Generations” by Jean M. Twenge

“American Gulags” by Oliver North, David L. Goetsch, & Archie P. Jones

By |June 12th, 2023|

MAY – What Needs to be Fixed?

Is it even possible for us as a nation to recognize the fact that we have lost our way,

misplaced our compasses, have gotten “sucked into” a dark hole, that seems to have

no way out?  We seem to be blinded by domestic propaganda, fake, misleading news,

and all too visible people with self-serving agendas sponsored by oligarchs with too

much money and evil intents.  We are being inundated with negativity.


How do “common sense” people who are trying to raise their families, teach their

children, and work to provide, cope with the above negativity?  It is not possible to

ignore the sleazy situations and people who promote them and still exist.  We must

participate even when it is repugnant. We also must realize that there is power in

numbers.  We hold the ultimate “purse strings” of “our” government.  We are not

a socialized people yet.  We the people, the normal, average people are in charge.

Our government serves us.  And it (they) have forgotten that fact.


This is not a fuzzy, feel- good time in our history.  This is a time for push back!

Historically in politics, the weak become serfs, pawns, and subjects, not citizens.

When there is a takeover by those activists whose only attribute is a big, loud mouth,

it is time for plain speaking, intelligent persons with the good of the entire country

in mind to offer their services.  We do not need a government composed of political

freeloaders who have made a career out of getting rich from lobbyists. Our very

future is at stake.


What needs to be fixed?


EXECUTIVE BRANCH – no decrees, no legislating. President is not a king.

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE – non-political, fair, just, color blind.

MEDICINE – non-political, non-business, R&D for benefit of all citizens.

EDUCATION – eliminate the NEA and their destructive policies. Promote truth in learning.

LOBBYING – reconstruct the whole system. Not a “get rich” for politicians.

ELECTIONS – voter ID, limited mail-in, no harvesting, transparent, expedited, legal and fair.

MEDIA – unbiased reporting, no political propaganda. Opposing views welcome, equal time.

CAMPAIGNING – Limited funding, qualifications met, must debate, level playing field.

SECURITY – closed borders, fair and well-funded and trained: military, police, FBI,

FINANCE – intent to balance budget, IRS fidelity, fair tax system, no illegal printed money.

RELIGION – no restrictions to legitimate worship. No political hounding.

All of the above depend on the right person in charge to carry them out.  We must vote

for qualifications, intelligence, know-how, ability and not beholden to outside finance.

Our very future is at stake.


Read: “The Coddling of the American Mind” by Lukianoff and Haidt

By |May 9th, 2023|

APRIL – The Great Divide

Not speaking of geography, but society.  The America we once knew is now under attack.There are many facets to this barrage, but the real “leadership” of all of them is hidden from us. We know that there is an evil entity funding the disease being inflicted upon us and on our whole country, but we don’t know who to root out. Money man or fascist.

To begin with, this is no longer an issue between white and black, a racial divide.  There is division being fomented between every conceivable facet of our once free country.  This may have started with race, but now has escalated to education at all levels, law enforcement at all levels, women’s so-called rights, gender, reproduction, pronouns, censorship, immigration by force, religion, double standards, fake news, frivolous lawsuits, murder of the innocent of any age, political corruption at every level, and vicious personal attacks of all kinds. Division.

No matter how stable our society has been, the above will cause instability, and an attitude which vacillates between anger and a searching for reasons and solutions. All of us want to know who is behind all of this madness, so we can deal with the perpetrator(s).  All of the attacks and riots are represented by a lack of intelligence combined with stupidity so blatant as to be laughable in a serious situation.  If only our present situation were laughable instead of serious, life would be easier to live and also more predictable. Since we are unfortunately living in the “Mad Hatter’s Tea Party,” for the moment we just have to deal with the daily nonsense.

But to return to my premise, our primary task is to find the evil perpetrator(s) of this madness.The preservation of our country and the lives of our children and grandchildren depend on this.We know that the evil aim of the dividers is Socialism morphing into Communism. We also know that neither has worked historically, ever, anywhere.  They always end with one sleazy dictator having all of the marbles. (Who usually loses his/her marbles). And we know in addition that the secondary aim is world domination, in which everyone is in the same kettle of rotten soup.  Leaders are politically corrupt, citizens are economically poor and downtrodden, only able to dream of lost freedom.  This is the inevitable result of what we are being pushed, squeezed into, and the pawns who are being used to implement the ubiquitous evils will unknowingly be in the same soup no matter what was promised to them earlier.

Additional divides that we are experiencing?  Racially: white against black, or just different shades against each other.  Women against men.  Women against themselves – to reproduce or not.  Giving birth or offspring murder.  Democrat (no longer for labor, only leftist);  Republican – (no longer just upper-crust or wealthy), but conservative.  Guns or not – affects everyone with a need for defense.  Women becoming men (sort of), men becoming women (sort of). Teacher’s teaching the forbidden (porn), without parental knowledge; advising kids about medical procedures secretly.  Parents barred from meetings or even jailed when they request pertinent information about their children.  Open borders mandated by a clueless executive branch of our government, causing chaos that will only become evident within the next generation or two.  Corrupt attorneys, judges, DOJ, FBI, DHS, etc. acronyms ad nauseum.  And the list goes on, also ad nauseum.  Our feet are stuck in a kind of flypaper, so we move slowly and carefully, lest we offend some unknown rule that just appeared.   And then we can be penalized by censuring, losing a job, or being tossed into a corrupt justice system without proper recourse (kangaroo court).

Wake up! We are already in Socialism, just waiting for the next stage (enslavement).  Those BLMs and ANTIFAs, etc., who are being self-serving and violent and destructive also had better wake up. You leftists are in the same boat with the conservatives. The unlimited funding of evil is also for your own ultimate enslavement.  You are also in the Great Divide with the rest of us, you are just helping things to slide down faster by furthering/hastening  impending evil.

Our last resort is prayer to a supreme being, our Creator, our God, our Savior.  Those who have turned away are part of the most important divide from the reality of life, and death. Life is short!  What’s next? Fouling your own nest in this life will certainly not help you in the next!  There are rules that show us how to live together in peace in a free and benevolent society:  the Bible, our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights.  If you read them you can realize that our aim in life is kindness, lawfulness, peace and love.  The Satan that you presently follow is for the opposite, representing the worst divide in our lives.  Your choice could eliminate any divide anywhere.  Let us all choose wisely…!

Having just spent time at the Reagan Library viewing the Auschwitz Exhibit, I can see an initial comparison to what began innocuously in Germany in the 1930s.  Hitler was a product of his times.  He made promises based on the wants and needs of the people. Even before he centered on the Jews as the source of all of their problems, he began to control the thinking of all of the German people.  He assumed control of the military and law enforcement, got rid of guns and weapons from all but his enforcement troops.  Next came total control of the means of communication, schools and the young.  Religion was forbidden and private organizations of any kind were eliminated.  He became the supreme dictator and had life and death control over everyone. Then he guided the German people into ultimate destruction.  If this process seems simple and easy, though corrupt, it is.  Far too easy.

The above actually happened.  We have a blueprint and a timeline. Unfortunately, we traditionally do not learn from history.  This is why the “left” wants to eliminate the past and rewrite it for younger generations. Evil usually happens slowly so it is unnoticed. Support comes from those liberals that base their thinking (or lack of) on idealism and wishful thinking. Present “hooks” like wind farms, electric cars, trucks and planes, climate change, everything “green,” eating bugs, etc., are distractions and smoke screens to prevent conservatives and thinkers from being heard. And when the ubiquitous media, news, and social media only present the flawed thinking of the left, we have the beginnings of Socialism morphing into Communism morphing into totalitarianism and the dictatorship that certainly follows. And then what?

The one-party system of evil, (unity), the One World of everyone marching in lockstep to the same propaganda looms ahead. If you actually wonder how the left will begin, look at the political career of President Trump. He has been blocked in every possible way, both legally and illegally with almost no opposition from his own party in his conservative policies, of which millions of Americans approve.  Like him or not, what is being done to him as an ex-president is shoddy, below the belt political evil (funded by a madman), masquerading as a justice system. As is the harassment of our Supreme Court justices. Now compare this scenario to Germany in the 1930s.  If you see any similarities, then wake up! Satan is here!   Let us eliminate our divisions.  Think of the coming elections…!  Future generations!  Choose wisely…!

Please read: “The Courage to be Free.”  (Florida’s blueprint for America’s revival) by Ron DeSantis, 2023.

By |April 15th, 2023|
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