Bill Svarda Music2019-06-17T21:31:05+00:00

MARCH – California Rain

The phrase “it never rains in California” is being disproved this year.  We have had more than enough rain to ward off drought seasons for years to come.  Our plants should be very happy for their extended growing season.  Until, in their unusual abundance, they dry out and become a fire hazard in the fall.  Of course this is predictable and cyclical, like climate change.

The down side with the abundance of rain is that most of it drains into the ocean from whence it came.  Why?  Because our reservoirs are now inadequate for the needs of the present population.  Why? Because the governing bodies don’t look far enough ahead when they plan. Why? Because building new reservoirs is too complicated and expensive.  And so on… Consequently, we cyclically must deal with a very dangerous and very expensive fire season.

Why can’t we adequately prepare for the coming fire season?  How?  Residential areas can clear out their surrounding tinder dry brush so the fire has no fuel.  The same goes for mountain residential areas.  The problem stems from the vast areas of mountainous or unreachable areas.  How do we neutralize them?  We have had many decades to figure this out without success.  Due to the enormous expense and the potential loss of property and even lives, it should be a priority of some sort.  But we still slog along year after year.  The “go to” is dumping large quantities of ocean “salt” water onto the out-of-control fires by helicopter. Although this makes for great television theater, it is not very efficient. There actually have been viable solutions presented in the past e.g. chemical sprays, ways of removing oxygen as fuel from the fire itself, miscellaneous fire retardants, but none has surfaced as “the one.”We can only hope that someone comes forth this year with an idea that really works.

While I am thinking of hope, it occurs to me that it has been in short supply for too many years. Politics has been hopeless for a decade.  Law enforcement from the top down has been without hope for our protection and security for at least as long. Wacko woke has weft us without ways to wive our wives in peace wifout woefully wistening to the wonky wisdom of wicked media worms.  What do we believe? How do we form an intelligent opinion? If the electoral process is as corrupt as it seems to be, what is the next step?

Our only hope and escape from cruel reality (besides reading a good book) used to be comedy. Censorship, practically everywhere, has virtually eliminated comedy. Is anything funny anymore?  The elements that used to be the basis for comedy are now forbidden… (by whom)? Even Will Smith “bitch slapping” Chris Rock last year at the Oscars wasn’t funny, though it will be in the upcoming Chris Rock comedy special.  Comedy’s demise is really unfortunate due to the abundance of outrageous people and situations in our society at this point in time.

Men can become women, women can become men (due to desire mixed with drugs and surgery). And wearing the appropriate clothing.  Communists in our government at all levels can now come out of the closet and even shout their hate for our flag, our democratic republic, and our society, especially conservative anything.  This used to be dark humor. The hysterically funny part of this is the amount of people who believe this and take it seriously.  Can they listen to themselves?  Totally unglued teachers trying to teach kids in elementary schools about sex that most adults haven’t experienced or care about or even want to know about.

And the worst of all of this is that our Marx brothers government and “Night Court” justice system and “Keystone Cops” DOJ, FBI, etc., not to mention our bumbling Congress have only one agenda:  Get Trump!  This is, and has been, the cry of the left, liberal, Democrat “brood of vipers” instead of taking care of the business of the citizens of our country.  “Citizens” of our country!  We are very close to being invaded now by near seven million illegals.  A staggering amount of undocumented, unvaccinated, uninvited, people of all natures and ambitions, even evil intents. And they are where?  Anywhere and everywhere.  No one really knows. When the head is corrupt, the body will die.  Unless someone stops the bleeding.

Even the movie “Idiocracy” had some measure of hope at the end.  The intent of censorship is to kill hope. The intent of totalitarian control is to kill hope and opposition.  So I ask once again,Are you awake?  Do you care?  Does your butt have to actually be on fire for you to get up from it and voice your opinion?  Our options as citizens are becoming severely limited.  We are in an “Age of Stupidity.” Can we rise above it?  All of us as individuals must at some time answer these questions.  Our motivation and support:  the Constitution and the Bill of Rights; our Flag and our National Anthem. May we stop the agenda of separatism, and may “God bless America.”

By |March 10th, 2023|

Freedom from Fakeness

We are all being infected with a “dumb-down” woke virus which has appeared in every grade in our school system, especially in colleges and universities. The hallmark is unity, which means that this is the only way to think. No other thoughts are allowed. Censorship must be total and socialistic. This anti-Americanism is supposed to begin a take-over of our whole society. Based on ignorance, atheism, serfdom, slavery, total control and lawlessness, all of this is supposedly justified by the racism of “white supremacy.”

Every normal, thinking person in the USA knows that this agenda is a self-serving weed that is an ill-thought-out, overly funded, evil screed that only exists because of the funding that makes possible intimidation and blackmail as its “modus operandi.”

Common sense should be able to trump stupidity.  Fair and legal elections should be able to give every normal, thinking American and every organization and autonomous company a way to re-set our laws and Constitution to be right side up again.

What stands in the way of this happening? The Democrat party and its evil practices which have existed for far too long. It has a dysfunctional hold on all of the media and all of Big Tech. It fosters and supports the censorship and stupidity of the woke movement, which is the only reason that we have a virtual  one-party government for the moment.

The present Democrat party is in fact socialistic, wanting complete control over all citizens and also our energy and infrastructure, the education of our young, our food supply, and what we see and think. Everything has been done to weaken our laws and law enforcement, the security at all of our borders, the protection of our families by parents, the autonomy of each state of our union, and our military. Additionally, everything is being set up and motivated to cause World War III which would be catastrophic to our whole way of life.

Here is a question that plagues me constantly:  Why does anyone, liberal, far-left, Progressive, etc., buy into the Woke, Marxist, Socialist, Communist agenda? This agenda ultimately harms everyone. Are these people so controlled by propaganda that they can no longer think clearly?  Are they so drugged out by the constant spewing of lies and hate and racism by CNN, MSNBC, etc., and Big Tech, NYT, WP, and local TV bytes of fake news, that they can no longer form their own opinions because they might differ from the newest party line?  Is it the water or the food supply?  I am at a loss to figure why seemingly intelligent friends, neighbors or even relatives can be so far off in their thinking that they can no longer discuss an alternative opinion.  Let’s look at a few bones of contention:


Biden’s career has been suspect for many years. It is no different now that he is president. That something is now very wrong with him is obvious to everyone but his press secretary. He should not be making far-reaching decisions, let alone fomenting an all-out war with Russia by assisting Ukraine. Russia has 4000 plus nukes. Quite enough to turn us into rubble.


Any thinking person and any parent knows that we need police that are free to do their jobs while still being safe themselves. Let’s quit hobbling them.  Same with our military.  We need to put real leaders in charge. They need to be able to have vital input about what they need for our domestic protection and what is actually necessary in our foreign interests.  The FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, etc.  All of these acronyms need to be fair and just, and we need them to have the oversight of Congress.  We have had enough of their domestic Gestapo tactics. And our Southern border must be completely secure.  No more massive influx of questionable people.   IRS, toast!


Needs to be fair and legal.  We must have voter I.D.  We have IDs on our driver’s licenses, credit cards, banking, etc.  Let us be honest in our voting.  And let’s remove all of the opportunities for the Democrat party to cheat.  No mail-in ballots unless absolutely necessary and with proper I.D. Absolutely no ballot harvesting. And ballot counting must have oversight and accountability. The results must be verifiable.


Everyone is for a clean and safe environment.  This is common sense.  Climate “alarmism” is not common sense.  This is extremism at its worst.  We have had climate change for roughly five million years.  With any luck we will have it for five million more. We are not yet able to control our climate (our biosphere).  We may never be able to.  But we must learn to live with it sensibly.  Don’t build structures on fault lines or on crumbly cliffs or halfway up the side of a volcano.


No.  Not ever.  Free speech is our right and shall not be infringed.  Period…!


Eliminate the NEA teacher’s union.  It is unnecessary, dictatorial and not a team player. Parents should be involved in the instruction of their children, not shut out.  College professors who are teaching the evils of Marxism, Socialism (Wokeism), Communism and the latest racist agenda as vital facts should be summarily dismissed regardless of tenure. And the same for K through 12 teachers.  Indoctrination of evil propaganda is not acceptable.


Find the truth.  Read books by intelligent and respectable authors.  Watch podcasts and TV from reputable journalists and reporters.  Form opinions based on information from many sources.  Do your homework.  Do not participate in programs containing fabrications and lies. Fight fascism fiercely and fairly, but also firmly. Be smart enough to uncover the fake wherever it occurs.  Let us reset ourselves and our country.  For ourselves, our children and our God.

Recommended reading:

   “Beyond Biden”       –    Newt Gingrich

   “Justice Corrupted”  –  Ted Cruz

   “Crushed”          –           Ken Buck (Congressman)

By |February 4th, 2023|

January – What Now…?

Happy New Year to all book readers, blog readers, thinkers, writers and doers of whatever…! 2023 is the year of the pre-pre-election preparation for the looming (even now) election of 2024.  This year is the preparation for the big propaganda machinery to start grinding out propaganda in advertising and mendacity in the media. This begins the push, the long slow crescendo toward November of 2024. Information spinning and spewing will begin to change to  mis-information and then to serious propaganda, then to attack ads, and then to the nastiness of lies, smears and the unimaginable boredom of the debate cycles. Somewhere buried in all of this the average voter will strain to find a modicum of truth on which to be able to intelligently cast votes.  A dauntless task.  So…

What now…?

We have a broken, liberal government so wrapped up in unrealistic policies that it is chasing its own tail.  So blinded by the enormous stupidity of far left policies that it has lost all pretense of reason. But it proceeds regardless with a broken compass to blackmail and intimidate not only our own country, but the rest of the world. This is not leadership. When we are being forced into Socialism (pre-Communism) by a liberal, left-wing government and controlled by “one-size-fits-all” policies, what alternatives do we have? Let us check out a few areas that are vital to our everyday existence.


When all of the highest medical research facilities, e.g. CDC, WHO, etc. are under the control of one person, we have socialized medicine.  We have the decisions of one person controlling the welfare of most of the people in the world.  Obviously, this is not an ideal situation.  If this person is unscrupulous, the organizations will ultimately fail due to narrow-minded thinking. And when the virtual dictator makes it impossible for other experts in the field to offer vital input without being discredited and/or having their careers ruined, the dictator is medically useless.  This is what happens when there is no oversight or checks and balances in any organization.  In this case, many people die. Out of control also in this regard with inadequate oversight are: DOJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, Dept. of Education, Pentagon, and State and Local governments.


More issues that affect us daily that are being forced upon us without adequate research, just left-wing emotional intimidation are:  Climate change, electric everything, solar & wind power, no energy independence, open borders, etc, etc. The impact of more than 5 million people of unknown circumstance having crossed our borders since 2021 will take many years to be revealed.  Due to lack of medical care, lack of jobs & income, homes, and citizenship there are many problems to solve that our legal process for admitting foreigners takes care of – legally, including citizenship.  Most of the above are ill-thought-out, inadequately researched, and many years from being practically introduced into our daily lives. Some are very dangerous.


Why do we have fences?  Everyone in the world with property has fences.  We protect our property from encroachment, damage and thievery by people who prey on others for their own existence. Our own defined property is subject to taxes by our governing bodies. We either pay these or lose our property.  Robbers and thieves don’t pay taxes. When our property is damaged or seized we call law enforcement for support.  That is, unless these police are told by a liberal government to “stand down.”  In which case we have incipient anarchy or chaos. This is exactly what happened in cities like Portland, Seattle and Chicago.  Would you feel as liberal if any of the above was your property?  Does insurance really help you to rebuild the work of a lifetime?


All of the above issues and many more are based upon our election process (which has been corrupted for a long time by unscrupulous politicians and those who control those politicians). Our newest issue in this regard is choosing people for positions or jobs or anything just by their color or gender or lack of gender or anything but their meeting the qualifications for that position or job.  This, like many of the above issues is insane.  It is the movie “Idiocracy” becoming part of the way our country is managed.  This should and can be fixed.

And all of this, as bad as it is, is made even worse by the media; everything we hear and view. All of our announcers, journalists, advertisers, sports and entertainment personalities are censored.  All are controlled to become purveyors of the propaganda that we, the citizens daily inhale and absorb.  And for our children, indoctrination occurs in movies, television, social media, amusement parks, and most importantly, in our schools. Don’t dare to protest or criticize.

Even considering this giant handicap in communication, we still have only one ultimate choice:  Clean up and legitimize our election process from the local and state to the national level and institute transparent oversight at every stage of the process.  This is the only hope we have to save our country.  If you believe that the prevalent corruption of the far left is the work of the devil, then prayer is the only answer.  There is work to do in this Happy New Year to wake up friends and neighbors to investigate intellectually the above issues realistically and practically and to vote accordingly.

Regardless, we still sing: “God Bless America.”

If you haven’t already read the following books, please read and learn about present corruption in government.  Fascinating and informative.

“Justice Corrupted” How the left weaponized our legal system. By Ted Cruz,  Regnery, 2022.

“The Real Anthony Fauci” Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.  By Robert F. Kennedy Jr., CHD Books, 2021.

By |January 6th, 2023|

DECEMBER – Put a Little Love

Is it even possible to anticipate a measure of kindness during this Christmas season?  After roughly fourteen years of Democrat nastiness and Liberal violence, it is “looked-down-upon ”to pray, but maybe we can just hope for a change of heart in the left-leaning, Social-Democrat, Marxist, One-World (Communist-espousing) über-censor class of society-destroyers.  At least may we enjoy one season of anticipated joy and love.

 I am beginning to believe that we have been “hacked” by the devil, whose tentacles are the embodiments of evil.  Think: woke, porn, climate change, BLM, Antifa, diseased government offices, corrupt justice system, teacher’s unions, etc.

College campuses seem to be the worst breeding grounds for propaganda, spreading lies and Socialist filth to the fertile minds held captive in and out of the classroom.  Those who are studying  to be teachers are now being filled with the misinformation of woke and critical race theory which only compound the present problems by spreading them as truth to the young and impressionable. These are in addition being reinforced and even mandated by the NEA, which has turned into a corrupt teacher’s union.  The campuses are so close-minded that they can hear of no other thinking than the current party line of Socialist, Marxist, Woke, and CRT. And, anyone who is invited to present an alternative opinion is harassed and shouted down even before they can speak.  Censorship rules…!   Obviously this is no longer education. It is indoctrination of party propaganda.  So, this is why I am beginning to believe that we have been hacked by the devil.  Everything “on line” is tolerated by the left, except the truth or conservative thinking. The devil wants no accountability.

With the above being stated, is it reasonable to expect any kindness from the leftist, Socialist,Democrat media, including radio, TV, sports, news, woke schools, or any leftist populace? I think not.  But…!

Even with all of the above said, I truly believe that most people are good-hearted to begin with. Most of us celebrate Christmas with the joy and love that is inherent in the season.  Most of us are not infected with the evil that is being spread daily.  I also believe that goodness and love will finally triumph over the present trend of evil. This is why we still go to a church or synagogue or mosque and pray to our God to help us to combat evil.  We believe!

Remembering the birth of Jesus, the Son of God, has lasted for thousands of years against unimaginable evil and the celebration is still with us, even though it is under attack. So, our remembrance is actually two-fold:  we celebrate the occasion and we keep the remembrance of the occasion alive.  This is the way in which we make possible the change of hearts that we hope and pray for every year.  The message we need to send and sing to everyone during this season is: “Put a little love in your heart.”  And, put it also in your “ring tones” and doorbells as a reminder to celebrate love every day of the year.

“MERRY CHRISTMAS” for the year of our love, 2022…!

By |December 12th, 2022|

NOVEMBER – Why Socialism?

Anyone who has read anything about socialism in other countries has been exposed to the pain and suffering and basic stupidity of this system (or anti-system).    It attempts initially to attract the unsuspecting citizen who has had enough of the problems in their present way of life to more attractive and better life.  In order to do this it must shut down any opposition and bring about total control of education of the young, the news media, the present political system and anyone who is able to think clearly.  All of these socialist takeovers depend on thugs to bring about violence, senseless killings, destruction of property and the justice system. In connection with this, the police force must be neutralized, the military weakened, and the courts made useless by letting anyone charged with crimes from drugs to murder slide straight out the door.Is any of this starting to sound familiar?  It has been happening here, slowly, in America. But not as slowly as you might think.

In the few short years of our Pandemic we are very close to having all of the above in place for the total control of our own brand of Socialism. And so we think: How has this happened so quickly?  And who has caused this and promoted it?  The answer is censorship.  The freedom of speech guaranteed in our Constitution has been pushed aside.  We are no longer allowed to oppose anything by speaking freely.  Our entire justice system has been politicized against the average person.  No one is immune from prosecution (persecution) for just speaking out or even speaking with each other if it is in opposition to the present propaganda of the ruling party. The DOJ and FBI are laying in wait for anyone who slips up and opposes the ruling party.

Why are seemingly intelligent people still in the Democrat party?  Why are they still supporting policies that are destructive, violent, hateful, harmful and ridiculously stupid? Are they so full of the propaganda that they can no longer think clearly?  Do they just mindlessly stay in a party that their parents and grandparents were in because of a false loyalty? Do they still not realize that they are supporting an evil ideology?  A party which now espouses “social terrorism.”?

This rush toward Socialism started with fake science which began with global cooling, then global warming, then the “Green New Deal,” and then the coup de gras, a global Pandemic caused by a COVID virus which began mysteriously in a lab in Wuhan, China. This, along with the Federal Reserve printing billions of dollars in out-of-control money, has caused the near collapse of our economy.  This in turn has also caused a lessening of income, crises in health and education, and a soaring national debt caused by the over spending of a dysfunctional government with mindless leadership. Because this clueless government has shut down all opposition, it has in effect changed its direction from Socialism to Communism.  Total control of all citizens and enterprises in what used to be the United States of America.

Our mindless and out-of-control government is even now increasing our national debt by causing the Federal Reserve to print even more money which could cause our high inflation rate to accelerate and even cause an international financial crisis.  What then when our clueless leaders have in effect put a hole in our boat (or ship of state). You might ask, who is in charge of this fiasco?  Certainly not a president who has left open our southern borders to cause a looming crisis of unknown proportions.  Big money?  One World advocates?

The left and far left ideologues still push for their sick sexual practices to be mandated nationally starting with elementary school children. Silencing parents is a necessary part of this sickness.   We need to wonder why this push toward the proven evils of Socialism causing the possible destruction of our country and its Constitution.  What is the point?  It has worked well for us for well over two hundred years.  Who is the mastermind behind this madness and how do we, the citizens, stop it?  There is no proven advantage to Socialism or the next step, Communism.  The end result in both is the elimination of freedom.  Only those in charge  (however briefly) tend to benefit.

The Democrat party now offers:  abortion – murdering babies; censorship  – no political opposition;  open borders – impairment of our future; elimination of law enforcement – lawlessness; inflation – economic chaos;  untested health control and vaccines– indetermined future effects; weakened military and national defenses – possible take-over or destruction;  destruction of monetary system – devalued dollar internationally;  racism as a political tool – divisiveness; no freedom of worship – no ethics, morals or conscience; and the effects of all of the above loom ahead with undetermined consequences.

Why?  Why the Left wing, Democrat push toward Socialism/Communism?  It is always money and power and greed. So how do we in opposition push back?  We must cause our friends, relatives, associates to leave the Democrat party. Trump is not the problem.  If you have a personality conflict, don’t listen to him.  Just listen or read about his policies and accomplishments. They are all beneficial to our country and all of its citizens, to our economy and our prosperity and to the basic freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution.  Let us pray for free and legitimate elections and for peace brought about by freedom.

And may we all have a very Happy and meaningful, loving and above all thankful holiday of Thanksgiving during this season of uncertainty.  And may God Bless America!

By |November 19th, 2022|


Fear is an emotion that most of us never have to deal with.  It is debilitating and all-consuming. We know some of its effects from movies and television, but only vicariously.  This watered-down emotion is light years away from the real thing.  If you have ever heard someone in real life scream out in terror, then you have a slight idea of how different this is from acting a part.

Unfortunately, there are places now in America where people are beginning to know fear in reality.  In some places it has become a daily happening.  Places where no one feels safe any more.  Police and law enforcement have been curtailed to the point where they are ineffective or unavailable or even told to stand down.  Even worse, our own DOJ and FBI have begun to terrorize ordinary citizens for unspecified charges when charges are even proffered at all.  An extreme example is the January 6th show trial which exhibited many illegalities and departures from our shattered justice system.  Most of those detained for over a year without charges were not even allowed to speak with attorneys or family.  Many prominent citizens have since been targeted by the DOJ and then terrorized by the FBI by having their houses broken into by armed teams, then hauled away like criminals for doing nothing.  Even the Amish.

This is all illegally invasive and also unconstitutional.  Parents at a school board meeting who speak in opposition to ridiculous woke policies that are being covertly foisted upon their children are also cuffed and hauled away like criminals.  This is a curtailment of free speech and censorship, which is also illegal and unconstitutional.  The above examples should cause all Americans to be fearful of the present administration and decide to do something to stop the unilateral attack upon our rights by the left, liberals and our out-of-control government. And in addition, why does this administration need to add 87,000 more IRS agents carrying guns to an already questionable department? Control? Domination? Intimidation?

Our fear needs to lead us to action.  There is a crucial election ahead for many parts of our government, both state and national.  This is our best opportunity to get rid of officials who have been in office far too long and have lost their purpose in representing the people who elected them, and now are just accumulating money from special interest groups and lobbyists. It is also the best time to clean house of those who are admittedly socialists and communists. They hate America and our way of life.  They want to destroy our Constitution, Bill of Rights, schools, churches, borders, laws and free speech.  Let us vote them out with all of the Rinos and Trump haters who have only one agenda. Get Trump in any way possible.  Silence common sense and the voice of reason. Bury his accomplishments, then pay the price of stupidity.

Our fears also extend to what we say or what someone thinks we said.  Just pointing a finger anonymously can cause any of us to be accused of racism.  We are being bullied into accepting unscientific and unproven innovations such as vaccines, electric engines to replace gas, climate change in events that have occurred cyclically for millennia, and all things transgender.  All of this is ultimately to promote Utopia, One World, Global Communism, none of which has ever worked and will never work because it treats people like sheep, just animals to be controlled. The question being: who would have the final control?  The one with the most money? The most intelligence?  The most guns and military?  All of the above?  What is happening is evil.  Satan is in charge when any of this becomes possible.

Can we imagine our future without common sense? Without God or heaven? With no country?  No possessions?  What would you have?  You would have John Lennon’s version of Utopia, One World, Global Communism.  A world of sheep with only one shepherd other than Jesus Christ.  How about Soros, Schwab, Gates, Putin, Fauci, Obama, Oprah or Pope Francis? Remember: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Check out the song “Imagine.”

Is there anyone in this country that really believes that printing money as needed, trillions of dollars, is ultimately without consequence?  Maybe someone from BLM or ANTIFA, those who represent fascism and tyranny, destruction and violence.  Only someone totally indoctrinated with the daily reporting of propaganda from CNN, MSNBC, could be suitably lead around by the nose like a sheep.  Let us all also remember: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” There is no vaccine for stupidity, and there is no immunity.  The freedom to think and to “be” is not guaranteed. It takes constant work.  It takes common sense and a love for your neighbor; in fact, a familiarity for all of the Ten Commandments.

When we forget why we are here on earth and what is next for every one of us, we are doomed.   In this also, there is no immunity. All of us will at some time meet our Creator.  If you believe nothing else, then believe this. Pray for our country and pray for these coming elections.  Nothing is more important now than waking up ourselves and our neighbors. Let us vote for intelligence and common sense. And most importantly, let us vote…!     God Bless America.

By |October 4th, 2022|
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