Bill Svarda Music2019-06-17T21:31:05+00:00

FEBRUARY – America in Love Again

My January blog did not get written.  I was too apprehensive, then I was too excited, then I just needed to think a while.  That process took the whole rest of the month.  So here we are in February.  And I’m still not full of ideas.  Except for avoidance.

But we have avoided the evils of Socialism, Liberalism, Wokeism, DEI, CRT, or at least slowed them or even turned them around.  This is a tribute to all of those citizens in America who actually awakened to what was happening and prevented both crisis and disaster. God bless them and the United States of America.

President Trump has dodged many of the “…slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” to get to this point, but the Democrat party and its bullies, thugs and murderers still have plans to disrupt the will of the people that he is mandated to carry out.  It is sad that in this country of so much opportunity there are those that wish it harm. We all have friends that are still Democrats even after so much evil has already been done.  Do they not realize the extent of the damage, and that it affects us all?  Have they just lost the capacity to think at all?  If there were only reset buttons on them!

Besides Groundhog Day in February, there is Valentine’s Day.  This is supposed to be at least one day of LOVE.  Gifts and chocolates and cards, etc., are thoughtful and uplifting, but kindness and affectionate signs are also very important to our individual manifestations of love to another person or persons.  “I think, therefore I am” could also be inspiring as:   I love, therefore I am. Especially if most people took this to heart.

We have four years to realize MAGA.   Let us also realize MILA (America in love again) as a possibility.   We could start with this coming Valentine’s Day.

By |February 7th, 2025|

DECEMBER (24) Return

The month of December is supposed to be a return to the love and kindness that are living in each of us who believe in faith, hope and charity.  It is said that all religions believe in some form of a basic love for others.  And in December a large part of the people that live on our planet seem to ascribe to this idea or belief.

If only all of us would truly return to the basic idea of a love for other people, no matter what their standard of living or station in life.  Then a return to a basic humanity would become obvious and everyone could at last live in peace. For peace is just caring for others no matter what someone else might try to force you into thinking.  This also implies individuality, being able to think for yourself.

The problem with individuality is the control that others place upon those that naturally think freely.  Governments, offices within a government, federal, state and local restriction and regulations, and even social pressure from friends and neighbors.  If the controls are valid and help us to exist peacefully, then all is well.  However, the converse is often the case, and this is where the basic problems begin.  Too often humans act very differently when they gain a measure of control over other people.  Power then becomes very important to those in control so that they are able to stay in control and even escalate their control.  The history of the earth is full of examples of the use of control and power, both benign and evil.

With the above in mind we are able to see that a return to love and kindness and consideration for others, no matter who they may be, is not very easy or maybe even impossible at times.

December, however is an opportunity for hoping, praying and becoming an example of the way we all would like to live spiritually. Also by trying different ways to cause a change of heart in those that have become hardened by existing through the realities of living day to day.  This is the value of celebrating Christmas as the birth of Jesus as our Savior who has lighted up the path to our salvation; the One who has given us meaning and hope by showing us the way to live our lives. If we all would only listen and then believe and then create action by the examples of our own lives, we might build a better, more sturdy foundation for ourselves and others for the coming New Year.  We at least need to try to return to a simpler way of thinking so that the complexities in our life can become more manageable.

Technology has always been a blessing and a curse.  Simpler means, for the most part, controlling the power that technology has over us at all times and everywhere. Also not easy. This has been a recurring problem throughout history.  New inventions and discoveries have been beneficial and also harmful.  The wheel, fire, electricity, machines, factories, clocks, archery, gunpowder, lead and most other metals and minerals, etc.  The cause of a lot of our grief is our dependency on technology and dealing with its escalation.  The first step toward simplifying is being aware of the problem.  Then we gradually move toward a change of heart.

By simplifying we also create some room for imagination to once again appear.  Thinking, dreaming, imagining have all but disappeared with our younger generations. This includes reading books instead of watching movies which condense most everything.  Creating space and time in our minds is not only important, but necessary to thinking, and thinking more deeply than our present addictions allow.  So in this December let us think about a return to being able to think by simplifying.  Where and how we begin is for each of us to discover.

By |December 17th, 2024|

Pre-November (24) (pre-election) – Age of Seduction

Examples of “seduction” forced by the left:

 Election – by the left:  Liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Communist, devil-directed Democrat party.

Media –  by the left:  TV commercials, ads, woke shows, sports, music, talk shows. Censorship.

Politicians – by the left: become rich by saying “yes” to evil procedures.

Scientists – by the left: by perverting real scientific research & conclusions for fake ones.

Justice system – by the left: by weaponizing courts, judges, attorneys, DOJ, FBI, AG, etc.

DEI – by the left: perverting diversity, equity, inclusion to Socialist/Marxist mandates.

Perversion – by the left:  trans, schools, abortion, men/women interchangeable, censorship.

Social media – by the left: the devil’s playground.

Religion – by the left: erase all traces until we are an atheistic society with no morals.

Capitalism – by the left: outmoded, unworkable, unusable, eased into Socialism.

Islam – by the left: Hijacked by terrorists – Hamas (Palestinians), Houthis (Yemen) Hezbollah (Lebanon).

Iran – by the left: Sponsor of all of the above terrorists, funded by over $100 billion  from the Biden administration.


Seduction is a technique used by the left, world-wide, to entice all countries and their people to embrace Marxism (Socialism), Communism.  This would eventually be called “One World.”  Its purpose is to unite everyone into ultimate slavery by seducing them into thinking that this is the ultimate freedom we have been waiting for (utopia).  They have already started with the young in every country.  They have extended their seductive teaching into every educational system, from elementary to college-university. All of our young are being seduced (brainwashed) into the former forbidden worlds of pornography, racism, and hatred of anyone different from the new normal e.g. Jews, Christians, religion in general, conservative thinking, and anything that opposes the agenda of the left. Fashion, newly perverted, has already been in place to seduce. The history of any nation, its constitution, flag, national song, statues, paintings, laws, heroes, are all in danger of being replaced or erased entirely.  America has to contend with CRT, CT, 1619 Project, and political leaders and professors and even scientists who are professed Marxists and/or Communists.  (Who is voting for these miscreants)?

With all of this in place, there won’t be any need to take over any country by force.  Each country will be seduced into joining “One World” without any questions or discussions.   The left will be totally in charge of everything and everyone.  And who exactly is the left? The left is the Devil, Satan, Beelzebub, etc.  Evil incarnated into human leaders who become its minions, the ones who carry out the destruction of life on earth as we have known it.This process has already begun in the USA and in many other countries of the world, and certainly the Middle Eastern countries guided by leftist mullahs; Iran, China, Russia and the money pit called Ukraine.  All are masters of seduction.

So who do we trust?  Leaders who are guided by religion and prayer, the law, the Constitution! No one who consistently lies can be trusted at any time. These lies are meant to seduce.The perpetrators, Democrat party, etc., will say anything to get your vote, but have no intention of following through or implementing if elected.  They feel that, like the message in the Quran, it is perfectly permissible to lie, cheat or steal, etc., in the right circumstances to further their ultimate aims.  (Read it for yourself!)  Note that responsible people in politics or the work place do not feel this way or use this convoluted logic. Though they are sometimes hard to find.

The coming election is crucial to our American way of life.  We need leadership that is in touch with the fundamental issues that affect all of us who are legal citizens.  Illegals are another issue to be dealt with by a stable government.  We need to vote using facts, not emotions. Kamala (and Walz) have no agenda and no knowledge of our most crucial domestic or international issues. Kamala can only pander to minimalist activists about abortion or transgender or patronize the black population or blame everything on Mr. Trump, as did Biden.  Both Biden and Harris have had four years to solve problems and deal with issues and have failed miserably.  She, like Biden, have been puppets for the left.  This would only continue.

Our country is over $35 trillion in debt.  The Fed has been printing money irresponsibly, and we are still in a monstrous inflation with no end in sight.  Our southern border is still irresponsibly open to anyone willing to enter the USA.  And these “illegals” are being invited to vote as citizens in the coming presidential election.  Some states are outlawing this, however the DOJ is now telling the state of Virginia that it cannot remove illegals from voting rolls.  The DOJ needs to be corrected. This order is unconstitutional.  The Democrats are already starting with voter fraud in many evil ways.  They don’t need any additional help. God help us all…!

There are many other issues that affect our daily lives, but lying repeatedly by our government, most of the media, billionaires and Hollywood’s unnecessary spokespersons, is a misuse of their undeserved platform. The same actions by politicians are not only evil, but inexcusable due to their oaths of office.  Every legitimate vote is important.  The above issues are extremely important, and if you are not thinking seriously about the cause and effect of these issues, you are part of the problem. Think again!

Let us cease to be afraid to use the term “MAGA.”  Let us understand its importance. And, let us pray that “God Blesses America.”

By |October 17th, 2024|

OCTOBER (24) Left Ruling by Fiat

Like it or not, there is a hierarchy in our political workings that has very gradually taken over the lives of every citizen in our land.  The evil entity which we now call “the left” is seducing those who are not aware, not listening, hearing only what is precious to them. The left has found it easy now to lead the unsuspecting around “by the nose,” mandating “trickle down submission” from those who follow as their minions. The VP debate was an example of the subtle seduction by the left who prepare the scripts for their minions to expose.

Examples of leftist evils:

First the activists, those self-serving ideologues who exist on the pain and misfortune of others and are paid handsomely for their violence and intimidation.  This group doesn’t think for itself, it just follows orders from whomever has the most power.  They are political mercenaries, and money is their prime motivation. They exist to burn, destroy, loot, pillage, and murder.

Second is the Democrat party (all political branches), which exists by getting rich on the money of the people whom they are supposed to be serving. Instead they serve billionaire donors who expect subservience to their wants and needs, and are willing to pay for the influence in the party and every part of our government. All of the above have almost nullified the checks and balances of our Constitutional Republic, leaving us to be governed as slaves to the left.  The deep state is the ever-expanding shadow and blanket covering our government.  It consists of millions of followers and advocates of the Democrat party and the left who are being paid to say ”Yes!”

Third  is the media, all facets of them: print, television, radio, social media;  all of the intrusive annoying and indoctrinating commercials, and the movies.  All who are part of these are infected with the left and its evils.  They announce that they will leave the America which they hate if a conservative is elected president. Censorship is now the mission of the entire leftwing media.  Watch what you say and who you say it to or you could lose your job and/or your freedom.

Fourth is the rest of the population who now are treated as pawns to be used or eliminated at the will of the left.  They are seduced by the left, leading the Democrat party who is leading the media who are leading the entertainment dupes, including sports, who are all in the same evil hierarchy.  If anyone watches network television for very long, the seduction becomes complete.  All are following the same script and playbook provided by the left. Total control of all who live here is the aim of the now visible Marxist politicians who seduce us daily.

Finally, there is only one last bastion against the evil and uncontrolled left.  Conservativism.

We conservatives are the only ones left with common sense, belief in God, and religion in general, and truth, honesty, justice and fairness in the nation that we love dearly.  We are condemned now as outlaws, out of touch with reality.  But, in actuality, the left and the Democrat party is fully upside down.  Everything they say and do is backwards, and if confronted, they lie, even if there is factual, undeniable proof.  They want no laws or courts or judges or attorneys or police or military to get in their way.  Their way, to them, is the only way. Any thinking person should be able to see now that we are being gradually controlled by the left, and the left is promoting Marxism, Socialism and Communism. Freedom, everyone’s freedom is at stake. Censorship is rampant.  Learned people have already lost their jobs, careers, publishing and livelihoods by speaking out about the controlling hoaxes of climate change, covid, green new deal, carbon, environment, energy, etc. etc.  Let us reinstate the

1st amendment.

Some of the evil deeds by the Democrat party:

MIDDLE EAST – Funding Iran with 100 Billion dollars.  Giving money to the sponsor of terrorism, enabling Hamas, Houthis, and Hezbollah, to attack Israel, take hostages and torture and murder them and their own people in Gaza. Iran wants Israel and the Jews gone and to give the murderous Palestinians their land.

CENSORSHIP – Silence any opposition to the Democrat/leftist/woke agenda with propaganda in the media and indoctrination in the educational system. They have virtual control of both now. No opposition to Green New Deal, Climate Change, Electric cars, whimsical mandates will be tolerated.

POLITICAL WEAPONIZATION – of the Democrat controlled government, courts, justice system, military, DOJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, BLM, ANTIPHA, etc.  e.g. Jan. 6 escalation by Pelosi, et al, and show trial a la Communist Russia shrouded in secrecy and illegal imprisonment of innocent people and murder of an unarmed lady. Sleazy attorneys suing Trump illegally for election interference. Previous impeachments also against Trump, all of which have been hoaxes. Harassment of Supreme court justices and their families.  The beginnings of another attempt to steal an election by no voter I.D., stuffing ballot boxes, dead people and illegals voting, blackmail and intimidation by unions, etc.

SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM –   members of our government identifying with Marxism, Communism openly.  Members of Congress and the Executive branches.  They should not even be allowed to run for office, let alone be elected.  Have funded Iran and Ukraine billions of dollars with no oversight.

OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER –   have purposefully enabled entry into our country of over 18 million illegals with little or no (oversight). The effects of this influx will not be fully known for decades.  It is dangerous, incompetent and foolhardy.  Any illegal voting should invalidate the coming election.

RACISM – Anything based just on skin color as a requirement for whatever is insane and ridiculous, stupid. This is the dumbest of the “dumbing down” policies e.g. Woke, DEI, CRT.  Racism is a fiction used for revenge, extortion, blackmail and intimidation; the most “gimme what you have,” whiney technique of all types of extortion.

Thinking ahead, if this trend continues, what will the USA look like ultimately? It will be beyond “Idiocracy.” Woke in charge? Everyone else slaves?  The necessary revolution would cause absolute and unimaginable devastation. Take a moment to think through these things before you vote! You could help save America…!

By |October 3rd, 2024|

September (24) Lost Conscience

The conservative mind has a conscience and makes use of it frequently. This is the basis for decisions which affect us all locally and nationally.  This also accounts for our love of our neighbor and our love for our country.  Since the media are all one-sided, we must go elsewhere for our facts and truth about issues and candidates.  We seek out honest and accurate blogs, podcasts. and reporting. We also read books and articles from reputable writers. This gives us both sides of issues,plus common sense and balance.

The liberal mind, on the other hand, does not have, or have any use for, either honesty or conscience, and their decisions reflect this. Liberals only care for other people as socialistic pawns, blocks of workers who are meant to do the bidding of the state either willingly or reluctantly.  The liberal bureaucracy feels destined to control every part of our lives. However, they do not care for our country, its Constitution, law Enforcement or laws in general.  It is all about “me.” They ultimately only espouse totalitarianism, total control, and promotion of their own perverted agenda, and trash anyone who gets in their way.

Our entire voting process needs to be based on factual information, not emotion. It also needs to be made legal by some form of voter I.D. The following is a capsulized version of what we need to be aware of in order to vote honestly in the coming presidential election.                                                               

Are you thinking?  Or just following

Biden/Harris accomplishments (within 4 years):

Open southern border – over 18 million illegal, unvetted, undocumented aliens allowed into USA.

                                     The effects will not be totally felt for decades. (for our children to deal with).

Out of control inflation – we are over $35 TRILLION in debt. The FED recklessly prints more money as needed.

                                    Not sustainable.  Bubble will burst at some time.

Disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan – Billions of dollars of new military equipment left for terrorists

                                   Bagram AFB left for terrorists.  Soldiers died, many of our citizens stranded.

Have promoted Socialist/Marxist/Communistic policies

                                  All studied Saul Alinsky playbook.

Take over schools, colleges/universities – with Woke, CRT, 1619 Project, Porn, Socialism, indoctrination.

                                  Teacher’s unions in charge, with no parental input or supervision.

Domestic terrorists – have tolerated BLM, ANTIPHA, even when they loot, burn, murder innocent people,

                                  destroy businesses always wearing hoodies and masks.

Religion     –           Support Atheism, and mandate removal of all signs of Christianity.

Systemic racism – There is no such thing.  Racism was at all time low until Obama,

                                   Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters, the Squad, and the corrupt media resurrected it.

                                  It became their most profitable road to riches while ignoring middle class and poor blacks,                             

America –              Dems  against Nationalism, Populism, love of country, “diss” National Anthem and flag.

Unions        –          Blocks of intimidated workers, pressured and threatened to vote Democrat.

DEI             –            intimidation, blackmail of companies (backed by leftist media),

                                   to hire based on skin color, sex, or politics, not qualifications.

Climate change – based on false science. If educated speak out, lose jobs, careers, publishing. Some disappear.

State run media –most of our networks, TV, radio, social media, are one-sided, socialistic, and corrupt.

Censorship  –         No freedom of speech, only the Democrat party-line. Justice system is politically weaponized.

Military      –            Forced into Woke indoctrination.  Weakened by weak, incompetent leadership.

Justice system –   Politically weaponized.  Attacking ex-president, Jan.6 kangaroo court (show trial) no legal tenets,

                                 just political, weaponized AG, DOJ. Attacking Supreme court justices personally and at homes.

Elections     –        corrupted by mail-in ballots, harvesting, stuffing ballot boxes, no voter I.D. (for cheating),

                                 move to eliminate electoral college (so largest cities can control results of elections).

Funding to Iran – Gave $100 Billion to a country which sponsors terrorists e.g. Hezbollah, Houthis, Hamas

                                  so they all can attack Israel, (and USA) as they develop nuclear weapons.

Israel       –               blocking, holding or slowing necessary weaponry for Israel to defend itself.  

                                  UN and Democrats want no retaliation from Israel when mercilessly attacked (hostages taken).

Anti-Semitism  –  Say and do nothing when college students riot in favor of Palestinians.

                                 Palestine never a country. Invented by Yasser Arafat to eliminate Israel and gradually take land.

Ukraine     –          Hundreds of billions of dollars given to a Communist country with no oversight.                                

Questionable reasons to still vote for the Democratic party and its candidates:


                                    Choice –            abortion at any length of time.  It’s my body.  (and the other body)…?

                                    Transgender – This was not a big problem until activists and the corrupt media

                                                                made it an issue for indoctrination. No parental influence allowed.

                                                               Pronouns – another issue for socialistic control, along with new Woke terminology.

                                    LGBTQ –         This has been around before and since the Romans and ancient Greeks.

                                                              There was nothing new here until activists and the corrupt media

                                                              made it an issue for control and indoctrination. (and harming teens and pre-teens).

                                    1619 Project –Rewriting history to suit leftist needs and thoughts. This was just fiction

                                                              until activists and the corrupt media made it an issue for indoctrination.

                                    CRT        –       Critical race theory is another arm of the greedy racist promoters.

                                                            This was just fiction until activists and the corrupt media

                                                            made it an issue for indoctrination.

                                    Defund Police – A very juvenile way of saying, “the freedom to do what I want

                                                            when I want to.”  Goes along with the thugs, looters, burners, etc.  Also

                                                            touted by the corrupt media and enabled by Democrat party.


Now compare all of the above and do some creative thinking.  Does any of this help me, my family

and our country?  Are any of the above family issues? Then answer these questions:  Are you thinking?

Or just following?   Following whom? Socialistic actors and musicians and sports players and athletes

who are astronomically overpaid with our money so that they can patronize the rest of us?

Billionaires like George Soros (a Communist) who can fund the most evil and vile programs with impunity?

High profile politicians like Pelosi and Schumer who have lived in luxury with the help of our money?

Thinking yet?   Let us investigate further:


Is the most controversial person in our lifetime.  He has worked all of his life.  He has bettered

his community.  As president he did not take a salary of our money.  He loves America and has

protected us and our country from unfair practices both within and without.   He is a worker.

He acts like a worker and talks straight like a worker.  The left, liberals, the Democrat party and

Communist countries do not like his honesty.  But some respect his achievements and tenacity.

His accomplishments as President are numerous and beneficial to us and our beloved country.

Under his leadership:

                  Trade agreements– with other countries, beneficial to us and the other countries.

                  Southern Border – built a wall which, if finished, would have prevented our present disaster.

                  Free speech – no censorship by the government.

                  Military – strong and unfettered.

                  Police – strong and unfettered.

                  Economy – strong, not in inflation or recession.  Gas & groceries were reasonable.

     Small businesses still existed and profited. Reduced taxes so all benefit.

                  Energy – Oil was openly available. Pipeline open.  We were energy independent and prosperous.

                  Education – unfettered by indoctrination. Available to all.

                  Porn – was absent in our daily lives and in our schools. (Social media are the biggest threat).

                  Religion – was still strong, not reviled by an atheistic state.

And for all of these and more, Donald Trump was repeatedly attacked by the media, the left,

liberals and the Democrat party for hoaxes, sex, collusions, and impeached twice. All of these were false.

Nothing was found to be true.  But he was and is still attacked unmercifully by the corrupt media and

politicians, some from his own party. There are still sleazy attorneys suing him to prevent his election.

Even after an assassination attempt, he is still pushing forward for us and for our beloved country, the

United States of America.  Let us pray for him and his family who have also been attacked. Let us return

to freedom from censorship, weaponized politics, an evil border policy, and relentless taxation.

Let us MAGA…!    And may God Bless America…!

By |September 6th, 2024|

AUGUST (24) Mind Twisting

The undeveloped mind is still controlled by the primitive (reptilian) brain. It lacks the logic and intelligence that it gains by experience and the growth of the neo cortex.  Usually somewhere in the twenties the brain begins to mature.  This should explain a lot to adults who must deal with the undeveloped brain in their daily lives.  It also should explain to an extent why there is so much controversy in schools, colleges and universities.  Teachers and professors are supposed to understand this dynamic when dealing with problems, unless they are actually part of the problem. We are seeing the results in our daily news of out-of-control teaching as proposed and supported by the NEA and AFT.  These organizations are adept at dealing with millennials,GenEx, GenZ and beyond.  They and the “New World Order” depend on this understanding for the manipulation and control of the young.

The undeveloped mind is cart blanche.  These minds are easily seduced by ideas that are outlawed, attractive and glitzy, popular with their peers and the “in crowd.”  This is initially manifested in hair styles, clothing, tattoos, metal rings, make-up, and attitudes.  All of these have happened throughout the ages for the same reasons.  But these tend to morph into a next generation of protests against the present establishment, or any establishment in order to rise above whatever circumstances they (the young) feel oppressed or threatened by: e.g. parents, police, laws or restrictions of any kind, on up to governments both local and national. And so the search begins for something different, more attractive, and (unknowably) seductive. Forget about dangerous.  Remember that the young are (to themselves) immortal.  Think movies.

The result of the above is another morph into the most popular seductions of the “get on the bandwagon” moment.  Vegans (who needs protein), leftism (anything you wish for is OK), racism (revenge, how to milk the establishment), gender switching (today I have mixed X’s and Y’s), acronyms that are sweet and “kitchy” (CRT, DEI, BLM, ANTIPHA, WOKE, etc.), no religion (who needs God?), hiring at any level by skin color (skin or gender equals best qualified?), no law enforcement (what good are the police).  And anyone who thinks differently are backward thinkers or blamers or worse yet, conservatives.

And again, the result of the above is more of a pull into “Pinocchio’s Island of Lost Boys.” Anything you want is available, and as much as you want, no restrictions.  Porno World? (sure), One World?  Definitely!  But, no Jews, no whites, no history (it begins now), no new children (these pesky things will be aborted immediately or at any time after birth), only men can have children!  So now we are finally ready for the ultimate in “One World:”  Socialism/Marxism (which are pre-Communism).  Are any of the young beginning to wake up yet?

In order to have Socialism/Communism there must be total control (Totalitarianism).  “Anything goes” just went.  There is no longer any room for gays, blurred genders, the disabled in any way, free-thinkers (or thinkers at all). Everyone belongs to the State.  Everyone works for the State on a collective of some kind.  There is total censorship (we are very close now).  Police are in total charge of the State’s laws and their enforcement.  There is no longer any freedom.

So if this is totally depressing, then think about how easily we can get to the above.  We are presently on a very slippery slope in that direction.  Think of our young now that are anti-Semites protesting with and supporting the terrorist Palestinians who with Hamas and Hezbollah murdered innocent people in GAZA just because they were there.  They are still at it. And they still have hostages. And the International Criminal Court (ICC) wants to arrest Netanyahu for war crimes for retaliation against these terrorists (protecting his country).  Shameful.  Someone needs to educate our young that they need to wake up!  And check the intentions of the ICC. Check both sides of our political issues. Check the agendas of both of our political parties, and check out those who would implement these agendas.

Terrorists don’t care who they kill.   Our open border has invited in millions of undocumented persons who could unleash terrors against us that we won’t realize until they hit us while we are sleeping.  We are all vulnerable.  The aftermath would be unimaginable. We need to get out and vote for sanity in November.  And forget about personalities.  Instead think about accomplishments.  If you still don’t get it, then read books by sane writers, listen to people who talk sense, not the wishful thinking of the liberal left.  Or the leftist, censored media. They are paving the path to doom.  It is time for all of us to openly express our love for the United States of America and to stop glorifying weakness.  Let us stop the divisiveness of the racists, Hollywood leaches, and a Democrat party with one agenda – to turn us into a Socialist country.  Vote!    Vote for our children’s future. And may God Bless America

By |August 5th, 2024|
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