Is it even possible for us as a nation to recognize the fact that we have lost our way,

misplaced our compasses, have gotten “sucked into” a dark hole, that seems to have

no way out?  We seem to be blinded by domestic propaganda, fake, misleading news,

and all too visible people with self-serving agendas sponsored by oligarchs with too

much money and evil intents.  We are being inundated with negativity.


How do “common sense” people who are trying to raise their families, teach their

children, and work to provide, cope with the above negativity?  It is not possible to

ignore the sleazy situations and people who promote them and still exist.  We must

participate even when it is repugnant. We also must realize that there is power in

numbers.  We hold the ultimate “purse strings” of “our” government.  We are not

a socialized people yet.  We the people, the normal, average people are in charge.

Our government serves us.  And it (they) have forgotten that fact.


This is not a fuzzy, feel- good time in our history.  This is a time for push back!

Historically in politics, the weak become serfs, pawns, and subjects, not citizens.

When there is a takeover by those activists whose only attribute is a big, loud mouth,

it is time for plain speaking, intelligent persons with the good of the entire country

in mind to offer their services.  We do not need a government composed of political

freeloaders who have made a career out of getting rich from lobbyists. Our very

future is at stake.


What needs to be fixed?


EXECUTIVE BRANCH – no decrees, no legislating. President is not a king.

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE – non-political, fair, just, color blind.

MEDICINE – non-political, non-business, R&D for benefit of all citizens.

EDUCATION – eliminate the NEA and their destructive policies. Promote truth in learning.

LOBBYING – reconstruct the whole system. Not a “get rich” for politicians.

ELECTIONS – voter ID, limited mail-in, no harvesting, transparent, expedited, legal and fair.

MEDIA – unbiased reporting, no political propaganda. Opposing views welcome, equal time.

CAMPAIGNING – Limited funding, qualifications met, must debate, level playing field.

SECURITY – closed borders, fair and well-funded and trained: military, police, FBI,

FINANCE – intent to balance budget, IRS fidelity, fair tax system, no illegal printed money.

RELIGION – no restrictions to legitimate worship. No political hounding.

All of the above depend on the right person in charge to carry them out.  We must vote

for qualifications, intelligence, know-how, ability and not beholden to outside finance.

Our very future is at stake.


Read: “The Coddling of the American Mind” by Lukianoff and Haidt