History flows forward!

You cannot go backwards and change it. You can only look back at the stupid things that you are doing now and regret the wasted time and energy that has passed, but you cannot go back and change anything. You must now live with your past mistakes. This is life as it has always been since there have been humans living on this earth.

Our society is now in a state of flux, but I don’t think this will lead to permanent changes.  Things are too unsettled in bizarre directions for permanence.  The tail is still wagging the dog. There is a comparatively small group of radicals who, like a viral infection, have infiltrated our government, big businesses, our media, news and social media of all kinds, our law enforcement, military and education system.  This is not just leaning toward socialism, it is becoming full blown Marxism.  If you dispute this, please read the book by Karl Marx.

As has been said countless times, neither Socialism nor Communism has ever worked in the history of our planet.  They are self-defeating.  The sad fact is that this must be re-learned by each successive generation.  And, each successive generation is then fair game for the proponents of these evils to capture their malleable minds.

The left, liberals, progressives and the Democrat party salivate at the mere thought of each new generation waiting to be corrupted by the seductiveness of being taken care of with everything free, everyone being equal, everyone doing whatever they want, no pesky laws or enforcement, no military or guns, or hearing the word “No.”  For the purveyors of this fiction, this is heaven (since there is no God under secular humanism; each person is their own god). Makes everything simpler.  No Bible, no churches, no  ministers or priests, no right or wrong, except what each person determines for “themselves.”  This is also moral relativism.  Each person determines their own morals and ethics.  For the socially lobotomized, this is truly heaven on earth.  No apple tree, no authority figure, no snake.  Only freedom.

Now what?  Well, at some point this bubble will burst and reality will set in.  What has been DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) will then become clear.  In a repressive society, all of these are ultimately about total control.  There is no Utopia except in the minds of the idealists, those who base everything on wishful thinking.  For those, “waking up is hard to do,” if even possible.They must come to terms with Socialism being for the masses (you and me), but there is always the control part of this equation. (The man, or woman, or them) who will be in charge.  They get the arrowhead, and everyone else gets the shaft.  Waking up yet?  There is no free lunch!

In a dystopian society there is only pain and misery.  The pronouns are “Us” and “Them.”  This is the ultimate equity.  Mendacity, the underground, your usefulness as a cog in the machine is all that is important.  No thinking or opposition or even discussion is permitted.  Censorship rules!

If any of the above is familiar to you, you may be guilty of thinking!  The question at this point in time is:  Can you be guilty of doing something about this depressing scenario before it becomes full-blown?   How much of the above can you apply to what is happening today, now…?  Is it enough to scare you into becoming active in pushing back?  Our media and our government are near complete in a take-over by the left.  For the moment, all we have left in conservative communication is reading books by competent authors.  It is just a matter of time before publishers become “awokened!”  At that point in time we have societal Armageddon!  A total breakdown of everything we have known with only one thing left to do.  We do NOT want to reach this point, So now is the time for all to come to the aid of our country!  Please start by reading:

“Generations” by Jean M. Twenge

“American Gulags” by Oliver North, David L. Goetsch, & Archie P. Jones