Just take a moment to stop and think about our day to day living in this great country of ours. I realize that there is no “free lunch,” but things are quite a bit different now than they were four or five years ago.  My day to day needs are the same. My schedule is very similar. My routine hasn’t changed noticeably. My health is stable even though slightly older now. So what is it that has made a difference now in my day to day living?

We still eat three meals a day and snack sparingly. We still drive our cars as necessary. We still fill our cars occasionally with gasoline. We still drive to appointments for doctors, dentists; pharmacy, grocery, church, errands, etc. We still visit other people in other towns or cities. So what is it that has changed drastically in our daily lives?

Gasoline has almost tripled in price depending on where you are located. Groceries, which used to cost under $100.00 per week for three people have more than doubled. Medications have risen in price as have office supplies, books, computer necessities, etc.Insurance of all kinds have risen in price as has anything in the legal profession.

Retirement has stayed virtually the same for those on a fixed income. Our needs have stayed virtually the same. Middle class is static in many ways. The questions hanging before us have become: Why has this happened, and How do we fix it? Inquiring minds want to know.  Everyone needs to know.  Our daily lives are at risk.

First of all, we have a government that is out of control in many ways. Its bloated bureaucracy is monumentally out of control. The Constitutional Republic that we follow is being ignored by all three branches in favor of far left Liberalism as a new model, most of which is illegal (unconstitutional). Therefore our checks and balances which guide us legally are missing, e.g. – all three branches are legislating, passing laws and mandates that are unchecked and so bloated as to be un-readable due to the enormous length, and to the illegal and unnecessary riders that they contain.

This control is from the Democrat party, who wants to maintain control by the political weaponization of everything possible, including the DOJ, FBI, HHS, IRS and every other acronym you can think of. Censorship and mandates, masks and vaccines, a recession caused by an out of control Fed which prints money as needed by the government with no backup or control. The dollar is now downgraded internationally. Total control of almost all of our media is dystopian and fascist, but works for a socialized government. We are nearing a one-party system of government which is unconstitutional. (they don’t care). Education has to be socialized to carry out the indoctrination necessary for total control. An open southern border is necessary to control the upcoming elections, also to unbalance our economy. Love of our country is trashed in favor of a “One World Government.”  All of the above reeks of corruption. The Democrat party is desperate to do anything involving cheating to win the next elections. They must be able to continue their evil agenda.

All of the above has affected our day to day lives.  If we let it continue it will get worse until we are doomed to follow blindly the Rich and Powerful who are behind this government take-over. What do they gain?  More rich and more powerful control over everything with a “One World” government.  Our present administration has a God complex. They feel that they can do no wrong. They are “above it all,” and untouchable

We the people must show these miscreants that they are wrong.  They are not untouchable.They cannot hijack our great country for their own purposes.  Those following the Democrat party blindly must wake up to the evils of their party and elect new patriots to office who are honest. This Democrat party has been racist for a long time.  They use this now to create divisiveness and confusion among our young and all who are impressionable. Sub-themes like abortion and hijacking the legal system are also evil. They hire attorneys and judges to do their dirty work, then sit back like the puppeteers they imitate and find more strings to pull, thinking that there is no one to stop them.  Let’s prove them wrong!

We the people must speak with a strong and unified voice to end these evils.  We must insure that all of our upcoming elections are fair and legal.  The impediments used in the previous election must not be allowed again.  Do not confuse Democrat with Democratic.  There is an enormous difference in the two.

The individual states that we live in have untapped power.  They need to access this power to save our country and our daily lives and our families and generations to come.  The states can and should make a difference in the coming elections, insisting on truth and honesty without censorship.  All opinions must be heard, not just the loudest or most frequent.

Let us pray that those supporting the evils that we are living with will wake up and pay attention to what is really happening, not just what they are told is happening. God Bless America!  And, let us also remember our “Pledge of Allegiance” to our flag and land!