When it is possible for a government to blackmail and intimidate people with impunity,

how do we categorize that government?

When the above government censors free speech in the media, corporations, businesses,

and the general population, how do we categorize that government?

When the government appoints people to high-level positions only on the basis of color,

gender and politics instead of qualifications, how do we categorize that government?

When the head of that government bypasses the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Congress

and mandates laws, rules, customs and language for the populace, how do we categorize that government?


If terms like totalitarian, despotic, socialistic, communistic, come to mind, it is reasonable

to assume that these historically evil systems are taking place. Traditionally and by plan,

they happen very slowly so as to creep into the daily lives and schedules of citizens so that

they are almost unnoticeable and become commonplace.  This has been done many times

over with disastrous results in every case.  When the people are unaware or don’t listen to

the societal watchdogs, or when they are silent, the creeping starts to gain momentum.

It is at this point that the leash tightens around all throats.  Everyone, including those who

supported the initial movement, are now subjects in a feudal system from which it is very

difficult, if not impossible in the short term, to escape.


I believe that there are very few of us now living in America that really believe this is a

possibility.  We live in a democracy (Constitutional Republic), don’t we? What happened?

How did our comfortable existence change so quickly?  What (who) caused this?  How do

we get back to what was normal?  Were we so focused on the troubles of one man, and our

dislike for him personally (the right hand), that we failed to notice the imperfections and

evils of the left hand? Classic bait and switch.  And then, at this time, it becomes too late for

meaningful discussion which is no longer even permitted. We are caught and tripped up by

misdirection. Even if this was not the plan, it is working beautifully for those currently in



And while the whole country is focused on the soft assassination of the one man who

could get us out of this mess, those in charge are doing everything possible to retain

the power that they now have by securing the next election. Our Southern border is still

open to illegals from practically everywhere to gain access to almost anywhere and everything

in the U.S. This administration has planned this from Day 1 in order to perpetuate their policies.

If nothing is done, millions of undocumented unknowns will be able to vote in 2024, and

they will undoubtedly vote for the ones who enabled them in many ways to take up

residence here.  At this point they will be able to vote with no I.D.  Add this to the already

used ways of stuffing the ballot box e.g. mail in ballots, harvesting, etc., and the one party

system that is being planned will be a certainty. And on top of all of this, there are those

in Congress that would unconstitutionally like to end the filibuster and eliminate the

electoral college, both of which eliminate the fairness and balance on which we depend.

Our system of government has never been perfect. Far from it.  But it has always

contained the fairness and balance written into our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

This has always made possible the level of prosperity and evolution of technology

that has made us the greatest nation in the world, even though we are still young,


Historically speaking. However, we are now facing those who would dismantle our

hopes and dreams, and those of our children and future generations.  Must we

stand by and let this happen just because a poisonous ideology is being spewed by

the complicit media every hour of every day?  Or is there an alternative?


With an indoctrinated media, those who are intelligent enough and have the courage

to speak out are left with very few options. Limited exposure on TV, talk shows, and

social media are available until the speaker is blocked or publicly shamed until his/her

career is trashed, or even is investigated by the FBI or audited by the IRS.  Frightening.

With this in mind, it seems like the only alternative is becoming the arduous process

of writing books.  This is a very powerful method of communication.  Or it would be

if enough people actually read these books.  The down side is: not enough time to

read, can’t concentrate because of my surroundings, too daunting, etc. Books on

tape?  Headphones while I am walking or running (not enough time to regularly get

very far).  Listen in the car? (same excuse).  So what is left to save our country from

Socialism, Marxism, Communism, etc.?  Good intentions will not do it…!


Think of the January 6 peaceful protest.  Many innocent people are being held

Illegally, unjustly, and without proper legal help due to an illegal committee, which

formed a classic “kangaroo court.” This whole process has been a shameful travesty.

When our justice system is this broken because of a weaponized and political

DOJ, FBI, IRS, etc., and the rest of the system is part of this, fairness seems hopeless.

And also frightening.  As in any totalitarian system, there is no longer any credibility

or trust; just try to be invisible.  As I search for meaning, you also should be searching

for ways to communicate with those who are mesmerized and asleep to our present

situation.  Even though it is difficult and daunting, make an effort to try and read books.

At least the information is well documented and filled with other sources of information.

And most of all, thought provoking.  We all need to think more deeply for solutions.


Suggested books; I have read then all:

Mark Levin – “American Marxism,” and “Why the Democrat Party Hates America”

Thomas Sowell – “Social Justice Fallacies”

Jason Chaffetz – “The Puppeteers”

David Horowitz – “Final Battle”

Peter Schweizer – “Red Handed”

Ted Cruz – “Justice Corrupted”

Ken Buck – “Crushed”

Newt Gingrich – “Beyond Biden”

Barak Lurie – “Atheism Kills”

Dinesh D’Souza – “The Big Lie”

Lukianoff/Haidt – “The Coddling of the American Mind”

Tucker Carlson – “The Long Slide”

Ron DeSantis – “The Courage to be Free”

Oliver North – “American Gulags”

Marco Rubio – “Decades of Decadence”

Dave Rubin – “Don’t Burn This Country”

Abigail Shrier – “Irreversible Damage”

Jean M. Twenge – “Generations”

Victor Davis Hanson – check:  victorhanson.com,  extensive writings