Bill Svarda Music2019-06-17T21:31:05+00:00

JANUARY “Minds Wide Shut”

The only reason that socialism, communism, racism, gender games, climate change by humans, educational abomination, immigration blindness, governmental & constitutional & justice take-overs work is: “Censorship.”   There can be no opposition to the party line; no law enforcement (except for those in temporary power and control), no common sense, and no pertinent facts or opinions.  And any who are courageous enough to speak up must be silenced immediately by threats, intimidation of loss of job, tenure, publishing, or anything to do with their livelihood and families. Children must not tell parents what was being taught at school.  Lack of police and law enforcement, legitimate justice system gives a free license to unsupervised juveniles to use any convenient excuse to protest by destroying businesses and looting, burning at will. This is made possible by unqualified, racist and nepotistic judges and attorneys.  This, of course legalizes criminal behavior and turns society upside down.

The above illustrates the “Tendrils of Marxism.”  These stretch everywhere and suck the life from our society.  When our minds and eyes are “wide shut,” we are fair game to the propaganda that is daily spewed through our media with devastating effects to the mindless.

Being brain dead, we have forgotten how to cry.  Nothing has any deep meaning anymore. Killing babies anywhere from conception through birth seems to have faded as an issue. Caring for the problems of veterans, those with covid, cancer, aids, etc., has taken second place to sexual anything anywhere.  Childhood is being taken from children who must become adults in their minds.  We are not now advancing because of the advance of new technology,the newest technology is advancing beyond us and we must try to catch up.

Is this the utopia promised by Marxism and Communism?  Do we become instruments of our own making?  Do we see this happening and yet let it happen?  Is legitimate history being hidden from us so that we don’t or can’t see how it repeats because this happens so slowly that our critical thinking shuts down because of play-offs in whatever sport?

With the above in mind, why can’t the citizens of the USA see that we are being lead by the stupidest of our kind, a party that is, and has been, so evil in our history that those reading our present history in the future will term this period as “Idiot-ocracy!”  What society opens its borders to anyone and then gives them gifts that our own citizens don’t even get? Who funds our enemies with billions of dollars when we are well over thirty trillion dollars In debt, but still printing money, causing inflation, and a bubble that left unintended will burst upon our children and grandchildren.  Are our “Eyes wide shut?” Are our “Minds wide shut?”  Has the open border fentanyl crisis affected our rain and our drinking water?

Well there is a time to say enough is enough!  It looms ahead on November 5th of this year. We get to kick the “Idiot-ocracy” out and vote for common sense; to use our minds again as they were intended to be used.  We get to take the first step to making America great once again. And we do this by legitimizing our whole election process by erasing all of the cheating techniques that ill-legitimized our last election. The time for the silent majority to speak is now. The time to show our patriotism, our love for the greatest country on earth is now. And we do this by standing up and in one voice shouting “Enough is enough!” No more censorship! No more mendacity!  We are now again a country of truth, honesty and freedom! Justice will once again prevail.  While we may speak softly, we also carry a BIG stick…!

God Bless America…!

By |January 8th, 2024|

NOVEMBER – “Are We Thankful?”


Should everyone attending

fill out this questionaire before arriving?


Who do we thank this year?

For what?

What are we grateful for?

As we exist wherever we are,

   are we thankful to be there?

Is Thanksgiving just a meal, or

   Is there an additional purpose?

Is family still important?

Are children part of the celebration,

   or is it just adults in conversation?


Is the family politically divided?

What is the main topic of conversation?

Is controversy predictable?

Are there subjects that must be avoided?

Do most prefer walking on eggshells?

Is religion part of the meal blessing or

   even in the conversation?

How is the location determined?


Do diet restrictions determine the menu?

Is the menu more traditional or more contemporary?


In this age of divisiveness and controversy, do the

“hot button” subjects of the moment take precedence

over the warm relations of our families? Or do they

impede, even destroy our basic relationships?  In other

words, have our priorities changed over these past years

from the closeness of those we have known most of our lives

to the widespread communication with people we know

only through electronics at the click of a button or keystroke?

Has the personal in our lives become impersonal?  Does this

mean that our lives are now connected more electronically?


What will this mean in the years and decades to come when our

children and grandchildren are in charge of what our country will

have become?  Are we looking forward to “common sense” or to

the insanity or “idiocracy” led by those who destroy rather than build?

Have the media of all kinds taken over our minds even now, or will we

regain the ability to oppose?  Can we eliminate censorship in all aspects

of our society starting now?  If so, we can begin again to be truly thankful.

And we can also rediscover to whom our thanks should be offered. And

then we can re-acknowledge the One, the only One to whom we thank

for our families and friends and all those living temporarily on this earth.

This is, of course, the real meaning of the celebration of “Thanksgiving!”

By |November 20th, 2023|

OCTOBER – “Read to Survive”

When it is possible for a government to blackmail and intimidate people with impunity,

how do we categorize that government?

When the above government censors free speech in the media, corporations, businesses,

and the general population, how do we categorize that government?

When the government appoints people to high-level positions only on the basis of color,

gender and politics instead of qualifications, how do we categorize that government?

When the head of that government bypasses the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Congress

and mandates laws, rules, customs and language for the populace, how do we categorize that government?


If terms like totalitarian, despotic, socialistic, communistic, come to mind, it is reasonable

to assume that these historically evil systems are taking place. Traditionally and by plan,

they happen very slowly so as to creep into the daily lives and schedules of citizens so that

they are almost unnoticeable and become commonplace.  This has been done many times

over with disastrous results in every case.  When the people are unaware or don’t listen to

the societal watchdogs, or when they are silent, the creeping starts to gain momentum.

It is at this point that the leash tightens around all throats.  Everyone, including those who

supported the initial movement, are now subjects in a feudal system from which it is very

difficult, if not impossible in the short term, to escape.


I believe that there are very few of us now living in America that really believe this is a

possibility.  We live in a democracy (Constitutional Republic), don’t we? What happened?

How did our comfortable existence change so quickly?  What (who) caused this?  How do

we get back to what was normal?  Were we so focused on the troubles of one man, and our

dislike for him personally (the right hand), that we failed to notice the imperfections and

evils of the left hand? Classic bait and switch.  And then, at this time, it becomes too late for

meaningful discussion which is no longer even permitted. We are caught and tripped up by

misdirection. Even if this was not the plan, it is working beautifully for those currently in



And while the whole country is focused on the soft assassination of the one man who

could get us out of this mess, those in charge are doing everything possible to retain

the power that they now have by securing the next election. Our Southern border is still

open to illegals from practically everywhere to gain access to almost anywhere and everything

in the U.S. This administration has planned this from Day 1 in order to perpetuate their policies.

If nothing is done, millions of undocumented unknowns will be able to vote in 2024, and

they will undoubtedly vote for the ones who enabled them in many ways to take up

residence here.  At this point they will be able to vote with no I.D.  Add this to the already

used ways of stuffing the ballot box e.g. mail in ballots, harvesting, etc., and the one party

system that is being planned will be a certainty. And on top of all of this, there are those

in Congress that would unconstitutionally like to end the filibuster and eliminate the

electoral college, both of which eliminate the fairness and balance on which we depend.

Our system of government has never been perfect. Far from it.  But it has always

contained the fairness and balance written into our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

This has always made possible the level of prosperity and evolution of technology

that has made us the greatest nation in the world, even though we are still young,


Historically speaking. However, we are now facing those who would dismantle our

hopes and dreams, and those of our children and future generations.  Must we

stand by and let this happen just because a poisonous ideology is being spewed by

the complicit media every hour of every day?  Or is there an alternative?


With an indoctrinated media, those who are intelligent enough and have the courage

to speak out are left with very few options. Limited exposure on TV, talk shows, and

social media are available until the speaker is blocked or publicly shamed until his/her

career is trashed, or even is investigated by the FBI or audited by the IRS.  Frightening.

With this in mind, it seems like the only alternative is becoming the arduous process

of writing books.  This is a very powerful method of communication.  Or it would be

if enough people actually read these books.  The down side is: not enough time to

read, can’t concentrate because of my surroundings, too daunting, etc. Books on

tape?  Headphones while I am walking or running (not enough time to regularly get

very far).  Listen in the car? (same excuse).  So what is left to save our country from

Socialism, Marxism, Communism, etc.?  Good intentions will not do it…!


Think of the January 6 peaceful protest.  Many innocent people are being held

Illegally, unjustly, and without proper legal help due to an illegal committee, which

formed a classic “kangaroo court.” This whole process has been a shameful travesty.

When our justice system is this broken because of a weaponized and political

DOJ, FBI, IRS, etc., and the rest of the system is part of this, fairness seems hopeless.

And also frightening.  As in any totalitarian system, there is no longer any credibility

or trust; just try to be invisible.  As I search for meaning, you also should be searching

for ways to communicate with those who are mesmerized and asleep to our present

situation.  Even though it is difficult and daunting, make an effort to try and read books.

At least the information is well documented and filled with other sources of information.

And most of all, thought provoking.  We all need to think more deeply for solutions.


Suggested books; I have read then all:

Mark Levin – “American Marxism,” and “Why the Democrat Party Hates America”

Thomas Sowell – “Social Justice Fallacies”

Jason Chaffetz – “The Puppeteers”

David Horowitz – “Final Battle”

Peter Schweizer – “Red Handed”

Ted Cruz – “Justice Corrupted”

Ken Buck – “Crushed”

Newt Gingrich – “Beyond Biden”

Barak Lurie – “Atheism Kills”

Dinesh D’Souza – “The Big Lie”

Lukianoff/Haidt – “The Coddling of the American Mind”

Tucker Carlson – “The Long Slide”

Ron DeSantis – “The Courage to be Free”

Oliver North – “American Gulags”

Marco Rubio – “Decades of Decadence”

Dave Rubin – “Don’t Burn This Country”

Abigail Shrier – “Irreversible Damage”

Jean M. Twenge – “Generations”

Victor Davis Hanson – check:,  extensive writings

By |October 5th, 2023|

SEPTEMBER – Day to Day

Just take a moment to stop and think about our day to day living in this great country of ours. I realize that there is no “free lunch,” but things are quite a bit different now than they were four or five years ago.  My day to day needs are the same. My schedule is very similar. My routine hasn’t changed noticeably. My health is stable even though slightly older now. So what is it that has made a difference now in my day to day living?

We still eat three meals a day and snack sparingly. We still drive our cars as necessary. We still fill our cars occasionally with gasoline. We still drive to appointments for doctors, dentists; pharmacy, grocery, church, errands, etc. We still visit other people in other towns or cities. So what is it that has changed drastically in our daily lives?

Gasoline has almost tripled in price depending on where you are located. Groceries, which used to cost under $100.00 per week for three people have more than doubled. Medications have risen in price as have office supplies, books, computer necessities, etc.Insurance of all kinds have risen in price as has anything in the legal profession.

Retirement has stayed virtually the same for those on a fixed income. Our needs have stayed virtually the same. Middle class is static in many ways. The questions hanging before us have become: Why has this happened, and How do we fix it? Inquiring minds want to know.  Everyone needs to know.  Our daily lives are at risk.

First of all, we have a government that is out of control in many ways. Its bloated bureaucracy is monumentally out of control. The Constitutional Republic that we follow is being ignored by all three branches in favor of far left Liberalism as a new model, most of which is illegal (unconstitutional). Therefore our checks and balances which guide us legally are missing, e.g. – all three branches are legislating, passing laws and mandates that are unchecked and so bloated as to be un-readable due to the enormous length, and to the illegal and unnecessary riders that they contain.

This control is from the Democrat party, who wants to maintain control by the political weaponization of everything possible, including the DOJ, FBI, HHS, IRS and every other acronym you can think of. Censorship and mandates, masks and vaccines, a recession caused by an out of control Fed which prints money as needed by the government with no backup or control. The dollar is now downgraded internationally. Total control of almost all of our media is dystopian and fascist, but works for a socialized government. We are nearing a one-party system of government which is unconstitutional. (they don’t care). Education has to be socialized to carry out the indoctrination necessary for total control. An open southern border is necessary to control the upcoming elections, also to unbalance our economy. Love of our country is trashed in favor of a “One World Government.”  All of the above reeks of corruption. The Democrat party is desperate to do anything involving cheating to win the next elections. They must be able to continue their evil agenda.

All of the above has affected our day to day lives.  If we let it continue it will get worse until we are doomed to follow blindly the Rich and Powerful who are behind this government take-over. What do they gain?  More rich and more powerful control over everything with a “One World” government.  Our present administration has a God complex. They feel that they can do no wrong. They are “above it all,” and untouchable

We the people must show these miscreants that they are wrong.  They are not untouchable.They cannot hijack our great country for their own purposes.  Those following the Democrat party blindly must wake up to the evils of their party and elect new patriots to office who are honest. This Democrat party has been racist for a long time.  They use this now to create divisiveness and confusion among our young and all who are impressionable. Sub-themes like abortion and hijacking the legal system are also evil. They hire attorneys and judges to do their dirty work, then sit back like the puppeteers they imitate and find more strings to pull, thinking that there is no one to stop them.  Let’s prove them wrong!

We the people must speak with a strong and unified voice to end these evils.  We must insure that all of our upcoming elections are fair and legal.  The impediments used in the previous election must not be allowed again.  Do not confuse Democrat with Democratic.  There is an enormous difference in the two.

The individual states that we live in have untapped power.  They need to access this power to save our country and our daily lives and our families and generations to come.  The states can and should make a difference in the coming elections, insisting on truth and honesty without censorship.  All opinions must be heard, not just the loudest or most frequent.

Let us pray that those supporting the evils that we are living with will wake up and pay attention to what is really happening, not just what they are told is happening. God Bless America!  And, let us also remember our “Pledge of Allegiance” to our flag and land!

By |September 8th, 2023|

AUGUST – Armageddon Looms

For the first time since I have voted, I am ashamed of our government.  The present administration, (Biden), the justice department, FBI, Merrick Garland, Wray, Smith, etc, are all part of the most corrupt governing bodies we have ever had in America.  And this is saying a lot. Look at the deeds and misdeeds of FDR.

The Democrat Party has always been corrupt.  They were in league with the KKK (Why are blacks still members of this party?)  They were against civil rights legislation (Johnson, Biden, Bird, etc.).  They have had virtual crime bosses in charge of voting precincts since I was young,and these were known for threats and head-banging and worse if you didn’t vote Democrat.  Why does anyone still belong to this party of evil?

And now the Democrat Party, after blatantly stealing the last presidential election, (mail-in ballots, Dominion voting machines, harvesting, etc.) is doing it again.  Even worse, and in plain sight of the world. Biden, Garland with DOJ, FBI, etc. are planning and implementing every illegal and corrupt trick they can find to derail a past president even from running again with enormous public support.  The entire justice department, including attorneys, (Jack Smith), judges, grand juries, is part of this farce which started with a January 6th speech by Trump which was railroaded into evilness by the DOJ and the FBI with Pelosi refusing any support for calm and then turning everything into an improvised “insurrection” by reversing positions in the middle of the peaceful protest goaded on by plants from the justice system (FBI), who turned this legal protest into a way to derail Trump.  One white lady was shot and killed by a DC policeman and, no riots or burning or looting were reported…amazing!  Then a kangaroo court farce led by Liz Cheney and other Democrats also turned ugly and reversed reality into another way to gain power and hurt innocent people illegally. All of this is bad precedent for our already strained justice system.

All of the above became part of a propaganda campaign for Democrats to point fingers and to obscure details from the public by our left leaning media.  The press and the media of all kinds have been one-sided and instruments of propaganda during the present administration, but also from the time of Obama and even before, during the Clinton administration. Actually, through every Democrat administration.  The days of honest, truthful and balanced reporting from journalists and newsrooms are long gone.  This kind of sanitized reporting in print, on TV and in social media, unfortunately makes the evils of this administration and the Democrat party easy to transmit to the general public, who now has developed a taste for indoctrination and propaganda. CNN and MSNBC are leaders of the pack!

Democrats have used racism as a tool whenever it is to their advantage.  They are now using climate change, green whatever, electric batteries and cars, gender misinformation, atheism to derail church influence, schools to indoctrinate with false medicine, history, and censorship, in other words anything and everything that they can use, to gain total power and control over America and make a change to socialism/communism/dictatorship/even monarchy as soon as this becomes possible.  Causing inflation and printing unsupported money will damage our economy so that when everyone is destitute, total control becomes possible.  This makes the despots from the past look like beginners.

Biden is a puppet, a tool who is faltering, but he is still able to fulfill his function of leading by default.  He is malleable as is his vice president who is not capable enough to be either a puppet or a tool.  All the Democrats have to do now is discredit and neutralize Trump in any way possible so that they win in 2024.  Then their plan B can take effect.  Real control by the real entities in charge, the billionaires and trillionaires who are in fact in charge now.  When that happens, the world turns into global slavery.  No one will be exempt, including all of the minions who worked faithfully to make this happen.  The only law will be the “new law” of the New World Order.  One military, one way of policing throughout the world, and the only recourse is whether you or anyone else would prefer to live as a slave or die.  You will have a choice:  kill yourself in any way you choose, or reach a deadline where “we will do it for you!”

What I have just laid out is the blueprint we are all following.  There are people working to reverse the evil trends we are faced with. But, unless you are listening to any of the few conservative outlets that are for the moment broadcasting, you are but a sheep waiting for whatever the inevitability is that is coming.  As a sheep, you just don’t realize this or are foolish enough not to believe it.  At this point there is still a choice for everyone, but that window of time is gradually closing.  The door will either close permanently or remain open with fresh air to believe in the Constitution of the United States of America depending on our choices.  May common sense prevail. God help us in 2024…!

By |August 8th, 2023|

JULY – Freedom to Grow!

When I was very young I was taken to parades every July 4th.  This was in the 40s just after World War II.  There were bands of all kinds and military people and equipment of all kinds.  I loved the exciting music, especially the drums providing the foundation for the rest of the instruments.  And when the parade ended we always went to the cemetery for a few patriotic speeches and some prayers for those who served, lost their lives, and all who helped in the war effort.  This was in a small steel town in Ohio, Middletown USA.  Oh for those days.

After the cemetery we went home and changed to our swimsuits for the rest of the days’ water games and picnics with BBQ’d whatever, usually dogs and burgers.  This was always enjoyable, a bit like living in Mayberry on TV.  As I grew older I was able to participate in the parades first of all by marching with my troop in the Boy Scouts, and later in McKinley Junior High and then Middletown High School by marching with their respective bands as a trombone player. Just try playing a wind instrument while pounding the pavement for a couple of mile parade. (the trombone section always ruled). But we still ended up at the cemetery to celebrate God and country and to remember. This all sounds simple, and it was, but as in all reminiscing we just hit the high points., the good parts.  Without our present technological advantages life was much more difficult.

When I was young I experienced some of the difficulties vicariously. I was like a sponge for other people’s emotions. Probably an empath.  This is also probably the reason that I began to read books voraciously.  They provided an escape. And I took advantage of this in a big way through the library (I would leave with armfuls of books), my mother’s books (from a book club), and newspapers, magazines and periodicals.  This has become a way of life for me now into my 80s, though now not so much an escape, but for enjoyment and information of all kinds. I am a certifiable “bibliophile!”  And proud of it…

To return to my premise, all of us must find ways to journey through our lives.  This is what makes us individuals.  Our lives are made up of the good times and the bad times.  It is how we navigate the bumps in the roads of our lives that is most important.  Most of us stay under the radar for our entire lives, and some of us become privileged and even excel. No matter how we proceed, we are faced with the occasional “fork in the road.”  These choices are another factor that determines our individuality.  Sometimes we are blessed and sometimes we make mistakes.  None of us is perfect; no one is 100%.  This is what makes us human.  When we fall down we must “pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and start all over again.” (as the song goes)…  This is called growth.  It is also a human trait.

Through all of the above, we must also develop a sense of right and wrong, a conscience.  This might seem to be necessary and ubiquitous and human, but, as I have noticed in my extensive reading and lifelong habit of people watching, this is not so.  There are sociopaths among us who have no sense of right or wrong, sensitivity to others, or conscience.  A large part of these people are in politics, government bureaucracy and unions of all kinds.  Most are far-left leaning liberals who are also self-serving socialists who are unpatriotic and un-American. They would like to change our way of life and our freedoms to the sheeplike control of our lives and our minds.

July 4th is when we celebrate our freedoms and our independence; our freedom to think, to oppose radical views, to insist upon our Constitution as the foundation for our government and our governing bodies. When this becomes diseased, we must cure it.  When there is rot in the tree of life, it must be excised.  We must insist on free, unfettered and legal elections and a free press that is free to express both sides of all issues.  We must insist on our freedoms and celebrate them every day. Not just on July 4th.  This is our legacy for our children and our grandchildren. Freedom to celebrate our God and our country: the United States of America. God Bless America…!

By |July 3rd, 2023|
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