APRIL – The Great Divide
Not speaking of geography, but society. The America we once knew is now under attack.There are many facets to this barrage, but the real “leadership” of all of them is hidden from us. We know that there is an evil entity funding the disease being inflicted upon us and on our whole country, but we don’t know who to root out. Money man or fascist.
To begin with, this is no longer an issue between white and black, a racial divide. There is division being fomented between every conceivable facet of our once free country. This may have started with race, but now has escalated to education at all levels, law enforcement at all levels, women’s so-called rights, gender, reproduction, pronouns, censorship, immigration by force, religion, double standards, fake news, frivolous lawsuits, murder of the innocent of any age, political corruption at every level, and vicious personal attacks of all kinds. Division.
No matter how stable our society has been, the above will cause instability, and an attitude which vacillates between anger and a searching for reasons and solutions. All of us want to know who is behind all of this madness, so we can deal with the perpetrator(s). All of the attacks and riots are represented by a lack of intelligence combined with stupidity so blatant as to be laughable in a serious situation. If only our present situation were laughable instead of serious, life would be easier to live and also more predictable. Since we are unfortunately living in the “Mad Hatter’s Tea Party,” for the moment we just have to deal with the daily nonsense.
But to return to my premise, our primary task is to find the evil perpetrator(s) of this madness.The preservation of our country and the lives of our children and grandchildren depend on this.We know that the evil aim of the dividers is Socialism morphing into Communism. We also know that neither has worked historically, ever, anywhere. They always end with one sleazy dictator having all of the marbles. (Who usually loses his/her marbles). And we know in addition that the secondary aim is world domination, in which everyone is in the same kettle of rotten soup. Leaders are politically corrupt, citizens are economically poor and downtrodden, only able to dream of lost freedom. This is the inevitable result of what we are being pushed, squeezed into, and the pawns who are being used to implement the ubiquitous evils will unknowingly be in the same soup no matter what was promised to them earlier.
Additional divides that we are experiencing? Racially: white against black, or just different shades against each other. Women against men. Women against themselves – to reproduce or not. Giving birth or offspring murder. Democrat (no longer for labor, only leftist); Republican – (no longer just upper-crust or wealthy), but conservative. Guns or not – affects everyone with a need for defense. Women becoming men (sort of), men becoming women (sort of). Teacher’s teaching the forbidden (porn), without parental knowledge; advising kids about medical procedures secretly. Parents barred from meetings or even jailed when they request pertinent information about their children. Open borders mandated by a clueless executive branch of our government, causing chaos that will only become evident within the next generation or two. Corrupt attorneys, judges, DOJ, FBI, DHS, etc. acronyms ad nauseum. And the list goes on, also ad nauseum. Our feet are stuck in a kind of flypaper, so we move slowly and carefully, lest we offend some unknown rule that just appeared. And then we can be penalized by censuring, losing a job, or being tossed into a corrupt justice system without proper recourse (kangaroo court).
Wake up! We are already in Socialism, just waiting for the next stage (enslavement). Those BLMs and ANTIFAs, etc., who are being self-serving and violent and destructive also had better wake up. You leftists are in the same boat with the conservatives. The unlimited funding of evil is also for your own ultimate enslavement. You are also in the Great Divide with the rest of us, you are just helping things to slide down faster by furthering/hastening impending evil.
Our last resort is prayer to a supreme being, our Creator, our God, our Savior. Those who have turned away are part of the most important divide from the reality of life, and death. Life is short! What’s next? Fouling your own nest in this life will certainly not help you in the next! There are rules that show us how to live together in peace in a free and benevolent society: the Bible, our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights. If you read them you can realize that our aim in life is kindness, lawfulness, peace and love. The Satan that you presently follow is for the opposite, representing the worst divide in our lives. Your choice could eliminate any divide anywhere. Let us all choose wisely…!
Having just spent time at the Reagan Library viewing the Auschwitz Exhibit, I can see an initial comparison to what began innocuously in Germany in the 1930s. Hitler was a product of his times. He made promises based on the wants and needs of the people. Even before he centered on the Jews as the source of all of their problems, he began to control the thinking of all of the German people. He assumed control of the military and law enforcement, got rid of guns and weapons from all but his enforcement troops. Next came total control of the means of communication, schools and the young. Religion was forbidden and private organizations of any kind were eliminated. He became the supreme dictator and had life and death control over everyone. Then he guided the German people into ultimate destruction. If this process seems simple and easy, though corrupt, it is. Far too easy.
The above actually happened. We have a blueprint and a timeline. Unfortunately, we traditionally do not learn from history. This is why the “left” wants to eliminate the past and rewrite it for younger generations. Evil usually happens slowly so it is unnoticed. Support comes from those liberals that base their thinking (or lack of) on idealism and wishful thinking. Present “hooks” like wind farms, electric cars, trucks and planes, climate change, everything “green,” eating bugs, etc., are distractions and smoke screens to prevent conservatives and thinkers from being heard. And when the ubiquitous media, news, and social media only present the flawed thinking of the left, we have the beginnings of Socialism morphing into Communism morphing into totalitarianism and the dictatorship that certainly follows. And then what?
The one-party system of evil, (unity), the One World of everyone marching in lockstep to the same propaganda looms ahead. If you actually wonder how the left will begin, look at the political career of President Trump. He has been blocked in every possible way, both legally and illegally with almost no opposition from his own party in his conservative policies, of which millions of Americans approve. Like him or not, what is being done to him as an ex-president is shoddy, below the belt political evil (funded by a madman), masquerading as a justice system. As is the harassment of our Supreme Court justices. Now compare this scenario to Germany in the 1930s. If you see any similarities, then wake up! Satan is here! Let us eliminate our divisions. Think of the coming elections…! Future generations! Choose wisely…!
Please read: “The Courage to be Free.” (Florida’s blueprint for America’s revival) by Ron DeSantis, 2023.