I have been aware of our American presidents starting with Harry Truman during World War II. I was born in January, 1941, a war baby. I first became aware of Mr. Truman by listening to his radio broadcasts. My most poignant memory is his “no nonsense” way of talking which communicated his thoughts directly to the listener. During those times of privation, most people liked this and appreciated his candor. Mr. Truman was truly a leader. He was able to make decisions which were ultimately beneficial to everyone, at least that was my understanding at the time, and I retained this as I got older.

After the war was over, I remember the presidential campaign of Dwight D. Eisenhower.  He was the commander in chief of the allied forces during World War II who ultimately defeated the Axis powers.  His leadership in this was vital to the whole world.  His style was also “no nonsense” and direct.  He spoke succinctly to all Americans during his campaign but also after he became president. I still remember his campaign slogan “I like Ike” which was on the campaign buttons which I treasured at the time.When he became president, there was no doubt where he stood on issues or what he planned to do or how he would handle the issues of the day.

After Eisenhower, things became less and less accessible to the American people.  Our next president was John F. Kennedy.  His presidency was termed at the time as “Camelot.” With his wife, first lady Jackie, there was an unreal feeling of a storybook nature to their lives and from the news reporting of the time.  The media started becoming even more prominent than it had been in the past. Television was now added to radio, and with the printed newspapers and magazines there was an increased fervor to report even the slightest happening of note, either real and true or fictional but interesting as gossip. With television, the president spoke directly to all Americans in real time or over and over in short clips edited faithfully or not.  This could have been beneficial, but, increasingly the media got creative. News anchors (reading the text and ideas given to them by the owners of the stations), presented their take on what the president actually said or meant.  They began treating the public as if we were pre-schoolers and that their job was to explain to us the real and deeper meanings of what we just heard.  This became like “playing telephone” and after a time, more latitude was given to adding and subtracting new meanings until we started hearing “breaking news” ad nauseam. Remember the “Bay of Pigs” and the “cold war.”  After President Kennedy was assassinated, Lyndon Johnson became president and was hounded throughout  by the war in Vietnam. He made an attempt at forming the “Great Society,” but he was instead mired in a “no win” situation.

President Nixon was next to attempt organization and leadership. He ended the Vietnam War, but was hounded out of office by the “Watergate” debacle.  His successor, Gerald Ford just accomplished a measure of balance and reasonable organization by the end of his term.   Next was Jimmy Carter and his attempts at peace in the Middle East, followed by Ronald Reagan who was able to bring back a fair measure of “common sense,” prosperity and balance along with trust in God and patriotism (love of our country). Even with these plusses he still had to survive an assassination attempt. Next, President Reagan’s Vice President, George H. W. Bush dealt with internal problems and increasing mid-east turmoil, succeeded by President Bill and Hillary Clinton enterprises. This included the “blue dress” and creeping liberalism.  George W. Bush was saddled next with the destruction of the New York trade center by terrorists,  and his immediate response to go to the mid-east and “kick ass.”  He was both celebrated and vilified for his response and his policies.

With all of this history behind them, the media circus was in full force.  Liberalism was growing exponentially, and those who could actually think were beginning to think of the movie “Idiocracy.”  We, as a nation, were being systematically “dumbed down.” So…enter Barak Obama (after trouncing Hillary Clinton).  Obama caused an explosion of liberalism from the far left.  Blacks  (slavery), gays (alphabetically), health care (Obamacare), everything geared to a Utopian society.  All of this grew stronger through his two terms.  His best friend was the “fake news.”  He could do no wrong.  And, he was just setting the stage for the biggest blow-out in American history which was being re-written along with education in general.  The mood from the top down was Anti-American, anti-God, anti-anything conservative, anti-police and anti-Constitution.  Conversely all was becoming pro-violence, pro-drugs, pro-open borders, and pro-lose our societal identity.  But, when Donald Trump was elected President, he applied the brakes to the dismay of the far left and socialist Democrats and liberals everywhere.  His re-set caused a return to prosperity, low prices for food and gas, respect from foreign countries, secure borders, and a conservative balance both in this country and abroad. Enter Joe Biden, ex-Vice President under Obama.

On his first day as President, Joe Biden began to reverse all of the things that made America once again prosperous and safe to live in. He opened the door widely to the worst policies of the Democrat party and the extremism of the Marxist, Socialist, liberal activists such as BLM and ANTIFA, both fascist organizations.  And, approaching his second year, Biden has done nothing of value.  He has only bought into the evils of the far left and extreme liberals and proceeded accordingly to systematically destroy everything of value in our once great country.

Those of us who are left with common sense and the best conservative ideas must begin to push back.  People who are on the fence must wake up to what has happened.  Read the new books by deep-thinking minds, listen to conservative news programs and prepare to vote the unqualified, unthinking out of office. Everywhere.  Let’s begin  this November.  And, with our deepest, most fervent prayers, let us all ask God to bless and save our beloved United States of America…!