JUNE – Instability
A large percentage of our American society is now mentally unstable. And this seems to be growing at an alarming rate. Some have dropped out of our communities to live in tents or cardboard boxes. Some have decided that they will restructure or even overthrow our governmental processes at the local, state, or even the national levels. And some have decided to surgically remove individuals that seem to them to be unnecessary or dangerous to them, or even just randomly in their way by violent means. These people think nothing of using guns, knives, bombs, or anything else that is obtainable or convenient for them to acquire. And how do mentally unstable people acquire various means of destruction?
First of all, they usually seem like normal people. They are able to fit into their families, schools, workplaces and society in general. This enables them to appear innocuous to most other people. (“He seemed like such a nice person. He was such a quiet person, a loner with no friends, but harmless.”) So how do we learn to recognize a mentally disturbed person who could be planning a mass shooting or bombing or other heinous crime?
Second of all, we are not legally able to deal with a mentally disturbed person, even if we do recognize him or her as such. This is an enormous impediment to the safety of everyone in general. How do we prepare for the unknown if we don’t recognize it as potentially harmful? And how do we deal with someone who is recognizable as harmful if we are legally prevented from stopping the person or even calling 9-1-1 or the police who are also hobbled and unable to deal with mental instability? If prevention is unlikely or impossible, then we must sit or stand somewhere until the perpetrator actually perpetrates. In other words, when the shooting, bombing, etc, actually starts, then we can become proactive. Then we can think of protecting ourselves, our families, and others. Well, as any intelligent person knows, at that point it is way too late for prevention or even calling for help. Survival is your only thought in the few precious seconds. Or maybe a very quick prayer before something happens.
Third of all, the above scenario is not optimal or workable or sensible. It is a recipe for failure in our security and law enforcement system, both of whom are ineffective due to the skewed political thinking which is governing our present, liberal justice system. The politics of the left has decreed that guns are the sole problem in our society concerning our safety and the safety of our schools and churches and workplaces. This limited thinking is the sole reason that we have this problem in the first place. Their simple fix: make all of the guns disappear. As any intelligent person knows, this will never happen. It is impossible. Like our war on drugs (a failure). The bad guys will always have guns and access to guns and bombs (recipe on the internet) and knives and hand grenades, etc. All that our fractured political thinking has done is make everything worse by the convoluted thinking of our leftist, socialist, communistic elected(?) leaders in this Congress and administration. Their thinking is based on blaming anyone who thinks intelligently and shouting them down at every opportunity. Those thoughts must never reach the mainstream media (who would not publish them anyway).
Fourth of all, the strength of every free thinking person in America is in our numbers. We must overwhelm the liberal, socialist, communist, idealistic wishful thinking policies of those who are leading us astray down the path to oblivion. We must insist on fair, transparent and legal elections at every level. We must insist on fair, balanced and uncensored reporting in all of our media, internet, social media, and newspapers. And we must insist that our elected representatives from the local through the national levels follow through on the campaign promises that they make to their constituents. No more RINOS. No more switching sides when the going gets rough. And no more deviations from the principles laid forth in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. All of the above problems are solvable with intelligent thinking. The liberal, leftist insanity that we have too long experienced must be reversed and ultimately stopped. Our ideals, faiths, justice, education systems must be realigned to the reality of our daily lives. Out of control environmentalists who are ruining our economy and our way of life must be reeducated. And the basic security of us and our nation must have closed and secure borders as does every other nation in the world. Sanity must again be the rule. We must overrule the Mad Hatter and his inept minions. Enough mental instability. Figuring this out is the only way to the salvation of these United States of America. May all people of conscience and goodwill and intelligence come out of hiding in silence and loudly make their voices heard to set our nation back on its original track of respect and responsibility so that we all may once again live in peace and prosperity. May God hear us and once again deign to bless these United States of America.
MAY – “God Bless America”
When the “left” says “zip it,” they mean your mouth, not your pants…! They, for the moment, have de facto control of almost everything that is conservative in our country. How we talk, how we think and act, and how we go about our lives. We are living for the moment in the “Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.” Everything is turned upside down. The “Queen of Hearts” is in charge. And she is a monstrous bully. What the left believes today may be backwards from tomorrow. And anything that a conservative says or does today might be seen as outrageous or life-threatening or even seditious tomorrow. No matter how stupid or laughable is something that the left proposes, we are expected to believe it and abide by it until it is whimsically changed by the left. And if one proposes a conservative thought using common sense, that person is castigated, and shouted down (a favorite tactic), until the person ceases or leaves or quits in frustration.
We used to live by rules. All sports have rules which everyone follows unquestioningly. Any disputes are decided by umpires or referees and we abide by these in every sport. In our government we have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights which we follow and which are administrated by three branches of our government, the Executive, Legislative and Judicial. This has worked for many decades. There are those in the left that are trying to undo the system, which is the best system in a world of other systems. The changes proposed are seemingly taken right out of “Alice in Wonderland.” They are ridiculous, idealistic, utopian ideas based on wishful thinking and relying on the total control of every person, regardless of their status.
That any of this is tolerated by anyone is unthinkable by anyone with even a modicum of common sense, but we are expected to suspend our beliefs and just go about our lives as they start to disintegrate around us. The left is so evil that they will attack anyone and anything at any time. Their methods are violence, destruction, intimidation, bullying, lying and cheating. Their tools are colleges and universities who, by their partial and incomplete knowledge of real life are easy dupes and malleable; the CEOS of large companies and Oligarchs; clueless unions such as that which controls teachers with nonsense and leftist drivel; law enforcement from local up to the federal government; and the courts at all levels, especially liberal attorneys and judges.
All of this is ultimately made possible by the media of all kinds who only report one side of everything that occurs involving liberals and their untenable and evil policies and attacks anything that opposes these. Nothing liberal has any transparency, just duplicity. There is only one point of view in our media concerning our lives, party policy, our language, our habits, our beliefs and our families and children. If we try to protect our own, we are considered “domestic terrorists.” None of this is right or workable for very long. The French Revolution started in a similar way and its liberal policies eventually destroyed itself by eating its own (by the guillotine). This always happens in history when idiots rule and bullies enforce. But, also in history, the pendulum swings in time in the opposite direction before once again coming to rest in the center where once again people can speak freely about anything. And how do we get the pendulum to swing to the right? All people of conscience must vote for people who care about their country and its citizens, all of them. First, however, there must be an election process that is fair and legal according to our Constitution. This is paramount.
Until then, it seems we must start to stockpile food, use gasoline wisely, prepare for our own protection, create a hedge against mob rule and destruction, unite with our neighbors for any eventuality, and once again participate in our churches. This can set our minds at ease with clear thinking based on millenniums of precedent in similar circumstances. Good always triumphs over evil, but we cannot assume, we must work actively toward a fortuitous outcome. Our very existence and the perpetuation of our children and their children depends on this. Amen, Hallelujah, Namaste, and may God continue to bless and protect the United States of America.
April – Acronyms of Reset
There is so much that is wrong in our society right now that it is difficult to distill the main points into a cohesive whole that is understandable. So I will just try to deal with categories that are the most pertinent such as:
ACRONYMS – We are inundated with them daily: AOC, FBI, CIA, AAA, LOL, ASAP, OMG, BTW, POTUS, SCOTUS, etc. You get the idea, so here are some new ones that will become part of the new Reset (socialistic societal revamp) that is coming toward us unless we unite against it: WEF (World Economic Forum) in charge of uniting us into “One World” economically, financially; GSPF (Global Social Protection Fund); ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation); ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance – leftist controls); MMT (Modern Monetary Theory); IMF (International Monetary Fund); OSF (Open Society Foundations); SDR (Special Drawing Rights – IMF); GCA (Global Center on Adaptation – Global Society); SDG (Sustainable Development Goals – Economy); CCP (Chinese Communist Party); GND (Green New Deal – favored by Democrats, esp. AOC – est. cost $94 Trillion). MMT- print money as needed. Recoup by taxes and inflation.
RESET players: Stephanie Kelton (MMT) Klaus Schwab, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Kristalina Georgieva, to name a few. And for the Reset to succeed, all needs to change at the same time (Green New Deal, MMT and Economy). The trillions needed will be printed as part of the MMT change in the Federal Reserve. There will be a total destruction of the world’s existing energy industry, and the advent of a universal basic income and government managed health care. Also a Stakeholder economy instead of our present Capitalism, which serves all. In a Stakeholder economy, first the ruling class of elites will satisfy their needs, then everyone else is served. The goal of the Reset is “Utopia.” The United Nations will also have a great part in the above, calling their part “AGENDA 2030.” We will see…
OUR OWN EDUCATION – If a lot of the above sounds a bit funky, then we all need to find a way to provide an alternative and then “fight fascism fiercely and fairly. Push back. And what is the best way to do this? Education. We need to do this starting immediately. How? We need accurate information, and we acquire this by reading books written by the best writers in all of the above categories. You might want to begin with: Mark Levin “American Marxism,” Ross Douthat “The Decadent Society,” Alex Berenson “Pandemia,” Tom O’Neill “Chaos,” Josh Hawley “The Tyranny of Big Tech,” Dinesh DeSouza “United States of Socialism,” Tucker Carlson “The Long Slide,” Robert F. Kennedy ,Jr., “The Real Anthony Fauci,” Gad Saad “The Parasitic Mind,” Glenn Beck “The Great Reset,” Abigail Shrier “Irreversible Damage,” Michael Knowles “Speechless,” Nikole Hannah-Jones “1619 Project” (CRT); “1776 Project,”(1619 rebuttal by President Trump Commission), Dan Bongino “Follow the Money.” All of these books are heavily documented for extreme accuracy and for further reading on related subjects. And there are many, many more already written and arriving every day. You just need to get started.
Final Notes – The Liberal Left and the Socialist Democrat Party are intent on changing our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Supreme Court, Electoral College, etc., all for the worse. And, they all are intent on giving free passes to favored minorities, criminals, illegals and those who give them lots of money. Let us all keep in mind that all of our sports have rules. We play by these rules, officiated by qualified referees and, consequently, there are winners and losers. We don’t cheat. Neither age nor class, nor gender or color or ethnicity or religion gives us a free pass. This (free pass) is only occurring in the politics of the left. It must be stopped. When we eliminate the effectiveness of our laws and law enforcement by preferential treatment of anyone, we trample on the rights of everyone. When we change our election laws to permit mass cheating, we lessen the rights of everyone. The right to dissent is the essence of free speech. Colleges and universities that permit the evil of shout-downs are no longer credible. They have forgotten their purpose, as have the teachers of our young who think they can teach pornography. This is evil. It must be stopped. These evils must also be stopped in our so-called arts of acting, music, painting, etc. What we are now purveying is the sleazy trash of the street. It must be stopped. Please re-read our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and think ahead to when our children and grandchildren inherit this great nation of ours. They also need to be educated as to the preservation of our most precious freedoms: That they and every citizen understands the price of freedom everywhere as outlined by our founders and forefathers. “God Bless America.”
Calvin Coolidge, 1932 – “Unless the people. through unified action, arise and take charge of their government, they will find that their government has taken charge of them. Independence and liberty will be gone, and the general public will find itself in a condition of servitude to an aggregation of organized and selfish interest.
March – May we think freely?
May we still think freely through our problems, and can we share this process with anyone else with impunity? And more to the point: Are politics and friendship now mutually exclusive? Or is this the case only when censorship of some nature is present? I am reading a very interesting book by Gad Saad entitled “The Parasitic Mind” (How infectious ideas are killing common sense). The author is a college professor who, against incredible odds, is trying to teach critical thinking to college students who are already infected with what he calls “Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome” or (OPS). These students are already infected by ubiquitous slanted news which is making it almost impossible to think critically. This will continue to be a problem unless there is a drastic change for the better soon. Someone said “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend with my life your right to say it.” Those days may be temporarily gone, but we all need to bring them back.
When insanity is the rule, the insane will accuse all dissenters of their own malady. Common sense and rationality become sins. When this is the case is it possible for the censored mind to still think critically? When the news and media of all types are in lockstep with persuasive propaganda, is it then possible to have an unfettered and clear way of thinking through our problems? When this is the norm, and everyone seems to be traveling along the wrong path, is it possible for only one person to make a difference by stating truths with freedom of thought? Or are we all doomed to live our lives in the “Mad Hatter’s Tea Party?” Or will one clear statement of truth have the same result as “The Emperor’s New Clothes?” In this time of our ongoing history, think: Open borders (long-term effects), skewed and cheated elections (long-term effects), out-of-control government (immediate effects), inflation spiraling up (prices of food and gas and necessities out of control), Unnecessary laws and mandates are controlling our lives and our health care even though untested and unvetted (causing worse health problems, including incapacitation and even death). When the insane are in control, no dissent is allowed. Dissenters are terrorists, racists (fallback buzzword) or in collusion with Russia.
This breakdown of the basic tenets of our freedoms contained clearly in our Constitution and Bill of Rights becomes a part of the new executive, legislative and judicial branches of our tentative government. And they are now controlled by “wrong thinkers” from the far left (Marxists and socialists) and “parasitic minds” (which infect our brains, deleting common sense thinking). This control also extends to the acronyms in our government: CIA, FBI, DHS,NIH, NIAID, etc., etc. The thinking mind wants to know if there is a solution. Is there a way to rid our lives of censorship, leftist control tactics, racist disease, Marxist or socialist idealism and return to our basic truths and freedoms?
Long term solutions must start with all levels of education, beginning with the removal of wrong thinking teachers of all levels and tenured professors of intellectual garbage. Elected removal of wrong thinking school boards which espouse the evils of racist diseased CRT, sexual deviations which are unnecessary and evil, mindless propaganda and anti-American treasonous, poisoned thinking. We need to get back to parental control starting with fair elections of believers in American ideals. National and state elections also need to be transparent and legitimate. The cheating of the leftist party of socialism must adhere to the same rules and parameters as the conservative party. Clear thinking must once again prevail with freedom and truth in the right to dissent and the right to worship freely.
In any society there are thinkers and followers. Leaders can be either. When our Federal leaders are more concerned with accumulating money than leading, they need to be replaced. This also should include the moneychangers (usurers, lobbyists) who take unfair advantage, particularly in finances. These parasites must be distanced and held to the same rules and parameters as everyone else. How do we accomplish this? Term limits would be a good way to start. Gradually eliminate the ones who have been so long in their position that they are jaded, wealthy and have forgotten that their constituents are the reason that they started. No more geriatric leaders with arthritic thinking. This also needs to prevail in State governments, governors and local leaders.
The thinking of our founders was not diseased or parasitic or arthritic. It was clear, unfettered long-term thinking which has made us the greatest nation on the earth. Those who would negate this thinking and attempt to destroy our reason for being need to be replaced in legitimate, fair and transparent elections. If we need to re-“Awakened” then let each of us stand and be heard. Uncensored and unfettered. Let us all say (and sing) in unison: “God Bless America!”
February – Borders?
Why do we need borders? Are we now doing alright without security at our southern border? Will our northern border soon break down with discontented Canadians flooding in? If so, will they just be trading the frying pan for the fire? What does border security or the lack of it mean in today’s terms? Should all Americans be concerned? Political correctness, which was disruptive enough is now called “woke” courtesy of the questionable Dr. Fauci. Heads up…! What is being termed white supremacy is now being reworked into black supremacy by the aforementioned wokers. All of this is invented to line the pockets of the left and clueless liberals. Beware…!
BORDER SECURITY has meant that we were in at least partial control of who came and went in our country. This means that we had a measure of control over criminals, drugs, diseases, etc., entering our country and could control to a greater extent how these were able to function or not among our citizenry. Safety was the key word. Trust in our government and our law enforcement were the bywords. All of us were able to function daily without fear of the above evils. But this has broken down due to liberal, socialist leanings that invite the above evils into our way of life. When this happens everything is shaken up enough that we feel unstable. And when all of the above happen in sequence, we become disoriented, and look for solutions. Our government also looks for solutions, and, in its liberal frame of thinking can only see control, even total control. The authoritative means of accomplishing this means turning to styles of government that draw from the following: totalitarian, dictatorial, fascist, draconian, and dystopian. What a choice! If we can objectively open our eyes to our situation we can begin to see bits and pieces of each of these appearing in our government’s mandates out of their own fears and instability. And when a government becomes desperate in this way, it becomes dangerous.
SIGNS OF GOVERNMENTAL INSECURITY are all around us. Why are they so difficult to recognize? Insecurity causes censorship. The government must crack down in order to give the appearance of being in control. It starts with mandates and draconian measures that show that they are in charge, and this must include no opposition to its control. There must be total control. And this starts with news reporting and the rest of the media of all types falling in line. When there are breaks from this control they must be shut down ASAP. This control causes censorship everywhere. No deviation from the party line. When this is in place, the economy tanks and we have inflation which makes it necessary to print more money to pay the raise in taxes which this causes, and were promised even before the last election. Also, in order to maintain an orderly and subservient population, gun laws must be dealt with, schools must be controlled with indoctrination by the latest propaganda. The unions must also control their members and keep them in line. The leaders of everything must be in line with the ruling party for now we are approaching a one-party government which is still drawing from the above styles of governing. Machiavelli would be drooling at this point. Can we fix this?
POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS are hidden from us until we wake up and start to think in this direction. There are hundreds of books, many of them current, that deal with this problem. We must read them and educate ourselves and our children. Learn to spot fake news and obviously censored material with incomplete content. Our thinking must begin to combat the evils that are becoming entrenched in our young and the easily swayed of all ages. We must regain our national soul for we have been, and still are, exceptional Americans. And once again we must prove it by recapturing our freedoms and protecting our way of life. The perversions we are experiencing are not permanent, they are passing. We must make this a certainty. Worshipping must once again become a foundation for us and our government. Returning to everything that was the best of our country is now a priority. But we must want it just as much as wanting and needing each breath of freedom that we take. Weakness has never been a part of our nation in any way until the disease of the left, liberalism, socialism, started to take hold. We are now “Les Miserables” fighting for our freedom and ultimately for our lives as we knew them. We must make this “stand” count. How do we fix this?
VOTE like your lives depended on each election that is coming. Because they do. Insist on fair and transparent elections wherever they occur. Vote in person! There are many inherent evils in the process and possibly more are coming. We must all prevent the cheating that happened in the last one. Let us proceed, Brandon, wherever you are. Let us unite and drum out the mendacity that is infecting our national pride and exceptionalism, and let us profess with sincerity the love we feel for our country by standing straight and singing without undue ornamentation our “National Anthem” preceded by “God Bless America.”
January 2022 – Is Unify now a bad word?
The word unify used to have warm, fuzzy connotations. It meant that those of us with similar ideas would be able to think alike, discuss mutually agreeable topics and congregate when and where we chose. In other words we enjoyed freedom. Unfettered freedom of choice. This has been taken for granted for many decades by most all of us who are citizens of the USA. But it is becoming painfully obvious that we can no longer assume that this is true. Unify has come to mean (politically) total control or equity.
Because we are getting dangerously close to becoming a nation with a one-party government, just voicing anything to do with freedom of speech or freedom of choice in opposition to party policy could become ultimately dangerous to conservative thinking as we have known it in America. It is definitely time to wake up and smell the roses. Complacency itself will hasten our slide on the slippery slope toward what we have been thinking of as Socialism or Marxism, but which could actually develop into something far worse. Our government, its Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches with their checks and balances are being attacked by “one party” that wants total control over our lives. All of us need to be aware of how this is happening under the guise of unity or equity.
In order for “one party” to seize control over our entire government, it needs to control all of the elections that will take place in all of our states. In order to do this, it needs to control Congress so that the laws for every state are consistent with the “one party” aim of one-sided elections. The new laws must outline: no voter I.D., voting by everyone including non-citizens, ballot harvesting, and a total lack of supervision over the voting process. Once these laws are in place, the “one party” can relax and institute the rest of their agenda at their leisure. This would include total control over: all education, all media (news, social media, entertainment, sports, etc.), all law-enforcement (military, police, fire, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, border control, National Guard, etc.), and all religions. In a word: everything. Totalitarianism. With some Fascism thrown in for balance. All of the above may seem bizarre and maybe reporting that the “sky is falling” at this point, but the seeds are already in place. The wheels are already in motion. We all just need to become aware of what is gradually happening.
The counterculture and “one party” we are dealing with doesn’t like and ultimately won’t permit God, religion, kindness, love, law and order, law enforcement or authority of any kind. They are also extremely racist with Caucasians foremost in their sights for the moment. They are especially adept at lying, cheating, blaming others for exactly what they are doing and accusing innocent people of crimes that they know are false. Conservatives are now being labeled as “terrorists.” They have blamed Trump until there is now nothing left he has done or that he can even be falsely accused of that is remotely credible. And the attempt to rewrite history by bringing the evils of slavery and racism of the past to our own times and assigning blame to Caucasians now living to suit their own godless aims is unconscionable. All of the above examples are fraught with an evil intent that is designed to intimidate or blackmail anyone with conservative thinking or even thinking at all.
When Trump (an outsider to politics) took office, he saw the governmental bureaucracy as a business with many faults. He started to correct those faults by opening doors and windows. At this point the bottom-feeding inhabitants went scurrying when the lights shown on them and their outmoded and unnecessary lobbies and policies. Their obsession after that became shutting out the light. And they have been desperately trying to do this ever since. Evil exists where there is no light, no questioning, no discussion and no opposition.
The presumptive “one party” that is developing can be seen even now as: race based, elected by cheating, characterizing citizens as guilty until proven innocent, permitting the Executive Branch to: rule by decree with total control, printing money at will to cause inflation, shutting down our oil reserves so that we are energy dependent, laying the groundwork for a welfare state, and letting BLM and ANTIFA have a free pass at violence, destruction, looting and even murder. The “credo” of these acronyms is now: If I don’t get what I want, (court decisions, defund police, preferential treatment) I will riot, burn, loot or destroy with impunity. And the “one party” whole-heartedly supports this arm of their Fascism. We are being led by liars, cheaters and godless people who are basically evil, with no ethics, morals or the basic humanity that it takes to lead.
It is now time for all of us to come to the aid of our country. Not an easy task when there is very little freedom of choice and rampant censorship of free speech not only by the “one party” but also Big Tech and the news, including all of the media. But we have the examples and the writings of our forefathers to guide us as well as our legitimate American history. So let’s go…! Let us educate ourselves to the issues and policies that are wrong, anti-American, and seeking to strangle us. Let us also become knowledgeable activists in the best sense of the word. Let us reclaim the word “unify” for the common purpose of saving our Constitution, our government, and our way of life. And above all, let us sing, say and shout unceasingly: “May God Bless America”…!