When the “left” says “zip it,” they mean your mouth, not your pants…!  They, for the moment, have de facto control of almost everything that is conservative in our country.  How we talk, how we think and act, and how we go about our lives.  We are living for the moment in the “Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.”  Everything is turned upside down.  The “Queen of Hearts” is in charge.  And she is a monstrous bully.  What the left believes today may be backwards from tomorrow.  And anything that a conservative says or does today might be seen as outrageous or life-threatening or even seditious tomorrow.  No matter how stupid or laughable is something that the left proposes, we are expected to believe it and abide by it until it is whimsically changed by the left.  And if one proposes a conservative thought using common sense, that person is castigated, and shouted down (a favorite tactic), until the person ceases or leaves or quits in frustration.

We used to live by rules.  All sports have rules which everyone follows unquestioningly. Any disputes are decided by umpires or referees and we abide by these in every sport.  In our government we have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights which we follow and which are administrated by three branches of our government, the Executive, Legislative and Judicial.  This has worked for many decades.  There are those in the left that are trying to undo the system, which is the best system in a world of other systems.  The changes proposed are seemingly taken right out of “Alice in Wonderland.”  They are ridiculous, idealistic, utopian ideas based on wishful thinking and relying on the total control of every person, regardless of their status.

That any of this is tolerated by anyone is unthinkable by anyone with even a modicum of common sense, but we are expected to suspend our beliefs and just go about our lives as they start to disintegrate around us.  The left is so evil that they will attack anyone and anything at any time.  Their methods are violence, destruction, intimidation, bullying,  lying and cheating. Their tools are colleges and universities who, by their partial and incomplete knowledge of real life are easy dupes and malleable; the CEOS of  large companies and Oligarchs; clueless unions such as that which controls teachers with nonsense and leftist drivel; law enforcement from local up to the federal government; and the courts at all levels, especially liberal attorneys and judges.

All of this is ultimately made possible by the media of all kinds who only report one side of everything that occurs involving liberals and their untenable and evil policies and attacks anything that opposes these.  Nothing liberal has any transparency, just duplicity.  There is only one point of view in our media concerning our lives, party policy, our language, our habits, our beliefs and our families and children.  If we try to protect our own, we are considered “domestic terrorists.”  None of this is right or workable for very long. The French Revolution started in a similar way and its liberal policies eventually destroyed itself by eating its own (by the guillotine).  This always happens in history when idiots rule and bullies enforce.  But, also in history, the pendulum swings in time in the opposite direction before once again coming to rest in the center where once again people can speak freely about anything. And how do we get the pendulum to swing to the right?  All people of conscience must vote for people who care about their country and its citizens, all of them.  First, however, there must be an election process that is fair and legal according to our Constitution.  This is paramount.

Until then, it seems we must start to stockpile food, use gasoline wisely, prepare for our own protection, create a hedge against mob rule and destruction, unite with our neighbors for any eventuality, and once again participate in our churches.  This can set our minds at ease with clear thinking based on millenniums of precedent in similar circumstances.  Good always triumphs over evil, but we cannot assume, we must work actively toward a fortuitous outcome.  Our very existence and the perpetuation of our children and their children depends on this. Amen, Hallelujah, Namaste, and may God continue to bless and protect the United States of America.