Bill Svarda Music2019-06-17T21:31:05+00:00

Hooked on High? Or Not!

Illegal Drugs

If we didn’t buy them, the importers, dealers, crime and deaths that they cause

would not exist.  This evil industry would not exist.


First bad step is – getting hooked on almost any one of the opioids and recreational drugs.

Second – wanting, needing more of the same, pursuing that heavenly feeling.

Third – needing more powerful drugs, better highs, upping the ante.

Fourth – funding the feeling, selling things, clearing bank accounts, stealing.

Fifth – getting caught in the sleaze, dealing with the underground, confronting danger.

Sixth – caught by law enforcement, jail, prison, withdraw with dopesickness, more danger.

Seventh – released; loss of friends, nowhere to go, repeat the above process, deal to others.

Eighth – wanting to get clean, join programs, off and on success and failure.

Ninth – finding that you have no life and no possibility of a life in straight society.

Tenth – living the life of a displaced or homeless person.

Eleventh – regrets, broken memories, failed chances, realization of the only way out.

Twelfth – wake up and get clean and help others to stand up, rejoin humanity… or die.


The war on drugs has never worked and will never work because it depends on law enforcement

and the justice system.  This does not address the real problem.  The problem is much more complicated.

It is a social, spiritual, medical problem with a fix that takes many years, even lifetimes.


The question of “Why do we need drugs?” must be answered before any meaningful

solution can be found. Each person must answer this on his or her own terms and

situation.  Secondly, “Why do some people get hooked and not others?” must be addressed.


The problem occurs within all ages, genders, races, cultures, economic strata, world-wide.

There are the band-aid fixes of lesser drugs that start or enable the withdrawal process,

e.g. methadone.  There are very expensive places to stay that work on you until you dry

out.  There are very disciplined individuals that take it upon themselves to just stop,

no matter how difficult the process.  Bottom line: there is no guarantee anywhere.

The only way to live your life without interruption is to initially avoid addictive drugs no

matter where they are offered.


The exception to all of the above is the medical field where addictive drugs are prevalent.

Unfortunately this is where most of the problems begin.  When we have pain after surgery

or after a dental procedure or with a painful medical problem such as cancer, which is

ongoing, most of us would seek a pain reliever.  The problem with this is accurately prescribing

the amount needed.  If we only need 5 or 6 pills and are given 30 of Vicodin or OxiContin,

we have the potential beginning of an addiction.  If not yourself, then someone else that has

access to your medications.  Beware any of the “codones.”


Pharmaceutical  companies that just want to make money will tend to send large quantities

of their next drug to doctors to assess viability for the patients who may need this drug.

If this drug is addictive, then there is a built-in certainty that there will be patient after patient

getting hooked depending on the individual prescriptions. This has been an enormous problem

and will continue to be a problem until it is systematically regulated.  Far too many people

have already become addicted and lost their jobs, families, and their lives dealing with this

seemingly innocuous problem.  None of us really think that going to a doctor and getting pills

will ruin our lives and/or result in premature and unnecessary death.  None of us!

We trust in the seemingly sacrosanct medical profession that has a tendency to control our


So what can we do to stay safe while dealing with the medical profession that we cannot do without?  First – become informed by reading, listening, and thinking independently.Second – read the following book:  “Dopesick” by Beth Macy.  This book outlines the problems we face, many individual cases, and solutions that provide a “heads up” for us all.  All of us need to be informed to protect ourselves, our families, our friends, and a profession that is so vital to us all.

READ:  “Dopesick” by Beth Macy

By |July 1st, 2024|

JUNE – Send Out the Clowns

This upcoming election is about taking back the America we knew and loved from the clowns and perverts who have been holding us hostage to their insanity.  Everything they have foisted upon our country has been the opposite of what they say they are doing. It’s been almost like living in the “tea party” in “Alice in Wonderland.” Their initial agenda was exclusively “Get Trump” in any way possible. They have accomplished nothing else of any value to Americans.  Just “Get Trump.” Everything they said he did or was doing of any value, they attributed to themselves. Then, when no one could believe these falsehoods anymore, they exposed their real agenda in BLM, ANTIFA, CRT, CLT, etc., as following the teachings of Karl Marx.  They have now dressed up this propaganda as NexGen Marxism, still a fruitless search for utopia, the ideal society.  By ignoring or erasing history, these new Marxists can also dress up this failed philosophy as being better than having the freedoms of our society.

All of the above makes no sense. So what was needed was new motivation for the evils of these NexGen Marxists, and the following politicized issues were born:  Climate change, porn and perversion in the schools, environmentalism, breakdown of churches and families, defunding (or eliminating) police and law enforcement (so Marxist acronyms could commit crimes with impunity), the neutralization of the justice system, political weaponization of our DOJ, AG, military, judges, attorneys and the whole justice system initially to “get Trump,” but actually to get us, the citizens of America.  This all started officially with Pelosi, Cheney et al with the Jan. 6 kangaroo court and secret show trials and proceeding to the equally disgusting treatment of Donald Trump for the overt purpose of interfering in the next election.

Next in the plan to take over America was censorship:  biased, one-sided reporting in all of the media. Do’s and don’ts in our language (man woman, mother, father, etc.), gender blurring (men become women and women become men, initially by clothing, then “because I say so,” and then by questionable surgery. This supposedly allowed men to participate in women’s sports (and crash their restrooms). The big question in the middle of the room becomes: “Why was this allowed?”  Were sports leagues in their entirety so subjugated and “cowed” that there was no backlash from heads and leaders?

Next sick joke from the clowns has been the “dumbing down” of our education system at all levels, and this affects everyone at all levels of society.  It eliminates the need for standards. Starting with schooling at the elementary level and proceeding through college/university and grad school, we now have people who graduate without an education in their field, or any field.  And, even worse, it has been mandated that these dumbed down people must be hired before qualified people who are legitimate, but are the wrong color or gender.  Racism.   Hiring just based on race (or anything but qualifications) is ridiculous.  Especially if the person with the preferred race , etc., is in fact partially educated. But, now we are observing attorneys, judges, those in congress, mayors, governors, teachers, doctors, administrators of all kinds, airline pilots (wait for this fallout), all of whom have benefitted (?) from affirmative action (preferential treatment) and who now have well-paying, but undeserved positions.  Some of this will turn out to be very dangerous.

All of the above is stupid?  Stupid, stupid, STUPID!  The inmates are now running the asylum. (If you haven’t seen the movie “Idiocracy” watch it.  It is fairly close to what we are now experiencing.  In the movie, the president, Congress (House and Senate) all look like fools.  In a movie this is laughable.  In real life it is frustrating, depressing and dangerous.  Fools in charge of the government result in unnecessary laws and mandates that can be harmful or even dangerous. Think about the harmful effects of Covid.  Think also about our Southern border.  Wide open. Well over ten million illegal people have been allowed into our country who are undocumented, but given IDs and cash and shipped, bussed, to places to stay. For what purpose?  The effects of this treasonous act by our demented president and government will not be experienced for decades (by our children and their children). This is the most monumental crime in the history of our country.  It eclipses the Socialistic administrations even of FDR.  The LGBTQ, etc… in governmental high positions do not inspire confidence of any kind in its leadership.  It does, however, indicate that we are weak by neutralizing our defenses against any aggression that arises.  It also, unfortunately, brings to mind the eventual possibility of clowns in uniform. Not a happy thought.  Pull triggers, BANG!…comes out the barrels…  Depressing.  An extrapolation that is facetious, but vaguely possible.

All of the above is meant to tear down our country, its Constitution and Bill of Rights for the great take over by those for NexGen Marxism, Utopia, and “One World.” All ruled by whom? Supreme clown? (not Soros), Biden or Harris or Schumer or Pelosi (cloned)?  Probably someone much worse! (but very charismatic, think Obama combined with Oprah or Hillary).  Not funny. But on the horizon.

Socialism, Communism has never worked in any society.  It is death.  In modern times Lenin guided Russia into killing over 23 million Kulaks (landowners), French revolution guilliotined thousands , including Voltaire (one of the founders). Think about how China, Cuba, North Vietnam, and Venezuela have turned out.  Che and Fidel for example were murderers of their own people and even their own supporters when they were no longer needed. This is another reason for the left to erase history.  Utopia always turns into a gulag, workcamp or prison. No one is immune to its evils, even its worker-minions and founders.

Conservatives must arise and be heard now and in November.  Now, because November is too late to make a change.  The fight is now!  We MUST “Send Out the Clowns!”   We must: eliminate the stupid from leadership, free the media from censorship, speak freely once again about anything, re-orient our young to the presence of God in our country and society, sanitize our schools, colleges and universities, and restart our law enforcement, and justice system with integrity.

The coming elections must be valid and legal and legitimate.  We must have voter IDs. The only reason not having them is so the Democrat party can cheat, and the same with mail-in ballots out of control, dead people voting, etc.   We must realize that this is a fight, a battle for freedom in America.  The Democrat party will fight in any way possible to win four more years of insanity.  Its heinous plans are already in motion, funded by billionaires expecting benefits for their financial support.

To all conservatives:  This is no place for the weak.  Coming rapidly toward us is an old-fashioned street brawl, bare-knuckled and as dirty as possible.  Knowing this, we must be stronger starting immediately.  We need to think!  Speak freely! Act fearlessly!  Sitting this one out is not an option.  You are either for us and with us or against us and with them.  Please!  Help us!   “Send Out the Clowns.”     God Bless America!!!


“NexGen Marxism”  by Mike Gonzalez and Katharine Cornell Gorka

By |June 5th, 2024|

May (24) – The “Cause”

The young in our country are the most malleable of any in our history.  In all levels of our society they thrive.  There is always a way to get anything that they need.  Compared to centuries past, they are affluent though they vehemently deny this at every level.  When anyone has too much of “things,” they tend to lack responsibility.  They also become insular and narcissistic.  They also have way too much free time with nothing constructive to do. When all of this happens to self-centered young people, they are fair game for the next Ideology that rears its ugly head.  When this ideology is then presented seductively to the young, undeveloped mind, it turns into a “cause.”  The “cause” doesn’t have to have meaning or great significance in their lives. It just has to be presented to them as the most important and vital, ”we must do something immediately”, movement given to them to deal with “now.” Neither historical facts nor logic need to be present.  The all-important “cause” becomes  paramount.

It is at this point that the “cause” is fueled by propaganda in order to indoctrinate the participants.  It is also at this point that the promoters and the handlers become more involved. Funding and the complete support of the news media and social media are vital to the escalation of the movement.  Colleges are especially helpful in this regard.  They, for the most part, are fertile grounds for the teaching and dissemination of Marxism, Socialism, and the newest Woke inventions.  The most basic reason for the “cause” to be so attractive and be able to seduce the young is that schools no longer teach students how to think.  Learning is about knowing the rules and then opposing them to see if they really hold up.  Thinking for yourself. Testing the knowledge.  Learning about history, not trying to change what has already happened.  When students don’t have these tools, they must look for other ways to become relevant.  Actually, those other ways have the means and inclination to find them.

What happens then when the young are connected to the “cause”?  They must find ways to bring it to the attention of as many people as possible, with the participation of the media. There is unlimited funding from above and unlimited instruction as to the means. Stopping the flow of systems that everyone uses daily, i.e. traffic, shopping, communication, travel, etc.  These are all planned well ahead in order to affect peak times of traffic.   Once they have our attention, then escalation begins, not only to keep our attention, but to involve us in the process.

Conservative opposition is suppressed in every way possible: politically, by the mass media, by infiltrating schools, churches, workplaces and companies, and also shaming by peers.  Methods and opportunities for speaking out are severely limited and thwarted or shut down whenever possible.  Censorship rules the land. Whistleblowers tend to disappear.  The only opportunities left are books.  Writing books and reading books are, at least at first, acceptable because they are used by such a small and seemingly insignificant group of people.  This also will eventually end by mass book burnings to prevent any kind of independent thinking.

What is left for any individual with a sentient mind?  Survival. The underground.  Check out any socialistic or communistic country.  Things that you need or desire are still available, but surreptitiously and at exorbitant prices.  Even bartering.  So these repressive types of governing are really  sliding back to the same place that they were historically, before all of the fuss started.  The dissension between the “haves” and the “have-nots.”   Dictatorship, monarchy, totalitarianism, feudalism, slavery, etc., However you want to characterize these evils, they are to be found in history at all periods of time.  Basically the oppressors and the oppressed.

So to come full circle (what goes around, comes around), beware of the “cause” that is so very attractive to the young, undeveloped mind.  Its inevitability is death to a free society.

All of this is in a recurring pattern that has been used in China, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. Check these out.  How has it worked out for them historically and up to the present? The “cause” then, inevitably develops into the roads to Fascism, Marxism, feudalism, slavery, and then ultimately into Communism.   It is at this point that the promotors of the “cause” are no longer needed, and so are disposed of, or absorbed into, the same stew as everyone else. One person or elite group in charge of everyone and everything. Basically the oppressors and the oppressed.

Will we ever learn?  There is no free lunch!  Freedom isn’t free. It takes constant observance to prevent what is happening now in our country. God bless America!


Mao’s America – Xi Van Fleet

American Marxism – Mark Levin

Next Generation Marxism – Mike Gonzalez and Katharine Cornell Gorka

The Case to Impeach and Imprison Jos Biden – Mike McCormick

By |May 8th, 2024|

Fool Me Once

Even if you were fooled into voting for the Democrat party and Joe Biden, after empirically experiencing the present state of our economy with its out-of-control inflation and the national debt of over thirty trillion dollars, and a whole host of stupid, even insane mandates, would you actually vote for him again?  And anyone in the Democrat party?  OK, fool me once, but twice?

Whether you like Trump or not, in the light of what we now deal with, he did a lot of good for our country.  No inflation, businesses and jobs plentiful, Southern wall being built before ten million illegal people walked into our cities and homes, and many more rational perks for American citizens.

Can you now realize that Biden flipped almost all of those good things into bad, unworkable societal evils and then blamed Trump for the fallout when they didn’t work.  He is the worst president since Jimmy Carter, who did almost nothing.

We should all be very afraid of this next election process.  The Democrat party feels that they must win at all costs and at our expense.  They will have billions in unlimited funding for their propaganda machines:  all of the media, news, social media, Hollywood dupes, and activist groups like BLM, Antifa, etc., who will create racism, violence and divisiveness at will and blame all on conservatives.  Keep in mind that these activists are really small in numbers, but have almost unlimited funding from the party and twisted media of all kinds to whitewash their evil deeds.

Why are we conservatives targeted?  Why is conservativism now an epithet?  We work for a living. We get married and have families and teach our children morals and ethics. We go to church, pray, and pay our taxes.  We stand for the National Anthem and even sing it whenever possible.  We follow rules and laws that we learned from our own parents. We support and abide by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  We like to think that our justice system, at whatever level, is actually that:  just, legal and fair.  We get along with our neighbors and expect security and police protection when necessary.

However, we are being accused of many things that we don’t recognize in our daily lives.   White supremacy isn’t us now, we are a minority.  Our accusers are now the real racists who will do almost anything to divide us.  Why? Because there is another agenda that has been many years in the planning and is now being foisted upon the USA. Marxism.  The exponents of this from the 40s and 50s have now infected enough students that they have infiltrated schools, companies, churches, and every part of our government with this evil ideology.  Marxism, Socialism and Communism all involve control of the masses by dividing them and then pitting them against each other.  This is a part of the aim of a soft take-over.  Both China and Russia drool over this possibility.  They watch closely and even participate whenever possible.

Is this what the average Democrat wants to happen?  Is the average Democrat even aware that this is happening?  Colleges and universities are now cesspools of anti-American teaching and sentiment and even activism.  Anti-Semitism is now high on the agenda of students and young adults who have lost their moral compasses. They can no longer recognize the difference between a terrorist and a legitimate citizen of a peaceful country. Even when the terrorist kills, rapes and tortures men, women and children.  While the Israeli army, also helps people in need, even the ones who have been terrorizing them, out of basic humanism and kindness.

The Democrat party has been in league with the left and the far left to the exclusion of rationality for far too long now.  Gender has become unnecessarily confusing.  It has been in place since the beginning of people on the earth.  Now, however, some far left liberal has decided to cloud the issue and muddy the waters.  Same with abortion.  No matter how you look at this now liberal issue it is murder.  From the time of conception until birth, a child is protected by its mother (a woman). Invading the mother to destroy the fetus is murder.  There are, of course, extenuating circumstances to this.  But,  liberals want the extenuating circumstances to rule the whole issue.  This becomes a fracturing of the process only in order to get whatever the liberal wants, and, it of course is wanted now, or all hell will break loose. Exactly the same process that black activists (half of whom are white) use.  “If I don’t get what I want when I want it, all hell will break loose.”  Remember the O.J. trial “and production.”  This is juvenile behavior on display, and at its worst.  The progeny of the drug culture of the sixties have come front and center.  Entitlement. Gimme.  And, blackmail, intimidation and coercion.

So the bottom line really is:  Is this next election going to be fair, legal and just?  Will the Democrat party allow their opposing candidate to run?  Or even “win” if legitimately elected? Can or will the average Democrat voter finally wake up to the evils resident in that political party? Even if you don’t particularly like the opposing candidate, could you vote for reason and sanity over corruption and evil?

At least part of the solution is to read, be informed with some conservative thoughts and values, and begin to think critically.  E.g. – weaponizing our political and justice systems is wrong. Censorship is wrong.  One sided media and news reporting is wrong.  Etc.

READ:   “Mao’s America” by Xi Van Fleet  (A survivor’s warning).

            A step by step commentary, well written, that tracks our journey into Marxism.

By |April 5th, 2024|

MARCH – Holy Madness

In March of this year, Christianity recognizes and celebrates its holiest time of the church year, the Easter season.  After five Sundays of Lent, the next Sunday is Passion Palm Sunday, the day in which Jesus entered into Jerusalem amidst great fanfare to meet his destiny. There he will fulfill the purpose for which he was born. After Palm Sunday comes Holy Week which includes the triduum:  Holy Thursday  (the Last Supper), Good Friday (the Crucifixion) and Easter Vigil (the eve of the Resurrection).  The climax to everything is then Easter Sunday, which is the remembrance and celebration of the rising from the dead of Jesus. (He has died for our sins).

Our country and even most of the world seems to be losing the ties that they may have had in a belief in a Supreme Being, a God of the universe, the One who created everything.  Even though this may be depressing to some of us, I believe that there is still hope.  The Dark Ages lasted for a few hundred years, but Christianity still survived due to the faith and belief of small numbers of dedicated people.  The same thing could happen now.  While some of the trappings and rubrics may change in this dark period, the essence of belief in an omnipotent Creator and life after death will certainly survive. Those of us living in America now are experiencing something tantamount to the Dark Ages in that a perceived majority of our citizens believe in nothing but money and pleasure.  A situation similar to Sodom and Gomorrah.  Without faith and belief nothing makes sense anymore. Escape seems to be the only answer for the lost in our society.  Escape into drugs, alcohol, porn, or any unlimited pleasure or pain presently available.  Nihilism, dadaism, etc., didn’t work before and they won’t work now.  The devil (evil personified) is always available in any form and at any time.

We don’t have to think very deeply to connect the evils in our society to the cause.  The Democrat party has been taken over for over a hundred years.  The KKK, some unions, the occult, and some religions have been capturing the mindless for far too long.  Our present government and its heads of departments, our justice system and our news media of all kinds have been out of touch with reality for decades.  Most of these entities freely admit that they are for the destruction of our country.  They spew their propaganda on corrupt TV programs as many thousands of people watch and listen mindlessly.  And what is their aim?

Evil begets evil!  Ostensibly the aim of Liberals and the Left and the Marxists and the Communists is Diversity (all are included equally), Equity (all are included equally), Inclusion (all are included equally).  First our country then the rest of the world.  All included equally amounts to a robotic existence.  Everyone the same, all marching to the same drummer, Everyone follows the same party line, no exceptions.  Those with opposing thoughts or viewpoints soon disappear.  Thinking is discouraged, (CRT), and, of course this starts with the schools from pre-school through graduate school.  Political flypaper is evil and very sticky.

Once all of this is in place who benefits?  Only the politically elite. Think Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and those leaders of death in North Korea, Venezuela, China, Iran, etc., etc.  And ultimately the elite are in the same sinking boat as the robots. They are expendable, and only around while they are useful.  Only the Supreme Dictator (whomever) is immune (as long as he or she is alive).  Think ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece, etc.

Keep in mind that the only real freedom each of us has is the freedom to make choices in our own lives.  We can choose good or evil,  left (liberal), or right (conservative),  Christian or Pagan, or even life or death.  But we have choices.  The evils we are all now facing negates those choices.   Our most important choices are ahead of us.  Let us do everything possible to insure fair and legal elections.  We must have voter I.D.  There are over ten million illegal possibilities Infiltrated into our cities.  Those that become citizens will be able to vote.  We have had fair and legal immigration laws in place for many years. We need to enforce them.  We need to eliminate the unfairness and illegality of the last presidential election (dominion machines, mail-in ballots for everyone, harvesting, etc.), the same vast overkill of Jan. 6, and the political, weaponized, subversion of our justice system going on now to prevent an extremely popular candidate from running for president, even being on the ballots in some states.

In this holy month of March this year, let us pray for justice to prevail and sanity to rule.  God bless us all!

By |March 6th, 2024|

Valentine’s Day/Ash Wednesday

Valentine’s Day – Saint Valentine known for healing. Feb.14, Day of love & romance & devotion.

Ash Wednesday – 1st day of Lent. “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”


If we could only agree on living the time between birth and death in love and kindness toward

our neighbors, and tolerance and understanding with our neighbors, we could eliminate

fear and hate.   Peace would actually be possible.


Fences – All of us have fences in one form or other.  Our houses, places of business, phones,

            computers, cars, pets, airplanes, police and military.    We don’t necessarily call all of

            these functions fences, but they are all used in the same way.  They protect us from

            those who would harm us or our property.  The borders of our country are supposed

            to act in the same way.

Security – When our fences are violated we depend on police, justice system and military to

            protect us from invaders.  Our government has enacted laws to support this.  The basic

            tenets of our Constitution and Bill of Rights also are supposed to protect us.

Weapons – If, or when, the above measures are broken or break down, we are left with only

            ourselves to provide the necessary protection for our property and families. Intruders

            may or may not be armed, but in an emergency there is very little time to decide the

            extent of the immediate risk.  So some kind of effective weapon becomes necessary.

            Like it or not, a firearm of some kind is the most helpful as protection in this situation.

Disaster – In any kind of disaster, survival and protection from harm or disease are our most

                   immediate problems to solve.  Food, water, shelter, medications, and familial

                   protection are our highest priorities. It is not always realistic to expect help from police

                  or military.  Once again, we are on our own.  Friends and neighbors are a possibility, but

                 they might be faced with the same exact problems, depending on the extent of the


Prayer – In seemingly hopeless situations, when all else fails, we do have one last option. We

            can pray to our Creator for help, a help that no one else can give.  We can give ourselves

            to the One who has given us life, and the One whom we will return to at the end of that

            life. Everyone who has inhabited this earth has faced this situation in some form or

            other. We all have an expiration date. Most of us are unaware of it this finality. Prayer can

            make our transition much easier.  Prayer in this situation is always from the heart.

Ashes – It occurs to me that Ash Wednesday might just be a reminder that we need to do

            penance while we are still here on earth. Maybe this is what our time here on earth is all

            about.  Maybe this is really Purgatory, a time of cleansing our sins and evilness to be

            ready for an eternity of unimaginable love.  After all, we are isolated in a universe that

            contains us to one solar system due to the light years of distance that separate us from

            any other possible habitation. And, even if this is the case, there are far too many

            people who still don’t get the message.  After all, good and evil are choices for us.

Lent – Is a time for meditation and introspection, taking stock of our lives, the good parts

            and the not so good parts.  Lent is the perfect time to sit in the ashes for a while and

            sort of “reboot” our daily existence back to when everything was more simple and

            understandable.  Lent then leads us to Holy Week which then re-awakens us to the

            foundation of Christianity which is the death and resurrection of the One who has

            saved us so that we are able to make intelligent choices in our lives.  And this Lenten

            journey leads us inevitably to the event that gives us hope:

Easter – The Resurrection of Christ, His appearance to His followers, and His return to His Father

            in heaven are what gives our lives the deep meaning we need to survive the evils that

            surround us.  The purpose of our churches is to remind us of this as often as possible.

            Our task is to absorb the words and thoughts of the Bible so that we can teach our

            young and nurture their faith so that their time in Purgatory is not wasted, but becomes

            their own journey of faith into eternal love.  Finally, a time of lasting peace.

By |February 14th, 2024|
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