JUNE – Instability
A large percentage of our American society is now mentally unstable. And this seems to be growing at an alarming rate. Some have dropped out of our communities to live in tents or cardboard boxes. Some have decided that they will restructure or even overthrow our governmental processes at the local, state, or even the national levels. And some have decided to surgically remove individuals that seem to them to be unnecessary or dangerous to them, or even just randomly in their way by violent means. These people think nothing of using guns, knives, bombs, or anything else that is obtainable or convenient for them to acquire. And how do mentally unstable people acquire various means of destruction?
First of all, they usually seem like normal people. They are able to fit into their families, schools, workplaces and society in general. This enables them to appear innocuous to most other people. (“He seemed like such a nice person. He was such a quiet person, a loner with no friends, but harmless.”) So how do we learn to recognize a mentally disturbed person who could be planning a mass shooting or bombing or other heinous crime?
Second of all, we are not legally able to deal with a mentally disturbed person, even if we do recognize him or her as such. This is an enormous impediment to the safety of everyone in general. How do we prepare for the unknown if we don’t recognize it as potentially harmful? And how do we deal with someone who is recognizable as harmful if we are legally prevented from stopping the person or even calling 9-1-1 or the police who are also hobbled and unable to deal with mental instability? If prevention is unlikely or impossible, then we must sit or stand somewhere until the perpetrator actually perpetrates. In other words, when the shooting, bombing, etc, actually starts, then we can become proactive. Then we can think of protecting ourselves, our families, and others. Well, as any intelligent person knows, at that point it is way too late for prevention or even calling for help. Survival is your only thought in the few precious seconds. Or maybe a very quick prayer before something happens.
Third of all, the above scenario is not optimal or workable or sensible. It is a recipe for failure in our security and law enforcement system, both of whom are ineffective due to the skewed political thinking which is governing our present, liberal justice system. The politics of the left has decreed that guns are the sole problem in our society concerning our safety and the safety of our schools and churches and workplaces. This limited thinking is the sole reason that we have this problem in the first place. Their simple fix: make all of the guns disappear. As any intelligent person knows, this will never happen. It is impossible. Like our war on drugs (a failure). The bad guys will always have guns and access to guns and bombs (recipe on the internet) and knives and hand grenades, etc. All that our fractured political thinking has done is make everything worse by the convoluted thinking of our leftist, socialist, communistic elected(?) leaders in this Congress and administration. Their thinking is based on blaming anyone who thinks intelligently and shouting them down at every opportunity. Those thoughts must never reach the mainstream media (who would not publish them anyway).
Fourth of all, the strength of every free thinking person in America is in our numbers. We must overwhelm the liberal, socialist, communist, idealistic wishful thinking policies of those who are leading us astray down the path to oblivion. We must insist on fair, transparent and legal elections at every level. We must insist on fair, balanced and uncensored reporting in all of our media, internet, social media, and newspapers. And we must insist that our elected representatives from the local through the national levels follow through on the campaign promises that they make to their constituents. No more RINOS. No more switching sides when the going gets rough. And no more deviations from the principles laid forth in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. All of the above problems are solvable with intelligent thinking. The liberal, leftist insanity that we have too long experienced must be reversed and ultimately stopped. Our ideals, faiths, justice, education systems must be realigned to the reality of our daily lives. Out of control environmentalists who are ruining our economy and our way of life must be reeducated. And the basic security of us and our nation must have closed and secure borders as does every other nation in the world. Sanity must again be the rule. We must overrule the Mad Hatter and his inept minions. Enough mental instability. Figuring this out is the only way to the salvation of these United States of America. May all people of conscience and goodwill and intelligence come out of hiding in silence and loudly make their voices heard to set our nation back on its original track of respect and responsibility so that we all may once again live in peace and prosperity. May God hear us and once again deign to bless these United States of America.