Fear is an emotion that most of us never have to deal with. It is debilitating and all-consuming. We know some of its effects from movies and television, but only vicariously. This watered-down emotion is light years away from the real thing. If you have ever heard someone in real life scream out in terror, then you have a slight idea of how different this is from acting a part.
Unfortunately, there are places now in America where people are beginning to know fear in reality. In some places it has become a daily happening. Places where no one feels safe any more. Police and law enforcement have been curtailed to the point where they are ineffective or unavailable or even told to stand down. Even worse, our own DOJ and FBI have begun to terrorize ordinary citizens for unspecified charges when charges are even proffered at all. An extreme example is the January 6th show trial which exhibited many illegalities and departures from our shattered justice system. Most of those detained for over a year without charges were not even allowed to speak with attorneys or family. Many prominent citizens have since been targeted by the DOJ and then terrorized by the FBI by having their houses broken into by armed teams, then hauled away like criminals for doing nothing. Even the Amish.
This is all illegally invasive and also unconstitutional. Parents at a school board meeting who speak in opposition to ridiculous woke policies that are being covertly foisted upon their children are also cuffed and hauled away like criminals. This is a curtailment of free speech and censorship, which is also illegal and unconstitutional. The above examples should cause all Americans to be fearful of the present administration and decide to do something to stop the unilateral attack upon our rights by the left, liberals and our out-of-control government. And in addition, why does this administration need to add 87,000 more IRS agents carrying guns to an already questionable department? Control? Domination? Intimidation?
Our fear needs to lead us to action. There is a crucial election ahead for many parts of our government, both state and national. This is our best opportunity to get rid of officials who have been in office far too long and have lost their purpose in representing the people who elected them, and now are just accumulating money from special interest groups and lobbyists. It is also the best time to clean house of those who are admittedly socialists and communists. They hate America and our way of life. They want to destroy our Constitution, Bill of Rights, schools, churches, borders, laws and free speech. Let us vote them out with all of the Rinos and Trump haters who have only one agenda. Get Trump in any way possible. Silence common sense and the voice of reason. Bury his accomplishments, then pay the price of stupidity.
Our fears also extend to what we say or what someone thinks we said. Just pointing a finger anonymously can cause any of us to be accused of racism. We are being bullied into accepting unscientific and unproven innovations such as vaccines, electric engines to replace gas, climate change in events that have occurred cyclically for millennia, and all things transgender. All of this is ultimately to promote Utopia, One World, Global Communism, none of which has ever worked and will never work because it treats people like sheep, just animals to be controlled. The question being: who would have the final control? The one with the most money? The most intelligence? The most guns and military? All of the above? What is happening is evil. Satan is in charge when any of this becomes possible.
Can we imagine our future without common sense? Without God or heaven? With no country? No possessions? What would you have? You would have John Lennon’s version of Utopia, One World, Global Communism. A world of sheep with only one shepherd other than Jesus Christ. How about Soros, Schwab, Gates, Putin, Fauci, Obama, Oprah or Pope Francis? Remember: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Check out the song “Imagine.”
Is there anyone in this country that really believes that printing money as needed, trillions of dollars, is ultimately without consequence? Maybe someone from BLM or ANTIFA, those who represent fascism and tyranny, destruction and violence. Only someone totally indoctrinated with the daily reporting of propaganda from CNN, MSNBC, could be suitably lead around by the nose like a sheep. Let us all also remember: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” There is no vaccine for stupidity, and there is no immunity. The freedom to think and to “be” is not guaranteed. It takes constant work. It takes common sense and a love for your neighbor; in fact, a familiarity for all of the Ten Commandments.
When we forget why we are here on earth and what is next for every one of us, we are doomed. In this also, there is no immunity. All of us will at some time meet our Creator. If you believe nothing else, then believe this. Pray for our country and pray for these coming elections. Nothing is more important now than waking up ourselves and our neighbors. Let us vote for intelligence and common sense. And most importantly, let us vote…! God Bless America.