December – Societal Erosion
Our twelfth month is usually the happiest month of the year. The themes are the celebration of the birth of Christ, giving gifts to our loved ones, singing carols of love and joy, partying with friends and neighbors, saying “Merry Christmas” to everyone we meet while shopping or just as a greeting, caring for others and the less fortunate, and showing kindness to others and expecting the same. Food is also important and features special recipes and confections that aren’t an everyday occurrence. December has usually been a very special month for people of any age from newborns to seniors. So what has happened?
When God is lessened in our thinking, or removed from public view, or even eliminated from the reason for the season, a great void appears. Nothing seems to make sense any more. The pandemic is a part of the cause, but not exclusively. We have known for many centuries that when God is not present, the devil (evil personified) is present. This circumstance accounts for many, if not most of our societal problems today. Evil inevitably becomes an unwanted addiction. It takes over and ruins lives. It pits people, nations, ideologies, even religions against one another and is unyielding. Like most addictions, evil can’t be eliminated by ourselves alone, it takes a committed support group with longevity and tenacity to even begin to remove it from its mission, which is total destruction of anything and everything with which it comes in contact. First, however, we must begin to recognize that it is evil that has taken over. This may seem possible at first glance, but the difficulties soon reveal themselves. Evil is very charismatic, desirable, convenient, seemingly necessary, and stylish, cool, hip, etc., but also something that entraps and ensnares its victims like alcohol, drugs, sex, fame, fortune and power. Evil not only has you in its clutches, but increases its demands by causing you to want more and more and even more until you are totally consumed.
This may seem a real downer for this usually joyous time of the year, but reality normally shakes us up a bit to get our attention, and then pinches and then hurts when we don’t listen to it. Think of all of the hate, unkindness, homelessness, race-baiting, violence, destruction, theft, and murder that are occurring all too frequently. The perpetrators are not happy people. They are addicted to mayhem of all sorts in the name of societal restructure (Marxism, Socialism, even Communism) as a way to get rid of all the structures that underpin our laws and government so that they have total control in which to further their evil addictions over all, and then erode our way of life into the lowest possible common denominator. There would be no right or wrong, only rule by the most powerful. No one lasts very long in this type of set-up. So what is the solution?
Common sense must rule in any aspect of a society. Governments at any level, laws, courts, judges, police, military, fire, first responders, medical workers, all must use common sense to shore us up against erosion. Religions, businesses, neighborhoods, teachers and schools must also adhere to the highest possible standards. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights must stand as originally written to safeguard our freedoms as we also protect its tenets. All citizens must be heard, which is the reason that our elections must be sacrosanct and protected and supervised by qualified people with the highest standards. And, as we have locks on the doors to our houses and cars, and fences in our neighborhoods, we need to securely close the borders to our country. We need to stop the destructive stream of the undocumented from infecting our already vulnerable cities. We need to be able to speak freely about anything to anybody with impunity, to criticize, and to offer alternate solutions. Science is not carved into stone, it is constantly evolving as we learn more and more.
Also, a little belief in Santa and elves and magic, and some dreaming of better ways to live together and the appeal of a White Christmas could free us up to be more kind in this season of love and rebirth and the promise of hope and prosperity in the coming New Year. But only if we, all of us together begin to stop the erosion and shore up our nation from sea to shining sea.
So let’s all wish each other a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and mean it, and demand it, and passionately want it enough to bring God back into our lives and with all of our hearts and minds, eliminate evil. That said, may God continue to Bless these United States of America.
November-Surviving Climate Changes
Climate change is a major part of our national lexicon at this point in time. We are inundated by the term daily by our media which are surviving by constant controversy. And if there is no suitable controversy, the media will create one or more out of thin air. All of them must stay alive at any cost by informing us of the failings of our society and their solutions, valid or not. Thus our media are creating their own change of climate daily in our lives by the power of suggestion. So when we arise every morning, we are at a loss to explain our collective mood until the news informs us along with the weather and sports, how we are to feel today. The national news reporting is bad enough, but regional and local news can be depressing on their own just by the amount of negativity presented. Is it possible to lead a normal life if we either watch the news casually or even become addicted to it? How much negativity can any one person handle on a daily basis? And as we live our lives throughout the day there is an accumulation of information and misinformation that continues until we finally try to get to sleep in order to face a new day tomorrow. Is it possible to erase or trash this cache entirely in order to get a few hours sleep, or does everything just join the next day’s information, and so on and so on?
And so we are facing two changes in climate: one with the weather throughout the world, and another in our lives with our moods and relations with those we meet throughout the day. The weather is somewhat easier to deal with. Fire, flood, earthquake, volcano, etc, give us warnings however brief, giving us some time to escape, and most of these are predictable and frequent enough that we prepare for their eventuality. Changes in moods and relations with others, however, can be instantaneous, giving us no time to repair or for damage control. On the spot videos by almost anyone and dissemination at the speed of light can convict a person, especially when there is selective editing, without recourse. Say the wrong thing, speak the wrong word (in someone’s opinion), and your life can be permanently in the trash. Forget fair when you are a victim of circumstance. There is no second chance. So these are the two climate changes that we all face on a daily basis. The question becomes: How do we survive?
Political correctness is a no win situation in our language. It is constantly changing in and out of the hidden meanings and agendae of street talk with words that are instantly supposed to supplant meanings that have been in our lexicon for centuries. It is all based on a faulty agenda and is only a transparent means to gain control of our lives. Along with this is a parade of acronyms that now permeate out media. Our left-leaning leaders depend on misinformation and an endless stream of out and out lies to gain control of our minds and to lessen our critical thinking. All levels of society are affected, starting with the youngest. Now the question becomes why? Socialism, Marxism and Communism have failed miserable in every society that has tried them. There is no logical reason to embrace any of them except total destruction in which everyone loses. So are we dealing with nihilists, or just people that are too stupid to learn from history? Is this why CRT is being promoted? To erase history and teach hate and destructiveness? So again, the question becomes: How do we survive?
We must stop the spread of stupidity. This is vital. All thinking people must wake up to the red flags that are flying before us every day in our dumbed down media. All of us must reject the lies that have been endemic in out left-wing politics and politicians. Our elections from this point on must be sanitized and legitimized. Congress must be sanitized by term limits and electing citizens who will legitimately represent their own constituents. Corruption in lobbyists and throughout all branches must be eliminated, and our checks and balances enforced. We must adhere to the tenets of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Sanity must rule once again. All of us must be involved in this process. Parents must once again teach their children the difference between good and evil, and refresh their own memories. Our freedom and our precious freedoms are not free. They have been bought and paid for with the blood and sweat and tears of patriots who have loved our country. We must continue to work to perpetuate these freedoms for our children and grand children and their children. And we must teach them to teach their children what freedom means and how to protect it from harm. This is how we survive the ravages of evil. God Bless America…!
October – Real life Halloween
October is the month of harvest and Halloween, ghosts and goblins, corn shocks and pumpkins, scary creatures, witches and black cats, and trick or treat. Everyone gets involved from adults to small children. Candy is everywhere and wishful thinking like Linus in the movie “Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin.” Also scary movies are prevalent, calculated to remove us from reality. The whole month of October is dedicated to the unreal, culminating in one evening, October 31, that is known as Halloween.
This year, as in the last two years, real life has somewhat mirrored Halloween in that we have all been required to wear masks in public. And also that, due to circumstances beyond our control, we are fearful of the unknown, and also mistrustful of almost everyone and everything. We have become superstitious and anxious due to a disease that could be hiding anywhere, ready to attach itself to those of us who are not very careful or to the clueless and unsuspecting. And, consequently, we are not totally sure whether our fears are based on science or spells woven by witches or told by tech companies or mass media just to further confuse us as to what is real or what is unreal. Does a mask really protect us or not? Does a vaccination protect us or not? And which one, and for how long? Are we following proven guidelines? Is a lockdown helpful or harmful? Halloween itself at least has an endpoint. Our real life fears and concerns have gone on for a few years with no end in sight, just another set of projections. We have had short periods of relaxed guidelines, but they have been followed by a tightening of restrictions and even intimidations. This becomes a little like a “bait and switch” or even like “trick or treat.” But not nearly as much fun as going door to door with a bag or a basket.
Some of these fantasies that we are facing are somewhere between insanity and stupidity, e.g. CT or CRT, where people with a sinister agenda attempt to rewrite history or laws thinking that we average people won’t notice or won’t care enough to investigate or won’t even be able to be aware because of a one-sided media, news, and Big Tech social media censorship. In an era before ours or even years after ours these ridiculous ideas would be laughable, but, because of creeping authoritarianism, socialism, and Marxism which attempt to crush the individual and individual thinking, these ideas are not laughable, but dangerous to us and our society. And even worse are the movements which seek to turn us against one another simply by the way we look or talk or dress or by our skin color. Anything different will do to cause hatred or mistrust of each other.
Even more evil is the attempt to indoctrinate us to a societal organization that has never worked in history and will never work except in the minds of warped and evil people. But they press on regardless by attempting to brainwash the malleable minds of our schools, K – 12, our colleges, fracturing their ability to think clearly and freely, our businesses and corporations, and even our military. This is a lot like living in the “Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.” Nothing makes any logical sense. And the news media once again are complicit, only presenting one side of events. This seems like all of the media are infested by ghouls and goblins, witches and warlocks, vampires, werewolves and many other scary creatures with evil intents. All year long, not just in October. Journalism has become deception.
So how are we to reverse the effects of Halloween after the event itself is over? Our aim is simple – freedom. We need to be able to express an opposing opinion without reprisal. We need to be able to think freely and creatively. We need to be in charge of our own lives and jobs and especially of our children once again. Our families and churches and privacy need to be sacrosanct and inviolable. We need to “unmask” as a society. We need also to unveil evilness wherever it occurs, not only in our own lives, but in our leaders and our governing bodies.
We can never return to normal. Normal will be far different from our past version. But, if we are strong enough and awake enough to reality, it will be far better than it ever has been. A new planting and harvest is in order, and a new way of living, free of hidden and insidious agendae, “trick or treat” and sleight of hand by those with evil intent. Kindness must return, with our freedom to worship, and a return to abiding by the tenets of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Our freedoms are not free. We must work for them on a daily basis. May God bless us, and may God bless these United States of America.
September – Malaise
It is becoming painfully obvious to every thinking person that our country is now sick. It is suffering from a mental disease displayed overtly by our government, specifically the Democrat party and its far-reaching tentacles. The inherent evil is personified by those who profess socialism as a better way to organize our country. These people are within the government from the top down; the executive, judicial and legislative branches. All of those infected have professed beliefs in the far left, socialism and even communism. They are mentally diseased and need to be deposed. All of this is becoming obvious to the average person and, slowly but surely to our infected news media. The media are very slow because of their tight-fisted control by billionaires and even foreign countries who have bought them out. The question becomes whether they even have a chance to report daily happenings in the world impartially, truthfully and honestly. In other words to regain their collective souls and to subscribe to their original purpose. The few journalists that have been able to be impartial are attacked mercilessly and daily. Our leftist government tries ineptly to whitewash, cover up, spin, and even avoid topics that reflect badly on their policies. But the American people, even when they are blocked by socialistically controlled social media have a way of discerning the truth and spreading it themselves.
Let us look at some of the evils that we all are facing: Censorship by the media of all kinds (to keep us all under control). Climate change mania (to keep us agitated and fearful). Critical theory and critical race theory (to divide us by race-baiting and pit us against one another). Open borders (to flood our country with unknown foreigners of unknown circumstances to dilute our health, voting, and law enforcement). Covid-19 vaccinations as a political issue (to keep us under control and moving more rapidly toward socialism). Outrageous budgeting by the federal government (to cause inflation by irresponsibly printing money and using it as a hidden tax). Perverting our education system to political control (to indoctrinate our young while they are still malleable). Sidetracking our military from its purpose of protection and safety (to weaken it, politicize it and isolate it domestically so that their budget gets moved toward internal socialistic programs). Afghanistan is a glaring example of this. Instead of an historically standard way of leaving, with no one and nothing of importance left behind, a clueless administration just pulled out of the country, leaving everything and everyone of importance behind under the control of terrorists. They are now the best equipped terrorists in the world with more bargaining power than they could have even hoped for – hundreds of hostages.
In order to keep all of the above working to their advantage, any dissent must be firmly discouraged by any and all means. If any of us expresses an opposing opinion, we are evil or Taliban or we must be shouted down or intimidated by violence or just silenced. The party line is the only acceptable way of thinking. With the media on their side, the left (our government) casts the Republican party as the enemy and blames them for all of the political crimes which, in fact, the Democrats are actually committing. If they spout and shout long enough and loud enough with the media faithfully covering every word, then, like all propaganda it starts taking root as the new truth. The evils of last summer in cities such as Portland and Chicago, were covered in the news, but antiseptically, one-sided viewpoints by the anchors, making the perpetrators the victims and the victims as evil conservatives. Socialist thugs, paid to create chaos and havoc, to burn and pillage and even murder were idolized as BLM and ANTIFA. Sports stars took the knee to pay homage to them. All of the leagues: MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL gave these evil-minded, paid thugs a pass. That they are still hooked into them boggles the mind. Where is the common sense of the owners and players? These thugs are socialists that hate America. They have no conscience. And on top of all of this, they have managed to convince governors of states to defund police (to eliminate any opposition to their violence) and to hate any law enforcement or military for the same reason.
So, how do we all eliminate this disease? How do we stop this rush toward Socialism, Marxism and ultimately Communism? Education. We must know what the other side is about in order to stop them. How do we do this? Read uncensored books. This is our only way of uniting and communicating with each other with a common purpose. Some examples: “American Marxism” by Mark Levin, “Speechless” by Michael Knowles, “The 1776 Project” by President Trump’s Commission (a rebuttal to “1691 Project” by Nikole Hannah-Jones – racist, destructive, fake CRT), “The Tyranny of Big Tech” by Josh Hawley, “Irreversible Damage” by Abigail Shrier, “Irresistible Revolution” by Matthew Lohmeier for a start. Read, and with this uncensored information, form your own unfettered opinions. Begin to think freely once again. Freedom isn’t free. We must work for it every day, and with eternal vigilance. May God bless us all, and may God Bless these United States of America.
August – J’accuse…!
Wishful thinking is tearing our country, as we have known it, apart before our eyes. All of the news media and the social media are on the same path in their thinking. Utopia and “One World” and are just euphemisms for communism. They all are using the terms socialism and Marxism, but they all in fact end up as communism, totalitarianism, or dictatorship. Total oppression. Everything that the Democrat party is doing is meant to bring about a one party system. Get rid of free thinking (CT, CRT, 1619 Project), get rid of any opposition to their policies (indoctrinate the education system at all levels, all corporations and even the military), and especially, get rid of Trump…! Anyone anywhere who isn’t on board with the socialist, Democrat, liberal agenda is either silenced or more and more frequently, disappeared (as in never heard from again). Objectionable policies: Green New Deal, vaccine flip-flops, identity politics, intersectionality, climate whatever and racism. Mandates: Vaccines, pseudo science, support for Marxism (BLM, Antifa, 1619 Project, etc.), open borders (flood the USA with illegal immigrants to secure party line). All of this is anti-American and meant to deconstruct our country as we have known it. For these reasons, “J’accuse” the Democrat party of sedition and treason:
- For supporting socialistic, Marxist destructive organizations who are dividing our country by race (baiting), religion (atheism), etc.
- Destroying our education system by indoctrination of the young to the above policies.
- Lying and cheating: in elections (faulty voting machines, counting the deceased, inaccurate counting and lack of transparency), against Trump (disruption, invalid impeachments, etc).
- Passage of laws only for socialistic purposes, trying to stack the Supreme Court, ignoring our constitution, Bill of Rights and laws already in place, placing illegals in unsuspecting cities.
- Forcing fake issues into laws using pseudo science (global warming, elements of the pandemic, racism, Green New Deal).
- Raising taxes just for socialistic purposes.
- Printing money (Federal Reserve) to give away excessively when we are almost $30 trillion in debt as a nation.
- Using the fake writing and inaccurate history of CT and CRT to illegally indoctrinate schools, businesses, corporations, and weaken our military.
- Electing (unlawfully, by cheating) an incompetent, figurehead president and an unqualified vice-president (unfit, socialist).
- Controlling “Big Tech,” all news and social media to unlawful P.C. and one-sided, sensationalistic leftist, socialistic and Marxist reporting. Yellow journalism. No opposing viewpoints. Our Democrat-controlled government, so accused, must now answer to the charges presented.
The people of this country who are legal citizens, in the majority, and who are blessed with “common sense,” demand accountability. All must and will arise and vote to elect honest and unfettered (by lobbyists and the filthy rich) government officials. We must all re-think our positions, otherwise we will run out of time and be completely taken over by the above evils with no recourse. The ones who are now in charge of destroying our government and way of life are in the minority of our population. They momentarily have only big mouths and false platforms which are promoted and one-sided by Big Tech, and all of the news media. These must be taken back and returned to honest reporting with no censorship so that all may be heard with no disruptions or shout-downs. The dishonest purveyors of socialism and Marxism must be re-educated and returned to our American way of life, history, laws, freedoms and patriotism. Nothing less is acceptable.
One of President Trump’s most important legacies has been (at a great detriment to himself), to reveal the extent of the evils affecting our country, supported and promoted by the Democrat party and its leftist organizations. He suffered the greatest media hoax in journalistic history, the all pervasive Russian collusion stories which brought about fake investigations and news reports inexhaustible. This has been followed up by the January 6 peaceful rally which was infiltrated and blown up immeasurably out of proportion. We now have to make it through an investigative committee with a false agenda (kangaroo court) with bad actors spouting lies: both the committee and the witnesses, and even the police. A nauseating episode, once again showing the depth of mendacity that the Democrat party is willing to descend into. Our country must awaken to the extent of the disease of Marxism that is affecting us. It will not go away on its own. It must be stopped by people of intellect and common sense. We have only a few reliable means of communication at this point. One of them is the books that are being written by knowledgeable and competent conservative writers who are waving red flags before us. Knowledge is power. Here are a few of the books that I highly recommend:
“The Tyranny of Big Tech” by Josh Hawley; “Freedom of the Press” by Mark Levin; “Irresistible Revolution” by Matthew Lohmeier; “Unreported Truths About Covid 19 and Lockdowns” by Alex Berenson; “Speechless” by Michael Knowles; “The 1776 Project” by The President’s (Trump) Commission; “American Marxism” by Mark Levin; “Irreversible Damage” by Abigail Shrier.
So read! Educate yourself! We can only become effectively active and make a difference by becoming knowledgable. Let’s Make a Difference…! May “God Bless (the) America” as we have known her and loved her. And, in the words (acronym) of one of our greatest presidents: MAGA…!
July – Diseased Policies
This is the July Fourth weekend, our yearly celebration of an Independence Day that has been unique in human history. It has always been a joyous occasion with parades, picnics, and patriotic speeches punctuated by fireworks after dark, although there are some who can’t wait, and start as soon as they can find a pack of matches. This can be annoying to humans, but terrifying to dogs especially when the blasts of sound last so long. This year, even more than last year during the pandemic, our celebrations have been tainted by controversy from organizations which have sprung up with hate for our country, its citizens, its flag and its history. Most of us sit back and observe what is happening and comment to ourselves about how destructive and stupid is most everything we see on the news and then go about our lives. This has been normal from a conservative point of view, but this time there is a difference. We are being held hostage to some ideologies that are destructive ultimately, but seemingly innocuous as we live our lives. If there ever was a time to wake up and check the wind direction, this is it. Poisons have been inserted into our daily lives, and since they are initially subtle, we have been slow to recognize that the freedom we have long enjoyed is now under full-scale attack. We need to come to the aid of our country. Now. There is no time to waste.
The poisonous organizations that are attacking are all rooted in Marxism from the writings and examples of Mao, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Marx, Engels, Trotsky, Lenin, etc. These have all coalesced into a movement that threatens our very existence as a nation. What is happening now is heavily funded and deeply rooted in a new and more evil playbook that has appeared in our society as Critical Theory (CT), and Critical Race Theory (CRT). These poisons are extremely divisive, and have infected our educational system, our media, our military, and our government itself. They, and Politically Correctness (PC), have made free speech problematic, even impossible in some cases. They are purposeful traps for the unsuspecting to fall into and face the ruination of their careers and sometimes their very lives. The 1619 Project published by the New York Times is evil in its racism and divisiveness. It seeks to rewrite our history by starting anew, and poison the minds of our youth with propaganda. The 1776 Project is an attempt to counter the foregoing lies with facts that are not now being taught in our schools. Obviously those who are in charge and teach are also infected.
Given the above, it is not difficult to realize that those following the Marxist playbook are right on track. 1. Take control of the education system of the young and indoctrinate them. 2. Take control of the news media. 3. Take control of law enforcement and the military. 4. Under the guise of equality, promote racism in order to cause instability and hate. 5. Destroy property with rioting and burning to show impunity and the neutering of law enforcement. 6. Turn all common sense situations and thinking around and upside down with re-writing and re-naming. All of this has been happening. But are we awake to the extent of the poison yet? Even more importantly, have these evils progressed to the point of no return? Is it possible to stop the infection? How close are we to the rot of the French (or Russian or Chinese) Revolutions where a citizen may just point a finger and have another jailed or tortured or even executed? How close do we have to get for this to happen? Indoctrination can cause mob rule which can erupt instantaneously and decimate sections of any society, e.g. anti-Semitism in the 40s. Life becomes cheap.
On the other hand, if we think of all of the above evils and poisons as feces or manure being spread everywhere in our culture, we can also reasonably think that beautiful flowers and plants and common sense and love of our country and its flag and principles are going to grow even stronger than before. This is a law of nature that has existed as long as the earth. We see it happen in growth every Spring and through every growing season. Why not in our lives and in our political system? Let us put the purveyors of hate, fire and destruction on notice as of now. We prepare for you. We will come for you. You will be defeated as always when you awaken the sleeping giant of righteousness. We will continue to build rather than destroy. We will educate rather than indoctrinate. We will enforce our laws rather than defund. We will turn our arts and music toward the beautiful and lofty rather than the superficial and meaningless. We will no longer live in a parody of “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” The elephant will no longer be standing in the middle of the room.
Missing for too long in our society has been a pervasive “Honor” and “Responsibility” for our own actions. God has been hidden behind curtains of falsehood and mendacity. Faith, family, friends and freedom are not based on skin color or politics, but on kindness and humility and love. Let us awaken anew to the principles stated in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Let us sing daily of our America and her beauty; songs of freedom and true unity. Let us continue to sing “God Bless America.”