August – Crazy taking over
Crazy is when the news media turn everything upside down and backwards. Crazy is what we are when we get sucked in and begin to believe that which is obviously false. Crazy is when your friends lose their way and their moral compass and retreat to the dark side. Crazy is when falsehoods are presented as truth and fact incessantly, becoming propaganda which is repetitive indoctrination used to soften the base of society, the education system, the naive and the weak-minded. These non-thinking persons become unwitting followers of the loudest and most attractive voices filled with promises which are empty and ultimately evil. Crazy is now…! Are we equipped and able to deal with it…?
The evils of violence and destruction tend to erase all of the good things we have thus far enjoyed. Our freedoms. Our unrestricted lives. Evil promotes censorship and limits freedom of speech by making semantics more important than actual content in our speech and ultimately our thoughts. Evil divides us in issues which have been resolved, but are still vulnerable to those who are willing to bend the truth of our actual day to day existence. Evil takes advantage of any anomaly in our society and elevates it to an undeserved height filled with hate and uses it to promote violence and destruction. Evil can gradually take over all of our systems of education and fill them with non-essential information that can bend our history and slant our unfettered way of thinking to become followers instead of leaders. Evil can gradually take over all parts of our government to make sure that an agenda of obeisance is inherent so that there may be no blocking of the new system of everyone in lock-step. Evil can hold our great cities hostage by electing leaders who are weak-minded and afraid to confront situations which are dangerous to our lives. This evil promotes anarchy and chaos. It will take over and weaken anything that promotes excellence in thought and excels in competition. Every sport is at risk. Every contest of any sort. Any system of awards. No part of our society is safe or beyond the reach of evil.
Do we have the tools to combat this evil? Our basic, most powerful tool is the elections of our leaders and representatives. We must be sure that they are uninfected by those promoting an evil agenda. They must not be beholden to those who can buy anything with large amounts of money. They must be able to think clearly and for issues that will benefit all citizens, not just those with money-assumed power. It is our support which will elect them.
Law enforcement is another tool that we need to have which is unapproachable. Evil will try to eliminate anything that promotes law and order because it inhibits the evil intentions of the few who would take over from the many. From the CIA, FBI, Military, National Guard to the local police – men and women, we need to support and enforce their job descriptions for the safety of all citizens.
We need to recognize that every person who is a citizen has rights and privileges in this country. All lives are important from the time when the spark of life is ignited to the time when it is extinguished. We are protected by our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the systems of justice which need to be beyond reproach. All of us are protected regardless of our outward looks and surface qualities. When our nation, our families, our properties, our thoughts are attacked, we need to defend them and be supported by our legal systems. No one is above the law. Excuses only demean the weak-minded for their bad behavior. Responsibility in our daily lives and our honest work matter the most. Beware the slippery slope.
Wishful thinking leads to idealism then to liberalism and the far left which leads to socialism which leads to fascism and anarchy which lead to communism and then to total dictatorship where there is no recourse from becoming a slave or a puppet for the above evils that we have investigated. This is the slippery slope. Beware. Think. Read. Self-educate. Our country and our lives depend on each person’s responsibility to themselves, their families and our country. “God Bless America”…!