March of the Malleable Mind
During this month of March, within nine months of our next presidential election, we are experiencing fierce debates, rebuttals by candidates and the media (print, TV and online), with everything being geared to sway the minds of people to a certain way of thinking. After being inundated with large amounts of this information, we the people then form our own opinions and then make comments in order to insert our own opinions into other minds. And so on, and so on… The volume of additional information on a daily basis is also enormous and inescapable. We are inundated with ads and sales offers, politics, deals, coupons, new products, food, drink, vacations opportunities, etc, etc. We experience constant input constantly. This same process happens daily and monthly from year to year, our minds expanding and contracting with the endless information that we absorb, process, and then either retain or trash. No area or subject is immune from this process. All categories are presented and picked apart as our minds are touched by whatever means that we experience. Our malleable minds are constantly expanding and contracting.
In this process opinions are formed and reformed, then passed on verbally or electronically to other minds doing the same thing: processing, absorbing, then reprocessing and passing on to or through someone else. Passing on is the end result of the expanding (filling) and contracting (releasing) of information in our malleable minds. Releasing (or emptying) is vital, though imperfect, as a means of keeping our sanity intact. Because of this malleable mind, sanity itself becomes a relative term, not an absolute. It is now a matter of degree, a shading of our mind’s inner compass or gyroscope.
We now exist with opinions based on other opinions and facts based on interpretations. This tends to blur our inner selves (egos) to the point of floating back and forth on a sea of inner conversations: our now malleable and unsettled mind. Is sanity now, in any traditional sense, even possible? Or are we all just floating on an informational ocean with no stability or port or dock, and constantly out of sight of land? We all tend to look stable even though we are mentally riding the waves, bobbing up and down like corks in different ways, at different times and rates and degrees. Is any sort of mental stability possible or even desirable since we don’t recognize the disconnect in ourselves or in anyone else? Is there anything that is grounded, that pervades our society, gives direction, provides hope, puts us in touch with our deepest thoughts and emotions to at least cause some degree of unity in our thoughts and feelings?
The only possibility I can see for such a solution is music.
Music transcends time and space. It is our only source of pure organization, our one direct line to inner thought, emotion and peace. Music can be our compass and our route to the grounding that is necessary for sanity. Its electrical frequencies, real and imagined are our only source of release from the constant pounding of inescapable textual information. In its pure form, music transcends language and opinions. All musical instruments and voices become vibrations or frequencies that are directly in touch with our emotions and feelings containing cosmic organization that gives us clarity of thought and our only possibility of a mental peace.
Music is the antidote to disorganization. Music is the healing balm for our deepest wounds. Music is our only hope for sanity against a barrage of unwanted and unneeded informational data. Music is the solution. But… we must actually stop… and listen…really listen…!