It is becoming painfully obvious to every thinking person that our country is now sick.  It is suffering from a mental disease displayed overtly by our government, specifically the Democrat party and its far-reaching tentacles.  The inherent evil is personified by those who profess socialism as a better way to organize our country.  These people are within the government from the top down; the executive, judicial and legislative branches.  All of those infected have professed beliefs in the far left, socialism and even communism.  They are mentally diseased and need to be deposed.  All of this is becoming obvious to the average person and, slowly but surely to our infected news media.  The media are very slow because of their tight-fisted control by billionaires and even foreign countries who have bought them out.  The question becomes whether they even have a chance to report daily happenings in the world impartially, truthfully and honestly.  In other words to regain their collective souls and to subscribe to their original purpose. The few journalists that have been able to be impartial are attacked mercilessly and daily. Our leftist government tries ineptly to whitewash, cover up, spin, and even avoid topics that reflect badly on their policies.  But the American people, even when they are blocked by socialistically controlled social media have a way of discerning the truth and spreading it themselves.

Let us look at some of the evils that we all are facing:  Censorship by the media of all kinds (to keep us all under control). Climate change mania (to keep us agitated and fearful).  Critical theory and critical race theory (to divide us by race-baiting and pit us against one another). Open borders (to flood our country with unknown foreigners of unknown circumstances to dilute our health, voting, and law enforcement). Covid-19 vaccinations as a political issue (to keep us under control and moving more rapidly toward socialism). Outrageous budgeting by the federal government (to cause inflation by irresponsibly printing money and using it as a hidden tax).  Perverting our education system to political control (to indoctrinate our young  while they are still malleable). Sidetracking our military from its purpose of protection and safety (to weaken it, politicize it and isolate it domestically so that their budget gets moved toward internal socialistic programs).  Afghanistan is a glaring example of this.  Instead of an historically standard way of leaving, with no one and nothing of importance left behind, a clueless administration just pulled out of the country, leaving everything and everyone of importance behind under the control of terrorists.  They are now the best equipped terrorists in the world with more bargaining power than they could have even hoped for – hundreds of hostages.

In order to keep all of the above working to their advantage, any dissent must be firmly discouraged by any and all means.  If any of us expresses an opposing opinion, we are evil or Taliban or we must be shouted down or intimidated by violence or just silenced.  The party line is the only acceptable way of thinking. With the media on their side, the left (our government) casts the Republican party as the enemy and blames them for all of the political crimes which, in fact, the Democrats are actually committing.  If they spout and shout long enough and loud enough with the media faithfully covering every word, then, like all propaganda it starts taking root as the new truth. The evils of last summer in cities such as Portland and Chicago, were covered in the news, but antiseptically, one-sided viewpoints by the anchors, making the perpetrators the victims and the victims as evil conservatives.  Socialist thugs, paid to create chaos and havoc, to burn and pillage and even murder were idolized as BLM and ANTIFA.  Sports stars took the knee to pay homage to them.  All of the leagues: MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL gave these evil-minded, paid thugs a pass.  That they are still hooked into them boggles the mind.  Where is the common sense of the owners and players?  These thugs are socialists that hate America.  They have no conscience.  And on top of all of this, they have managed to convince governors of states to defund police (to eliminate any opposition to their violence) and to hate any law enforcement or military for the same reason.

So, how do we all eliminate this disease?  How do we stop this rush toward Socialism, Marxism and ultimately Communism?  Education.  We must know what the other side is about in order to stop them.  How do we do this?  Read uncensored books. This is our only way of uniting and communicating with each other with a common purpose.  Some examples:  “American Marxism” by Mark Levin,  “Speechless” by Michael Knowles, “The 1776 Project” by President Trump’s Commission (a rebuttal to “1691 Project” by  Nikole Hannah-Jones – racist, destructive, fake CRT), “The Tyranny of Big Tech” by Josh Hawley, “Irreversible Damage” by Abigail Shrier, “Irresistible Revolution” by Matthew Lohmeier for a start.  Read, and with this uncensored information, form your own unfettered opinions.  Begin to think freely once again. Freedom isn’t free.  We must work for it every day, and with eternal vigilance.  May God bless us all, and may God Bless these United States of America.