Like it or not, there is a hierarchy in our political workings that has very gradually taken over the lives of every citizen in our land.  The evil entity which we now call “the left” is seducing those who are not aware, not listening, hearing only what is precious to them. The left has found it easy now to lead the unsuspecting around “by the nose,” mandating “trickle down submission” from those who follow as their minions. The VP debate was an example of the subtle seduction by the left who prepare the scripts for their minions to expose.

Examples of leftist evils:

First the activists, those self-serving ideologues who exist on the pain and misfortune of others and are paid handsomely for their violence and intimidation.  This group doesn’t think for itself, it just follows orders from whomever has the most power.  They are political mercenaries, and money is their prime motivation. They exist to burn, destroy, loot, pillage, and murder.

Second is the Democrat party (all political branches), which exists by getting rich on the money of the people whom they are supposed to be serving. Instead they serve billionaire donors who expect subservience to their wants and needs, and are willing to pay for the influence in the party and every part of our government. All of the above have almost nullified the checks and balances of our Constitutional Republic, leaving us to be governed as slaves to the left.  The deep state is the ever-expanding shadow and blanket covering our government.  It consists of millions of followers and advocates of the Democrat party and the left who are being paid to say ”Yes!”

Third  is the media, all facets of them: print, television, radio, social media;  all of the intrusive annoying and indoctrinating commercials, and the movies.  All who are part of these are infected with the left and its evils.  They announce that they will leave the America which they hate if a conservative is elected president. Censorship is now the mission of the entire leftwing media.  Watch what you say and who you say it to or you could lose your job and/or your freedom.

Fourth is the rest of the population who now are treated as pawns to be used or eliminated at the will of the left.  They are seduced by the left, leading the Democrat party who is leading the media who are leading the entertainment dupes, including sports, who are all in the same evil hierarchy.  If anyone watches network television for very long, the seduction becomes complete.  All are following the same script and playbook provided by the left. Total control of all who live here is the aim of the now visible Marxist politicians who seduce us daily.

Finally, there is only one last bastion against the evil and uncontrolled left.  Conservativism.

We conservatives are the only ones left with common sense, belief in God, and religion in general, and truth, honesty, justice and fairness in the nation that we love dearly.  We are condemned now as outlaws, out of touch with reality.  But, in actuality, the left and the Democrat party is fully upside down.  Everything they say and do is backwards, and if confronted, they lie, even if there is factual, undeniable proof.  They want no laws or courts or judges or attorneys or police or military to get in their way.  Their way, to them, is the only way. Any thinking person should be able to see now that we are being gradually controlled by the left, and the left is promoting Marxism, Socialism and Communism. Freedom, everyone’s freedom is at stake. Censorship is rampant.  Learned people have already lost their jobs, careers, publishing and livelihoods by speaking out about the controlling hoaxes of climate change, covid, green new deal, carbon, environment, energy, etc. etc.  Let us reinstate the

1st amendment.

Some of the evil deeds by the Democrat party:

MIDDLE EAST – Funding Iran with 100 Billion dollars.  Giving money to the sponsor of terrorism, enabling Hamas, Houthis, and Hezbollah, to attack Israel, take hostages and torture and murder them and their own people in Gaza. Iran wants Israel and the Jews gone and to give the murderous Palestinians their land.

CENSORSHIP – Silence any opposition to the Democrat/leftist/woke agenda with propaganda in the media and indoctrination in the educational system. They have virtual control of both now. No opposition to Green New Deal, Climate Change, Electric cars, whimsical mandates will be tolerated.

POLITICAL WEAPONIZATION – of the Democrat controlled government, courts, justice system, military, DOJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, BLM, ANTIPHA, etc.  e.g. Jan. 6 escalation by Pelosi, et al, and show trial a la Communist Russia shrouded in secrecy and illegal imprisonment of innocent people and murder of an unarmed lady. Sleazy attorneys suing Trump illegally for election interference. Previous impeachments also against Trump, all of which have been hoaxes. Harassment of Supreme court justices and their families.  The beginnings of another attempt to steal an election by no voter I.D., stuffing ballot boxes, dead people and illegals voting, blackmail and intimidation by unions, etc.

SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM –   members of our government identifying with Marxism, Communism openly.  Members of Congress and the Executive branches.  They should not even be allowed to run for office, let alone be elected.  Have funded Iran and Ukraine billions of dollars with no oversight.

OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER –   have purposefully enabled entry into our country of over 18 million illegals with little or no (oversight). The effects of this influx will not be fully known for decades.  It is dangerous, incompetent and foolhardy.  Any illegal voting should invalidate the coming election.

RACISM – Anything based just on skin color as a requirement for whatever is insane and ridiculous, stupid. This is the dumbest of the “dumbing down” policies e.g. Woke, DEI, CRT.  Racism is a fiction used for revenge, extortion, blackmail and intimidation; the most “gimme what you have,” whiney technique of all types of extortion.

Thinking ahead, if this trend continues, what will the USA look like ultimately? It will be beyond “Idiocracy.” Woke in charge? Everyone else slaves?  The necessary revolution would cause absolute and unimaginable devastation. Take a moment to think through these things before you vote! You could help save America…!