Examples of “seduction” forced by the left:

 Election – by the left:  Liberal, Socialist, Marxist, Communist, devil-directed Democrat party.

Media –  by the left:  TV commercials, ads, woke shows, sports, music, talk shows. Censorship.

Politicians – by the left: become rich by saying “yes” to evil procedures.

Scientists – by the left: by perverting real scientific research & conclusions for fake ones.

Justice system – by the left: by weaponizing courts, judges, attorneys, DOJ, FBI, AG, etc.

DEI – by the left: perverting diversity, equity, inclusion to Socialist/Marxist mandates.

Perversion – by the left:  trans, schools, abortion, men/women interchangeable, censorship.

Social media – by the left: the devil’s playground.

Religion – by the left: erase all traces until we are an atheistic society with no morals.

Capitalism – by the left: outmoded, unworkable, unusable, eased into Socialism.

Islam – by the left: Hijacked by terrorists – Hamas (Palestinians), Houthis (Yemen) Hezbollah (Lebanon).

Iran – by the left: Sponsor of all of the above terrorists, funded by over $100 billion  from the Biden administration.


Seduction is a technique used by the left, world-wide, to entice all countries and their people to embrace Marxism (Socialism), Communism.  This would eventually be called “One World.”  Its purpose is to unite everyone into ultimate slavery by seducing them into thinking that this is the ultimate freedom we have been waiting for (utopia).  They have already started with the young in every country.  They have extended their seductive teaching into every educational system, from elementary to college-university. All of our young are being seduced (brainwashed) into the former forbidden worlds of pornography, racism, and hatred of anyone different from the new normal e.g. Jews, Christians, religion in general, conservative thinking, and anything that opposes the agenda of the left. Fashion, newly perverted, has already been in place to seduce. The history of any nation, its constitution, flag, national song, statues, paintings, laws, heroes, are all in danger of being replaced or erased entirely.  America has to contend with CRT, CT, 1619 Project, and political leaders and professors and even scientists who are professed Marxists and/or Communists.  (Who is voting for these miscreants)?

With all of this in place, there won’t be any need to take over any country by force.  Each country will be seduced into joining “One World” without any questions or discussions.   The left will be totally in charge of everything and everyone.  And who exactly is the left? The left is the Devil, Satan, Beelzebub, etc.  Evil incarnated into human leaders who become its minions, the ones who carry out the destruction of life on earth as we have known it.This process has already begun in the USA and in many other countries of the world, and certainly the Middle Eastern countries guided by leftist mullahs; Iran, China, Russia and the money pit called Ukraine.  All are masters of seduction.

So who do we trust?  Leaders who are guided by religion and prayer, the law, the Constitution! No one who consistently lies can be trusted at any time. These lies are meant to seduce.The perpetrators, Democrat party, etc., will say anything to get your vote, but have no intention of following through or implementing if elected.  They feel that, like the message in the Quran, it is perfectly permissible to lie, cheat or steal, etc., in the right circumstances to further their ultimate aims.  (Read it for yourself!)  Note that responsible people in politics or the work place do not feel this way or use this convoluted logic. Though they are sometimes hard to find.

The coming election is crucial to our American way of life.  We need leadership that is in touch with the fundamental issues that affect all of us who are legal citizens.  Illegals are another issue to be dealt with by a stable government.  We need to vote using facts, not emotions. Kamala (and Walz) have no agenda and no knowledge of our most crucial domestic or international issues. Kamala can only pander to minimalist activists about abortion or transgender or patronize the black population or blame everything on Mr. Trump, as did Biden.  Both Biden and Harris have had four years to solve problems and deal with issues and have failed miserably.  She, like Biden, have been puppets for the left.  This would only continue.

Our country is over $35 trillion in debt.  The Fed has been printing money irresponsibly, and we are still in a monstrous inflation with no end in sight.  Our southern border is still irresponsibly open to anyone willing to enter the USA.  And these “illegals” are being invited to vote as citizens in the coming presidential election.  Some states are outlawing this, however the DOJ is now telling the state of Virginia that it cannot remove illegals from voting rolls.  The DOJ needs to be corrected. This order is unconstitutional.  The Democrats are already starting with voter fraud in many evil ways.  They don’t need any additional help. God help us all…!

There are many other issues that affect our daily lives, but lying repeatedly by our government, most of the media, billionaires and Hollywood’s unnecessary spokespersons, is a misuse of their undeserved platform. The same actions by politicians are not only evil, but inexcusable due to their oaths of office.  Every legitimate vote is important.  The above issues are extremely important, and if you are not thinking seriously about the cause and effect of these issues, you are part of the problem. Think again!

Let us cease to be afraid to use the term “MAGA.”  Let us understand its importance. And, let us pray that “God Blesses America.”