During the past year or so, our thinking has changed. We used to speak freely without any thoughts of reprisal. Saying to another person what we thought at the moment was accepted and normal.  Then something changed.  Now there are many things that we feel and know are wrong, but can’t or won’t speak out for fear of being fired from a job or even ostracized from a community.  What has changed is that our innate courage that has been with us since our birth has been gradually reduced to fear.  Fear is a terrible state to be in because it incapacitates the will.  It immobilizes our psyche, and we become tantamount to sheep.  It is painful to think about this because we feel neutered, beaten down with no recourse.  This situation has been developing for many years.  It hasn’t happened over night.  The questions now become: “who is causing this to happen” and “how do we reverse this evil trend.?”  We must begin by replacing fear with courage. It is only with courage that we can answer the above questions.

Propaganda, censorship, indoctrination, socialism, Marxism and communism used to be dirty words with very dark and nasty baggages attached to them.  But now, with the help of all of the media in concert, they have been charged with new meanings which are supposed to help us renew our lives together.  The new and acceptable words heard everywhere are: diversity, many genders, racism, climate change and many more.  In reality diversity actually denigrates that idea by promoting divisiveness. Racism now actually causes more racism than was ever present in our society.  It is lucrative to the perpetrators. Climate change has been cyclical since the earth was born, but now we are to have caused it.  And so on with fake science.

Missing in our society are: integrity, respect, responsibility, manners and kindness.  Are we now so desensitized that we can no longer recognize evil right on our very doorstep?  Are we so clueless that we can no longer recognize assassination attempts by those who hate a political leader or anyone who honestly speaks their mind? Ae we so blinded by a personality conflict that we can no longer see the most important fundamental issues at stake?  Are we so self-centered that we can no longer celebrate the greatness of our country and its national interests that benefit all, not just a designated few.  Are we so confused by our news and social media that we can no longer find truth in issues because it is so hidden in misinformation that it is now actually fake?  Have we so devalued education that our children will grow up indoctrinated with liberal and far left socialist propaganda? Are there no journalists left who are able to report truthfully and honestly?  Our government and our nation are much bigger than one election or even one branch of our government.  We, the people, are the body of the USA.  And we embody the towns, cities, states and our nation as a whole.

Far too much of our country has become rude and crude, foul-mouthed and disrespectful to ourselves, our neighbors, our laws, police and military.  Some are trying to rewrite our history in most obnoxious terms. And our younger generation is learning from a one-sided media, film and music industry, and corrupted education system.  We need a reversal!  We need to bring back our firm foundations that say that everyone who works, earns and retains the fruits of their labors.  We must appreciate our leaders in their accomplishments with issues and not just their personalities.  But when they fail to meet our expectations, we need to say “enough.”  This is accomplished by secure voting and voter I.Ds.  Nothing less can be acceptable.

Enough of our fear-based lives.  We must say “No” to a Marxist-based education system.  And “No” to a concerted power grab by those trying to build a one-party system of government. “No” to a media that supports these evils, and “No” to those promoting censorship of all that does not fit their own limited agenda.  We must support our police and military. They must have the means to stop violence before or when it occurs.  The answer in all of the above is courage.  It must begin and end with the eligible voter. Our constitution is sacred to our way of life.  Let us protect it by insisting that those in government abide by its principles.  One by one, let us stand up and be counted.  Freedom is not free.  It must be protected every day in every way.  Let us clean up our system of government and return to civility with the stewardship that our own United Stated of America deserves.  God Bless America…!