May we still think freely through our problems, and can we share this process with anyone else with impunity? And more to the point: Are politics and friendship now mutually exclusive? Or is this the case only when censorship of some nature is present? I am reading a very interesting book by Gad Saad entitled “The Parasitic Mind” (How infectious ideas are killing common sense). The author is a college professor who, against incredible odds, is trying to teach critical thinking to college students who are already infected with what he calls “Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome” or (OPS). These students are already infected by ubiquitous slanted news which is making it almost impossible to think critically. This will continue to be a problem unless there is a drastic change for the better soon. Someone said “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend with my life your right to say it.” Those days may be temporarily gone, but we all need to bring them back.
When insanity is the rule, the insane will accuse all dissenters of their own malady. Common sense and rationality become sins. When this is the case is it possible for the censored mind to still think critically? When the news and media of all types are in lockstep with persuasive propaganda, is it then possible to have an unfettered and clear way of thinking through our problems? When this is the norm, and everyone seems to be traveling along the wrong path, is it possible for only one person to make a difference by stating truths with freedom of thought? Or are we all doomed to live our lives in the “Mad Hatter’s Tea Party?” Or will one clear statement of truth have the same result as “The Emperor’s New Clothes?” In this time of our ongoing history, think: Open borders (long-term effects), skewed and cheated elections (long-term effects), out-of-control government (immediate effects), inflation spiraling up (prices of food and gas and necessities out of control), Unnecessary laws and mandates are controlling our lives and our health care even though untested and unvetted (causing worse health problems, including incapacitation and even death). When the insane are in control, no dissent is allowed. Dissenters are terrorists, racists (fallback buzzword) or in collusion with Russia.
This breakdown of the basic tenets of our freedoms contained clearly in our Constitution and Bill of Rights becomes a part of the new executive, legislative and judicial branches of our tentative government. And they are now controlled by “wrong thinkers” from the far left (Marxists and socialists) and “parasitic minds” (which infect our brains, deleting common sense thinking). This control also extends to the acronyms in our government: CIA, FBI, DHS,NIH, NIAID, etc., etc. The thinking mind wants to know if there is a solution. Is there a way to rid our lives of censorship, leftist control tactics, racist disease, Marxist or socialist idealism and return to our basic truths and freedoms?
Long term solutions must start with all levels of education, beginning with the removal of wrong thinking teachers of all levels and tenured professors of intellectual garbage. Elected removal of wrong thinking school boards which espouse the evils of racist diseased CRT, sexual deviations which are unnecessary and evil, mindless propaganda and anti-American treasonous, poisoned thinking. We need to get back to parental control starting with fair elections of believers in American ideals. National and state elections also need to be transparent and legitimate. The cheating of the leftist party of socialism must adhere to the same rules and parameters as the conservative party. Clear thinking must once again prevail with freedom and truth in the right to dissent and the right to worship freely.
In any society there are thinkers and followers. Leaders can be either. When our Federal leaders are more concerned with accumulating money than leading, they need to be replaced. This also should include the moneychangers (usurers, lobbyists) who take unfair advantage, particularly in finances. These parasites must be distanced and held to the same rules and parameters as everyone else. How do we accomplish this? Term limits would be a good way to start. Gradually eliminate the ones who have been so long in their position that they are jaded, wealthy and have forgotten that their constituents are the reason that they started. No more geriatric leaders with arthritic thinking. This also needs to prevail in State governments, governors and local leaders.
The thinking of our founders was not diseased or parasitic or arthritic. It was clear, unfettered long-term thinking which has made us the greatest nation on the earth. Those who would negate this thinking and attempt to destroy our reason for being need to be replaced in legitimate, fair and transparent elections. If we need to re-“Awakened” then let each of us stand and be heard. Uncensored and unfettered. Let us all say (and sing) in unison: “God Bless America!”