The phrase “it never rains in California” is being disproved this year. We have had more than enough rain to ward off drought seasons for years to come. Our plants should be very happy for their extended growing season. Until, in their unusual abundance, they dry out and become a fire hazard in the fall. Of course this is predictable and cyclical, like climate change.
The down side with the abundance of rain is that most of it drains into the ocean from whence it came. Why? Because our reservoirs are now inadequate for the needs of the present population. Why? Because the governing bodies don’t look far enough ahead when they plan. Why? Because building new reservoirs is too complicated and expensive. And so on… Consequently, we cyclically must deal with a very dangerous and very expensive fire season.
Why can’t we adequately prepare for the coming fire season? How? Residential areas can clear out their surrounding tinder dry brush so the fire has no fuel. The same goes for mountain residential areas. The problem stems from the vast areas of mountainous or unreachable areas. How do we neutralize them? We have had many decades to figure this out without success. Due to the enormous expense and the potential loss of property and even lives, it should be a priority of some sort. But we still slog along year after year. The “go to” is dumping large quantities of ocean “salt” water onto the out-of-control fires by helicopter. Although this makes for great television theater, it is not very efficient. There actually have been viable solutions presented in the past e.g. chemical sprays, ways of removing oxygen as fuel from the fire itself, miscellaneous fire retardants, but none has surfaced as “the one.”We can only hope that someone comes forth this year with an idea that really works.
While I am thinking of hope, it occurs to me that it has been in short supply for too many years. Politics has been hopeless for a decade. Law enforcement from the top down has been without hope for our protection and security for at least as long. Wacko woke has weft us without ways to wive our wives in peace wifout woefully wistening to the wonky wisdom of wicked media worms. What do we believe? How do we form an intelligent opinion? If the electoral process is as corrupt as it seems to be, what is the next step?
Our only hope and escape from cruel reality (besides reading a good book) used to be comedy. Censorship, practically everywhere, has virtually eliminated comedy. Is anything funny anymore? The elements that used to be the basis for comedy are now forbidden… (by whom)? Even Will Smith “bitch slapping” Chris Rock last year at the Oscars wasn’t funny, though it will be in the upcoming Chris Rock comedy special. Comedy’s demise is really unfortunate due to the abundance of outrageous people and situations in our society at this point in time.
Men can become women, women can become men (due to desire mixed with drugs and surgery). And wearing the appropriate clothing. Communists in our government at all levels can now come out of the closet and even shout their hate for our flag, our democratic republic, and our society, especially conservative anything. This used to be dark humor. The hysterically funny part of this is the amount of people who believe this and take it seriously. Can they listen to themselves? Totally unglued teachers trying to teach kids in elementary schools about sex that most adults haven’t experienced or care about or even want to know about.
And the worst of all of this is that our Marx brothers government and “Night Court” justice system and “Keystone Cops” DOJ, FBI, etc., not to mention our bumbling Congress have only one agenda: Get Trump! This is, and has been, the cry of the left, liberal, Democrat “brood of vipers” instead of taking care of the business of the citizens of our country. “Citizens” of our country! We are very close to being invaded now by near seven million illegals. A staggering amount of undocumented, unvaccinated, uninvited, people of all natures and ambitions, even evil intents. And they are where? Anywhere and everywhere. No one really knows. When the head is corrupt, the body will die. Unless someone stops the bleeding.
Even the movie “Idiocracy” had some measure of hope at the end. The intent of censorship is to kill hope. The intent of totalitarian control is to kill hope and opposition. So I ask once again,Are you awake? Do you care? Does your butt have to actually be on fire for you to get up from it and voice your opinion? Our options as citizens are becoming severely limited. We are in an “Age of Stupidity.” Can we rise above it? All of us as individuals must at some time answer these questions. Our motivation and support: the Constitution and the Bill of Rights; our Flag and our National Anthem. May we stop the agenda of separatism, and may “God bless America.”