This upcoming election is about taking back the America we knew and loved from the clowns and perverts who have been holding us hostage to their insanity.  Everything they have foisted upon our country has been the opposite of what they say they are doing. It’s been almost like living in the “tea party” in “Alice in Wonderland.” Their initial agenda was exclusively “Get Trump” in any way possible. They have accomplished nothing else of any value to Americans.  Just “Get Trump.” Everything they said he did or was doing of any value, they attributed to themselves. Then, when no one could believe these falsehoods anymore, they exposed their real agenda in BLM, ANTIFA, CRT, CLT, etc., as following the teachings of Karl Marx.  They have now dressed up this propaganda as NexGen Marxism, still a fruitless search for utopia, the ideal society.  By ignoring or erasing history, these new Marxists can also dress up this failed philosophy as being better than having the freedoms of our society.

All of the above makes no sense. So what was needed was new motivation for the evils of these NexGen Marxists, and the following politicized issues were born:  Climate change, porn and perversion in the schools, environmentalism, breakdown of churches and families, defunding (or eliminating) police and law enforcement (so Marxist acronyms could commit crimes with impunity), the neutralization of the justice system, political weaponization of our DOJ, AG, military, judges, attorneys and the whole justice system initially to “get Trump,” but actually to get us, the citizens of America.  This all started officially with Pelosi, Cheney et al with the Jan. 6 kangaroo court and secret show trials and proceeding to the equally disgusting treatment of Donald Trump for the overt purpose of interfering in the next election.

Next in the plan to take over America was censorship:  biased, one-sided reporting in all of the media. Do’s and don’ts in our language (man woman, mother, father, etc.), gender blurring (men become women and women become men, initially by clothing, then “because I say so,” and then by questionable surgery. This supposedly allowed men to participate in women’s sports (and crash their restrooms). The big question in the middle of the room becomes: “Why was this allowed?”  Were sports leagues in their entirety so subjugated and “cowed” that there was no backlash from heads and leaders?

Next sick joke from the clowns has been the “dumbing down” of our education system at all levels, and this affects everyone at all levels of society.  It eliminates the need for standards. Starting with schooling at the elementary level and proceeding through college/university and grad school, we now have people who graduate without an education in their field, or any field.  And, even worse, it has been mandated that these dumbed down people must be hired before qualified people who are legitimate, but are the wrong color or gender.  Racism.   Hiring just based on race (or anything but qualifications) is ridiculous.  Especially if the person with the preferred race , etc., is in fact partially educated. But, now we are observing attorneys, judges, those in congress, mayors, governors, teachers, doctors, administrators of all kinds, airline pilots (wait for this fallout), all of whom have benefitted (?) from affirmative action (preferential treatment) and who now have well-paying, but undeserved positions.  Some of this will turn out to be very dangerous.

All of the above is stupid?  Stupid, stupid, STUPID!  The inmates are now running the asylum. (If you haven’t seen the movie “Idiocracy” watch it.  It is fairly close to what we are now experiencing.  In the movie, the president, Congress (House and Senate) all look like fools.  In a movie this is laughable.  In real life it is frustrating, depressing and dangerous.  Fools in charge of the government result in unnecessary laws and mandates that can be harmful or even dangerous. Think about the harmful effects of Covid.  Think also about our Southern border.  Wide open. Well over ten million illegal people have been allowed into our country who are undocumented, but given IDs and cash and shipped, bussed, to places to stay. For what purpose?  The effects of this treasonous act by our demented president and government will not be experienced for decades (by our children and their children). This is the most monumental crime in the history of our country.  It eclipses the Socialistic administrations even of FDR.  The LGBTQ, etc… in governmental high positions do not inspire confidence of any kind in its leadership.  It does, however, indicate that we are weak by neutralizing our defenses against any aggression that arises.  It also, unfortunately, brings to mind the eventual possibility of clowns in uniform. Not a happy thought.  Pull triggers, BANG!…comes out the barrels…  Depressing.  An extrapolation that is facetious, but vaguely possible.

All of the above is meant to tear down our country, its Constitution and Bill of Rights for the great take over by those for NexGen Marxism, Utopia, and “One World.” All ruled by whom? Supreme clown? (not Soros), Biden or Harris or Schumer or Pelosi (cloned)?  Probably someone much worse! (but very charismatic, think Obama combined with Oprah or Hillary).  Not funny. But on the horizon.

Socialism, Communism has never worked in any society.  It is death.  In modern times Lenin guided Russia into killing over 23 million Kulaks (landowners), French revolution guilliotined thousands , including Voltaire (one of the founders). Think about how China, Cuba, North Vietnam, and Venezuela have turned out.  Che and Fidel for example were murderers of their own people and even their own supporters when they were no longer needed. This is another reason for the left to erase history.  Utopia always turns into a gulag, workcamp or prison. No one is immune to its evils, even its worker-minions and founders.

Conservatives must arise and be heard now and in November.  Now, because November is too late to make a change.  The fight is now!  We MUST “Send Out the Clowns!”   We must: eliminate the stupid from leadership, free the media from censorship, speak freely once again about anything, re-orient our young to the presence of God in our country and society, sanitize our schools, colleges and universities, and restart our law enforcement, and justice system with integrity.

The coming elections must be valid and legal and legitimate.  We must have voter IDs. The only reason not having them is so the Democrat party can cheat, and the same with mail-in ballots out of control, dead people voting, etc.   We must realize that this is a fight, a battle for freedom in America.  The Democrat party will fight in any way possible to win four more years of insanity.  Its heinous plans are already in motion, funded by billionaires expecting benefits for their financial support.

To all conservatives:  This is no place for the weak.  Coming rapidly toward us is an old-fashioned street brawl, bare-knuckled and as dirty as possible.  Knowing this, we must be stronger starting immediately.  We need to think!  Speak freely! Act fearlessly!  Sitting this one out is not an option.  You are either for us and with us or against us and with them.  Please!  Help us!   “Send Out the Clowns.”     God Bless America!!!


“NexGen Marxism”  by Mike Gonzalez and Katharine Cornell Gorka