We have come to a very sad point in our ongoing American history. We are suffering from a “rot” within our society and our government.  We slogged and suffered through eight years of a left, liberal, socialistic thinking administration.  It left us weakened both domestically and in our foreign policy, not to mention economically.  This was the legacy of a Democrat administration and a Democrat strangle-hold of the House of Representatives.  Please take a minute and think about that term –  representatives.  This group is supposed to represent the thinking of their constituents no matter which party they belong to.  They are NOT supposed to forget about their constituents and just attach themselves to a bloc of politically motivated like-minded politicos.  They are instead representing the citizens who voted them to their present positions. Please think about the term “citizens” who are qualified to vote in the first place.  This is fundamental to our constitutionality.

Keeping the above in mind, let us remember that when a Republican became president in 2016, the Democrat party generally, and the House specifically, did everything possible to block policies that would eventually heal our national ills.  They tried impeachment based on fake info and every other means of obstruction they could find. This is government at its worst.  Many of the new policies were actually based on common sense, scientific fact and need.  Securing our Southern borders and adjusting our foreign policies and trade agreements back to our own advantage reversed the extensive outsourcing that erased jobs from our own work force.  There are many other examples of policies that have, or would have, benefitted our whole society if they had not been blocked by the bad decisions based on the corrupted thinking of the Democrat party.

All of this has culminated in an election, after four years of political nastiness from the misguided party in legislative power,  in a corrupt election process in November of 2020.  Instituted were mail-in voting which invited corruption, faulty voting machines with built-in corruption, and covert vote-counting in individual states which resulted in thousands of votes from the deceased, prisoners, illegals, underage voters, and stuffing ballot boxes with fake names and even no names.  This resulted, in many cases, in more ballots than voters, and when competent and impartial oversight is blocked, corruption rules. All of this is made possible by state governors and mayors who openly espouse the far left, socialism and even communism. These are the same governors and mayors who allowed domestic terrorism to continue into the destruction of property, businesses and even whole downtowns by hate-filled and hate-funded organizations such as Antifa and BLM.  All of this is unconscionable in our free society.   Freedom does not include anarchy and fascism. The paid activists who cause strife and destruction are unintelligent cowards and bullies. The only way to deal with these low-lifes locally, nationally or even globally is direct and decisive force to completely shut them down.

The next trial for the American people was the advent of a virus from China.  We still don’t know if it was accidentally spread or chemical terrorism, but it has affected virtually every corner of the earth.  We have all had to deal with sickness and death, masks and quarantines, the shut downs of businesses, entertainment, and the destruction of many types of small businesses.  Our president dealt with this swiftly and decisively  when it was first discovered by shutting down travel and assembling the best medical and chemical advisors available at the time.  These actions and the daily info sessions undoubtably saved many lives by preventing, or at least inhibiting, the rapid and pervasive spread of the virus.  Please note that at every step of this process the Democrat party was adversarial with opposing opinions intended to block progress.  All of their thinking was to be proved wrong or just blatant lies.  And of course the news and all of the media were, and continue to be, complicit.  We are still dealing with the effects of this virus which probably has morphed, making a universal vaccine problematic.  Even so, the first version of the vaccine was released  with much less testing and research than would be normal and advisable.  This being the case, the future opening of all places of business, including schools, is an unknown factor.

Hand in hand with the socialist Democrats is the media of all kinds. who daily spread negativity and misinformation and even lies.  But keep in mind, that, like a very tasty drink laced with an undetectable poison, any unthinking or unintelligent person will swallow the content eagerly and even ask for more and more.  The news is sugar-coated and gift wrapped to entrap and ensnare as many people as possible to adopt the evil party line they are paid to disseminate.  Both parties and many other people agree that they do not like the personality of the President, but they all forget about the issues and policies of great value that he has instituted despite the obstruction and  obstacles that have been thrown at him.  They also forget that he is a consummate businessman as was Harry Truman. Our president is not a politician. Having worked a lifetime in business, he has built and accomplished many things of value to our society.  He is refreshingly honest and is able to get done what he says he will do which is why he was elected by the American people in the first place. In being able to complete tasks and find solutions to problems, his personality is not set up to kiss asses like most politicians but to kick them. Ultra-sensitive and whiney personalities common to liberals and those with PC personalities don’t like this treatment.   When they hear the word “No,” they act like a child caught with a hand in a cookie jar, not as thinking adults.  Conversely, “common sense” citizens tend to love his straightforward honesty and ability to follow through and accomplish designated tasks.  Everyone should respect his love for America, our military, our police, fire and essential workers of all kinds, as well as his love of the working class, the people who had the good sense to elect him.

At this point we need to pray for the ascendancy of common sense in all citizens, the return of the education of our young to the truth of our history and morals and the ability to think and analyze information. America is not perfect, but we are the best there is.  Let us all return to the love and respect that our country deserves. God bless us all, and may God continue to bless America.