Our twelfth month is usually the happiest month of the year. The themes are the celebration of the birth of Christ, giving gifts to our loved ones, singing carols of love and joy, partying with friends and neighbors, saying “Merry Christmas” to everyone we meet while shopping or just as a greeting, caring for others and the less fortunate, and showing kindness to others and expecting the same. Food is also important and features special recipes and confections that aren’t an everyday occurrence. December has usually been a very special month for people of any age from newborns to seniors. So what has happened?
When God is lessened in our thinking, or removed from public view, or even eliminated from the reason for the season, a great void appears. Nothing seems to make sense any more. The pandemic is a part of the cause, but not exclusively. We have known for many centuries that when God is not present, the devil (evil personified) is present. This circumstance accounts for many, if not most of our societal problems today. Evil inevitably becomes an unwanted addiction. It takes over and ruins lives. It pits people, nations, ideologies, even religions against one another and is unyielding. Like most addictions, evil can’t be eliminated by ourselves alone, it takes a committed support group with longevity and tenacity to even begin to remove it from its mission, which is total destruction of anything and everything with which it comes in contact. First, however, we must begin to recognize that it is evil that has taken over. This may seem possible at first glance, but the difficulties soon reveal themselves. Evil is very charismatic, desirable, convenient, seemingly necessary, and stylish, cool, hip, etc., but also something that entraps and ensnares its victims like alcohol, drugs, sex, fame, fortune and power. Evil not only has you in its clutches, but increases its demands by causing you to want more and more and even more until you are totally consumed.
This may seem a real downer for this usually joyous time of the year, but reality normally shakes us up a bit to get our attention, and then pinches and then hurts when we don’t listen to it. Think of all of the hate, unkindness, homelessness, race-baiting, violence, destruction, theft, and murder that are occurring all too frequently. The perpetrators are not happy people. They are addicted to mayhem of all sorts in the name of societal restructure (Marxism, Socialism, even Communism) as a way to get rid of all the structures that underpin our laws and government so that they have total control in which to further their evil addictions over all, and then erode our way of life into the lowest possible common denominator. There would be no right or wrong, only rule by the most powerful. No one lasts very long in this type of set-up. So what is the solution?
Common sense must rule in any aspect of a society. Governments at any level, laws, courts, judges, police, military, fire, first responders, medical workers, all must use common sense to shore us up against erosion. Religions, businesses, neighborhoods, teachers and schools must also adhere to the highest possible standards. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights must stand as originally written to safeguard our freedoms as we also protect its tenets. All citizens must be heard, which is the reason that our elections must be sacrosanct and protected and supervised by qualified people with the highest standards. And, as we have locks on the doors to our houses and cars, and fences in our neighborhoods, we need to securely close the borders to our country. We need to stop the destructive stream of the undocumented from infecting our already vulnerable cities. We need to be able to speak freely about anything to anybody with impunity, to criticize, and to offer alternate solutions. Science is not carved into stone, it is constantly evolving as we learn more and more.
Also, a little belief in Santa and elves and magic, and some dreaming of better ways to live together and the appeal of a White Christmas could free us up to be more kind in this season of love and rebirth and the promise of hope and prosperity in the coming New Year. But only if we, all of us together begin to stop the erosion and shore up our nation from sea to shining sea.
So let’s all wish each other a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and mean it, and demand it, and passionately want it enough to bring God back into our lives and with all of our hearts and minds, eliminate evil. That said, may God continue to Bless these United States of America.