December is usually cooler and more stark, with leaves having fallen in November. There is also usually rain and snow somewhere, and lots of dark clouds. We seem to deal with this darkness by assimilating a holiday spirit throughout the month. Even though Christmas is toward the end of the month, the preparations for food, parties and shopping for gifts cover the whole month. It is also a bittersweet month, with high highs and low lows for some of us. But we seem to compensate for this darkness and gloom with an abundance of lights, bright colors, festive foods, and dress and music that is very different from the rest of the year. The music concerns the holidays, Santa, the birth of Jesus, and many other things, humorous and romantic which surround this season. My memories are of anticipation. Expectations, whether of gifts, Christmas Day itself, thoughts of vacation and free time, or just gifts. One year in particular stands out when I think back to my childhood. I wished for a shiny silver BB pistol. Perfect for select targets. I planned, I campaigned, I cajoled, I overdid it in every way possible. To no effect. However, when Christmas Day finally came, there it was, under the tree, wrapped and waiting for me – and with its own target. The day was filled with BB’s. The target kept getting placed farther & farther away down the hall, the excitement waning… and then my dad stepped into the hall, slightly farther down than the target. I was prone on the floor, poised for another boring shot when I noticed in the way he was standing, his sock was down, and his pant leg was slightly up, exposing just a small section of his bare leg… and, I knew I shouldn’t, but I could… make the shot. I wavered only a second or two, then pulled the trigger. A jerk, a slight yelp, and a searching glance told me I had scored… sort of…and then, no more BB’s until January – I think. (it’ll be a “cold day” when you get THAT back again). These moments stay with you. Here in my new (4 month old) web site, I have a Christmas album which is full of Christmas memories, but with a unique twist to each track… ME…! I encourage you to sample each track, and, if you wish, you can download and carry them with you through this season of ups & downs (all are included). MERRY CHRISTMAS – 2012.