The undeveloped mind is still controlled by the primitive (reptilian) brain. It lacks the logic and intelligence that it gains by experience and the growth of the neo cortex.  Usually somewhere in the twenties the brain begins to mature.  This should explain a lot to adults who must deal with the undeveloped brain in their daily lives.  It also should explain to an extent why there is so much controversy in schools, colleges and universities.  Teachers and professors are supposed to understand this dynamic when dealing with problems, unless they are actually part of the problem. We are seeing the results in our daily news of out-of-control teaching as proposed and supported by the NEA and AFT.  These organizations are adept at dealing with millennials,GenEx, GenZ and beyond.  They and the “New World Order” depend on this understanding for the manipulation and control of the young.

The undeveloped mind is cart blanche.  These minds are easily seduced by ideas that are outlawed, attractive and glitzy, popular with their peers and the “in crowd.”  This is initially manifested in hair styles, clothing, tattoos, metal rings, make-up, and attitudes.  All of these have happened throughout the ages for the same reasons.  But these tend to morph into a next generation of protests against the present establishment, or any establishment in order to rise above whatever circumstances they (the young) feel oppressed or threatened by: e.g. parents, police, laws or restrictions of any kind, on up to governments both local and national. And so the search begins for something different, more attractive, and (unknowably) seductive. Forget about dangerous.  Remember that the young are (to themselves) immortal.  Think movies.

The result of the above is another morph into the most popular seductions of the “get on the bandwagon” moment.  Vegans (who needs protein), leftism (anything you wish for is OK), racism (revenge, how to milk the establishment), gender switching (today I have mixed X’s and Y’s), acronyms that are sweet and “kitchy” (CRT, DEI, BLM, ANTIPHA, WOKE, etc.), no religion (who needs God?), hiring at any level by skin color (skin or gender equals best qualified?), no law enforcement (what good are the police).  And anyone who thinks differently are backward thinkers or blamers or worse yet, conservatives.

And again, the result of the above is more of a pull into “Pinocchio’s Island of Lost Boys.” Anything you want is available, and as much as you want, no restrictions.  Porno World? (sure), One World?  Definitely!  But, no Jews, no whites, no history (it begins now), no new children (these pesky things will be aborted immediately or at any time after birth), only men can have children!  So now we are finally ready for the ultimate in “One World:”  Socialism/Marxism (which are pre-Communism).  Are any of the young beginning to wake up yet?

In order to have Socialism/Communism there must be total control (Totalitarianism).  “Anything goes” just went.  There is no longer any room for gays, blurred genders, the disabled in any way, free-thinkers (or thinkers at all). Everyone belongs to the State.  Everyone works for the State on a collective of some kind.  There is total censorship (we are very close now).  Police are in total charge of the State’s laws and their enforcement.  There is no longer any freedom.

So if this is totally depressing, then think about how easily we can get to the above.  We are presently on a very slippery slope in that direction.  Think of our young now that are anti-Semites protesting with and supporting the terrorist Palestinians who with Hamas and Hezbollah murdered innocent people in GAZA just because they were there.  They are still at it. And they still have hostages. And the International Criminal Court (ICC) wants to arrest Netanyahu for war crimes for retaliation against these terrorists (protecting his country).  Shameful.  Someone needs to educate our young that they need to wake up!  And check the intentions of the ICC. Check both sides of our political issues. Check the agendas of both of our political parties, and check out those who would implement these agendas.

Terrorists don’t care who they kill.   Our open border has invited in millions of undocumented persons who could unleash terrors against us that we won’t realize until they hit us while we are sleeping.  We are all vulnerable.  The aftermath would be unimaginable. We need to get out and vote for sanity in November.  And forget about personalities.  Instead think about accomplishments.  If you still don’t get it, then read books by sane writers, listen to people who talk sense, not the wishful thinking of the liberal left.  Or the leftist, censored media. They are paving the path to doom.  It is time for all of us to openly express our love for the United States of America and to stop glorifying weakness.  Let us stop the divisiveness of the racists, Hollywood leaches, and a Democrat party with one agenda – to turn us into a Socialist country.  Vote!    Vote for our children’s future. And may God Bless America