I am back now for some comments that I have been storing up. Since we were in the process of moving, I could not even think creatively or critically during February and March. And I am still adapting and recovering, so I am not sure how together I am even now. But I have to start somewhere.
Much has happened politically in the last few months. Most of it has been negative and difficult to assimilate. This makes my thinking confused because of the pervasive and slanted reporting by all of the media. I am reading a book called “Bonhoeffer” by Eric Metaxas. It is about a young priest in Germany beginning in the 20’s and continuing through the rise of Adolph Hitler. Diedrich Bonhoeffer, the young priest, is from a well-to-do family who is politically connected pre-Hitler. They are very aware of what is really happening, as are many other people, and they begin to warn their friends to try to do something to prevent what is surely coming if Hitler has his way. The signs of trouble are unmistakeable to all reasoning people with any degree of common sense. But most citizens and clergy fail to acknowledge these signs. The church leaders, bishops and priests see their freedoms being eroded but they continue to think that they can reason with Hitler and his thugs. The most astounding part of this book is the realization that many of the beginning restrictions, threats, censorships and losses of freedom are beginning to happen to us today here in the United States.
Businesses and shops in large cities are being trashed, looted and burned with impunity because the failed leadership in those states inhibit law enforcement from keeping the peace. This is sad, frustrating, unheard of, and certainly illegal. No one in a leadership capacity should be able to inhibit the protection of their citizens or their businesses and property. This happened in the beginnings of the Nazi party. Censorship began at the same time as did racism, and the complicity of the news and all of the media in one-sided reporting. Education was taken over by the state with only the approved party lines transmitted to the young and impressionable. Bullying in all of its forms was rampant as it is here today. If one says the wrong thing to the wrong person, one can be fired or ostracized or even jailed. These things happened in Nazi Germany and they are beginning to happen here now as a matter of routine.
It is obvious that the far left has begun to take over our society. They are virtually controlling the three branches of our government: executive, legislative and judicial. This means that the checks and balances that have allowed our government and our society to exist are gone. Needless to say, this is not only dangerous but ultimately a threat to our basic freedoms. What has been a leaning toward socialism is now a slippery slope. Open borders with the inherent crisis which is happening should be unthinkable. No country can exist for very long with this as a policy. This is like eating tainted food or drinking infected water. Our southern border states now feel the effects, but soon, as this crisis spreads, all states and cities will feel the effects like a disease or a cancer that is out of control. Racism is periodically trotted out by the very people who should want it to disappear. It is very profitable. Antifa (domestic terrorists) and BLM (Marxist sponsored) are both paid for by radical billionaires who want power and total control. Realize that total control rapidly turns into dictatorship and then into Communism. No one wins in this scenario except the billionaires who want One World, an imaginary global utopia. Keep in mind that this has never in the history of the earth worked anywhere. It is self-defeating.
What is missing now is the same question that was asked during the rise of Hitler and his National Socialism. How do we stop this move toward insanity? Do we have to go through the devastating cycle that plagued Germany until it was stopped by a world war and immense destruction? Can these democratic socialists be reasoned with? Neville Chamberlin tried this with Hitler and we all know how that turned out for Britain and most of Europe. The only thing that Hitler worried about from the beginning was the people of Germany. Were they for him or against him. He had to make Jews a scapegoat and promises of unity and a great society to “suck in” the whole population to his way of thinking. It worked then. The big question for us now is will this work again with us here in the United States. We need to convince the misguided people that voted for a socialistic administration that there is a way out. We have to be united against the evils we are now experiencing. We need to fix the broken voting process with a mandate for voter I.D. and uninhibited oversight of the process. No exceptions. The citizens of these United States do have a voice and it needs to be heard loudly and clearly. No more raising of our taxes for frivolous spending and getting deeper in debt by trillions of dollars by just printing of more money by the Federal Reserve. We have had enough of your mendacity. ” We are mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore.” God Bless America…!