The conservative mind has a conscience and makes use of it frequently. This is the basis for decisions which affect us all locally and nationally.  This also accounts for our love of our neighbor and our love for our country.  Since the media are all one-sided, we must go elsewhere for our facts and truth about issues and candidates.  We seek out honest and accurate blogs, podcasts. and reporting. We also read books and articles from reputable writers. This gives us both sides of issues,plus common sense and balance.

The liberal mind, on the other hand, does not have, or have any use for, either honesty or conscience, and their decisions reflect this. Liberals only care for other people as socialistic pawns, blocks of workers who are meant to do the bidding of the state either willingly or reluctantly.  The liberal bureaucracy feels destined to control every part of our lives. However, they do not care for our country, its Constitution, law Enforcement or laws in general.  It is all about “me.” They ultimately only espouse totalitarianism, total control, and promotion of their own perverted agenda, and trash anyone who gets in their way.

Our entire voting process needs to be based on factual information, not emotion. It also needs to be made legal by some form of voter I.D. The following is a capsulized version of what we need to be aware of in order to vote honestly in the coming presidential election.                                                               

Are you thinking?  Or just following

Biden/Harris accomplishments (within 4 years):

Open southern border – over 18 million illegal, unvetted, undocumented aliens allowed into USA.

                                     The effects will not be totally felt for decades. (for our children to deal with).

Out of control inflation – we are over $35 TRILLION in debt. The FED recklessly prints more money as needed.

                                    Not sustainable.  Bubble will burst at some time.

Disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan – Billions of dollars of new military equipment left for terrorists

                                   Bagram AFB left for terrorists.  Soldiers died, many of our citizens stranded.

Have promoted Socialist/Marxist/Communistic policies

                                  All studied Saul Alinsky playbook.

Take over schools, colleges/universities – with Woke, CRT, 1619 Project, Porn, Socialism, indoctrination.

                                  Teacher’s unions in charge, with no parental input or supervision.

Domestic terrorists – have tolerated BLM, ANTIPHA, even when they loot, burn, murder innocent people,

                                  destroy businesses always wearing hoodies and masks.

Religion     –           Support Atheism, and mandate removal of all signs of Christianity.

Systemic racism – There is no such thing.  Racism was at all time low until Obama,

                                   Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters, the Squad, and the corrupt media resurrected it.

                                  It became their most profitable road to riches while ignoring middle class and poor blacks,                             

America –              Dems  against Nationalism, Populism, love of country, “diss” National Anthem and flag.

Unions        –          Blocks of intimidated workers, pressured and threatened to vote Democrat.

DEI             –            intimidation, blackmail of companies (backed by leftist media),

                                   to hire based on skin color, sex, or politics, not qualifications.

Climate change – based on false science. If educated speak out, lose jobs, careers, publishing. Some disappear.

State run media –most of our networks, TV, radio, social media, are one-sided, socialistic, and corrupt.

Censorship  –         No freedom of speech, only the Democrat party-line. Justice system is politically weaponized.

Military      –            Forced into Woke indoctrination.  Weakened by weak, incompetent leadership.

Justice system –   Politically weaponized.  Attacking ex-president, Jan.6 kangaroo court (show trial) no legal tenets,

                                 just political, weaponized AG, DOJ. Attacking Supreme court justices personally and at homes.

Elections     –        corrupted by mail-in ballots, harvesting, stuffing ballot boxes, no voter I.D. (for cheating),

                                 move to eliminate electoral college (so largest cities can control results of elections).

Funding to Iran – Gave $100 Billion to a country which sponsors terrorists e.g. Hezbollah, Houthis, Hamas

                                  so they all can attack Israel, (and USA) as they develop nuclear weapons.

Israel       –               blocking, holding or slowing necessary weaponry for Israel to defend itself.  

                                  UN and Democrats want no retaliation from Israel when mercilessly attacked (hostages taken).

Anti-Semitism  –  Say and do nothing when college students riot in favor of Palestinians.

                                 Palestine never a country. Invented by Yasser Arafat to eliminate Israel and gradually take land.

Ukraine     –          Hundreds of billions of dollars given to a Communist country with no oversight.                                

Questionable reasons to still vote for the Democratic party and its candidates:


                                    Choice –            abortion at any length of time.  It’s my body.  (and the other body)…?

                                    Transgender – This was not a big problem until activists and the corrupt media

                                                                made it an issue for indoctrination. No parental influence allowed.

                                                               Pronouns – another issue for socialistic control, along with new Woke terminology.

                                    LGBTQ –         This has been around before and since the Romans and ancient Greeks.

                                                              There was nothing new here until activists and the corrupt media

                                                              made it an issue for control and indoctrination. (and harming teens and pre-teens).

                                    1619 Project –Rewriting history to suit leftist needs and thoughts. This was just fiction

                                                              until activists and the corrupt media made it an issue for indoctrination.

                                    CRT        –       Critical race theory is another arm of the greedy racist promoters.

                                                            This was just fiction until activists and the corrupt media

                                                            made it an issue for indoctrination.

                                    Defund Police – A very juvenile way of saying, “the freedom to do what I want

                                                            when I want to.”  Goes along with the thugs, looters, burners, etc.  Also

                                                            touted by the corrupt media and enabled by Democrat party.


Now compare all of the above and do some creative thinking.  Does any of this help me, my family

and our country?  Are any of the above family issues? Then answer these questions:  Are you thinking?

Or just following?   Following whom? Socialistic actors and musicians and sports players and athletes

who are astronomically overpaid with our money so that they can patronize the rest of us?

Billionaires like George Soros (a Communist) who can fund the most evil and vile programs with impunity?

High profile politicians like Pelosi and Schumer who have lived in luxury with the help of our money?

Thinking yet?   Let us investigate further:


Is the most controversial person in our lifetime.  He has worked all of his life.  He has bettered

his community.  As president he did not take a salary of our money.  He loves America and has

protected us and our country from unfair practices both within and without.   He is a worker.

He acts like a worker and talks straight like a worker.  The left, liberals, the Democrat party and

Communist countries do not like his honesty.  But some respect his achievements and tenacity.

His accomplishments as President are numerous and beneficial to us and our beloved country.

Under his leadership:

                  Trade agreements– with other countries, beneficial to us and the other countries.

                  Southern Border – built a wall which, if finished, would have prevented our present disaster.

                  Free speech – no censorship by the government.

                  Military – strong and unfettered.

                  Police – strong and unfettered.

                  Economy – strong, not in inflation or recession.  Gas & groceries were reasonable.

     Small businesses still existed and profited. Reduced taxes so all benefit.

                  Energy – Oil was openly available. Pipeline open.  We were energy independent and prosperous.

                  Education – unfettered by indoctrination. Available to all.

                  Porn – was absent in our daily lives and in our schools. (Social media are the biggest threat).

                  Religion – was still strong, not reviled by an atheistic state.

And for all of these and more, Donald Trump was repeatedly attacked by the media, the left,

liberals and the Democrat party for hoaxes, sex, collusions, and impeached twice. All of these were false.

Nothing was found to be true.  But he was and is still attacked unmercifully by the corrupt media and

politicians, some from his own party. There are still sleazy attorneys suing him to prevent his election.

Even after an assassination attempt, he is still pushing forward for us and for our beloved country, the

United States of America.  Let us pray for him and his family who have also been attacked. Let us return

to freedom from censorship, weaponized politics, an evil border policy, and relentless taxation.

Let us MAGA…!    And may God Bless America…!