Anyone who has read anything about socialism in other countries has been exposed to the pain and suffering and basic stupidity of this system (or anti-system). It attempts initially to attract the unsuspecting citizen who has had enough of the problems in their present way of life to more attractive and better life. In order to do this it must shut down any opposition and bring about total control of education of the young, the news media, the present political system and anyone who is able to think clearly. All of these socialist takeovers depend on thugs to bring about violence, senseless killings, destruction of property and the justice system. In connection with this, the police force must be neutralized, the military weakened, and the courts made useless by letting anyone charged with crimes from drugs to murder slide straight out the door.Is any of this starting to sound familiar? It has been happening here, slowly, in America. But not as slowly as you might think.
In the few short years of our Pandemic we are very close to having all of the above in place for the total control of our own brand of Socialism. And so we think: How has this happened so quickly? And who has caused this and promoted it? The answer is censorship. The freedom of speech guaranteed in our Constitution has been pushed aside. We are no longer allowed to oppose anything by speaking freely. Our entire justice system has been politicized against the average person. No one is immune from prosecution (persecution) for just speaking out or even speaking with each other if it is in opposition to the present propaganda of the ruling party. The DOJ and FBI are laying in wait for anyone who slips up and opposes the ruling party.
Why are seemingly intelligent people still in the Democrat party? Why are they still supporting policies that are destructive, violent, hateful, harmful and ridiculously stupid? Are they so full of the propaganda that they can no longer think clearly? Do they just mindlessly stay in a party that their parents and grandparents were in because of a false loyalty? Do they still not realize that they are supporting an evil ideology? A party which now espouses “social terrorism.”?
This rush toward Socialism started with fake science which began with global cooling, then global warming, then the “Green New Deal,” and then the coup de gras, a global Pandemic caused by a COVID virus which began mysteriously in a lab in Wuhan, China. This, along with the Federal Reserve printing billions of dollars in out-of-control money, has caused the near collapse of our economy. This in turn has also caused a lessening of income, crises in health and education, and a soaring national debt caused by the over spending of a dysfunctional government with mindless leadership. Because this clueless government has shut down all opposition, it has in effect changed its direction from Socialism to Communism. Total control of all citizens and enterprises in what used to be the United States of America.
Our mindless and out-of-control government is even now increasing our national debt by causing the Federal Reserve to print even more money which could cause our high inflation rate to accelerate and even cause an international financial crisis. What then when our clueless leaders have in effect put a hole in our boat (or ship of state). You might ask, who is in charge of this fiasco? Certainly not a president who has left open our southern borders to cause a looming crisis of unknown proportions. Big money? One World advocates?
The left and far left ideologues still push for their sick sexual practices to be mandated nationally starting with elementary school children. Silencing parents is a necessary part of this sickness. We need to wonder why this push toward the proven evils of Socialism causing the possible destruction of our country and its Constitution. What is the point? It has worked well for us for well over two hundred years. Who is the mastermind behind this madness and how do we, the citizens, stop it? There is no proven advantage to Socialism or the next step, Communism. The end result in both is the elimination of freedom. Only those in charge (however briefly) tend to benefit.
The Democrat party now offers: abortion – murdering babies; censorship – no political opposition; open borders – impairment of our future; elimination of law enforcement – lawlessness; inflation – economic chaos; untested health control and vaccines– indetermined future effects; weakened military and national defenses – possible take-over or destruction; destruction of monetary system – devalued dollar internationally; racism as a political tool – divisiveness; no freedom of worship – no ethics, morals or conscience; and the effects of all of the above loom ahead with undetermined consequences.
Why? Why the Left wing, Democrat push toward Socialism/Communism? It is always money and power and greed. So how do we in opposition push back? We must cause our friends, relatives, associates to leave the Democrat party. Trump is not the problem. If you have a personality conflict, don’t listen to him. Just listen or read about his policies and accomplishments. They are all beneficial to our country and all of its citizens, to our economy and our prosperity and to the basic freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution. Let us pray for free and legitimate elections and for peace brought about by freedom.
And may we all have a very Happy and meaningful, loving and above all thankful holiday of Thanksgiving during this season of uncertainty. And may God Bless America!