The word unify used to have warm, fuzzy connotations. It meant that those of us with similar ideas would be able to think alike, discuss mutually agreeable topics and congregate when and where we chose. In other words we enjoyed freedom. Unfettered freedom of choice. This has been taken for granted for many decades by most all of us who are citizens of the USA. But it is becoming painfully obvious that we can no longer assume that this is true. Unify has come to mean (politically) total control or equity.
Because we are getting dangerously close to becoming a nation with a one-party government, just voicing anything to do with freedom of speech or freedom of choice in opposition to party policy could become ultimately dangerous to conservative thinking as we have known it in America. It is definitely time to wake up and smell the roses. Complacency itself will hasten our slide on the slippery slope toward what we have been thinking of as Socialism or Marxism, but which could actually develop into something far worse. Our government, its Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches with their checks and balances are being attacked by “one party” that wants total control over our lives. All of us need to be aware of how this is happening under the guise of unity or equity.
In order for “one party” to seize control over our entire government, it needs to control all of the elections that will take place in all of our states. In order to do this, it needs to control Congress so that the laws for every state are consistent with the “one party” aim of one-sided elections. The new laws must outline: no voter I.D., voting by everyone including non-citizens, ballot harvesting, and a total lack of supervision over the voting process. Once these laws are in place, the “one party” can relax and institute the rest of their agenda at their leisure. This would include total control over: all education, all media (news, social media, entertainment, sports, etc.), all law-enforcement (military, police, fire, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, border control, National Guard, etc.), and all religions. In a word: everything. Totalitarianism. With some Fascism thrown in for balance. All of the above may seem bizarre and maybe reporting that the “sky is falling” at this point, but the seeds are already in place. The wheels are already in motion. We all just need to become aware of what is gradually happening.
The counterculture and “one party” we are dealing with doesn’t like and ultimately won’t permit God, religion, kindness, love, law and order, law enforcement or authority of any kind. They are also extremely racist with Caucasians foremost in their sights for the moment. They are especially adept at lying, cheating, blaming others for exactly what they are doing and accusing innocent people of crimes that they know are false. Conservatives are now being labeled as “terrorists.” They have blamed Trump until there is now nothing left he has done or that he can even be falsely accused of that is remotely credible. And the attempt to rewrite history by bringing the evils of slavery and racism of the past to our own times and assigning blame to Caucasians now living to suit their own godless aims is unconscionable. All of the above examples are fraught with an evil intent that is designed to intimidate or blackmail anyone with conservative thinking or even thinking at all.
When Trump (an outsider to politics) took office, he saw the governmental bureaucracy as a business with many faults. He started to correct those faults by opening doors and windows. At this point the bottom-feeding inhabitants went scurrying when the lights shown on them and their outmoded and unnecessary lobbies and policies. Their obsession after that became shutting out the light. And they have been desperately trying to do this ever since. Evil exists where there is no light, no questioning, no discussion and no opposition.
The presumptive “one party” that is developing can be seen even now as: race based, elected by cheating, characterizing citizens as guilty until proven innocent, permitting the Executive Branch to: rule by decree with total control, printing money at will to cause inflation, shutting down our oil reserves so that we are energy dependent, laying the groundwork for a welfare state, and letting BLM and ANTIFA have a free pass at violence, destruction, looting and even murder. The “credo” of these acronyms is now: If I don’t get what I want, (court decisions, defund police, preferential treatment) I will riot, burn, loot or destroy with impunity. And the “one party” whole-heartedly supports this arm of their Fascism. We are being led by liars, cheaters and godless people who are basically evil, with no ethics, morals or the basic humanity that it takes to lead.
It is now time for all of us to come to the aid of our country. Not an easy task when there is very little freedom of choice and rampant censorship of free speech not only by the “one party” but also Big Tech and the news, including all of the media. But we have the examples and the writings of our forefathers to guide us as well as our legitimate American history. So let’s go…! Let us educate ourselves to the issues and policies that are wrong, anti-American, and seeking to strangle us. Let us also become knowledgeable activists in the best sense of the word. Let us reclaim the word “unify” for the common purpose of saving our Constitution, our government, and our way of life. And above all, let us sing, say and shout unceasingly: “May God Bless America”…!